Man pages for QBRC/RODProt
An R Client for Interacting with Data Encoded in one of the 'Open Data Protocols' Standards.

as.integer.hashFactorConvert a hashFactor to integer
cast_typeConvert data type names
flush_cacheFlush the cache.
get_resourceDownload Data Package Resource
GetterGeneric class to retrieve objects
hashFactorCreate a hashFactor
HMACGetterHMAC getter
HTTPGetterHTTP-based getter
incorporate_foreign_keysFactorize foreign keys
LocalGetterLocal file getter
print.dataPackagePrint a dataPackage
RawGetterRaw/Passthrough Getter
read_data_packageRead in a data package.
read_json_tableA function to read in a JSON Table Schema
read_schemaed_csvA function to read in a CSV schemaed using JSON Table Schema
write_json_tableWrite a table in the JSON Table Schema format.
QBRC/RODProt documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:11 p.m.