dvcurator -- A set of common Dataverse Curation tasks

The tool is based on QDR's curation practices and will likely require modifications for other repositories.


The tools main function start_curation() initiates the process of curation by 1. Creating github issues for standard curation tasks and associating them with a github Project for the curation of the data project. 2. Creating a local curation folder with subfolders for Original Deposit and QDR Prepared (this should typically be in Dropbox) 3. Downloading the .zip file for the full data project to the Original Deposit folder and an unzipped version to QDR Prepared for further Curation 4. Downloading a list of a files with associated metadata as a .csv file to the same folder.

The tool also implements an entirely separate function, datasets_byDate() that creates an .html file with citations of all datasets published within a specified date range.


This package won't go to CRAN given its customized nature. install using remotes:

if (!require("remotes")) {

Getting started

The tool requires the development version of the Dataverse R client. Install that from github using

if (!require("remotes")) {

The tool requires the following environmental variables to be set: A github token using Sys.setenv("GITHUB_PAT" = "key") * To create a github token, go to your github developer settings/personal access tokens at * Click on "Generate New Token" * Give the token a recognizable name such as "QDR Curation" and check the following boxes: * repo * admin:org * notifications * write:discussion * Click "Generate Token" at the bottom of the screen. Make sure to note down your token and keep it safe (you won't be able to access this later) A dataverse API key using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = "key") - this must be for the dataverse installation you will work with. * Find or create this under (substitute the domain if not using QDR) --> API Token * Typically a dataverse server instance, although start_curation() will default to QDR in the absence of such a variable. Set using Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "") (e.g., for the demo installation)

Failure to specify either of the first two environmental variables will trigger and error and prevent the script from running.

QualitativeDataRepository/dvcurator documentation built on Nov. 8, 2021, 10 a.m.