Man pages for QuantGen/symDMatrix
Partitioned Symmetric Matrices

as.symDMatrixCoerce an Object to a symDMatrix Object
as.symDMatrix.characterCoerce a Character Vector to a symDMatrix Object
as.symDMatrix.matrixCoerce a Matrix to a symDMatrix Object
blockIndexReturn the Block Structure of a symDMatrix Object
blockSizeReturn the Block Size of a symDMatrix Object
load.symDMatrixLoad symDMatrix Objects from .RData Files
nBlocksReturn the Number of Column/Row Blocks of a symDMatrix Object
symDMatrixCreate a New symDMatrix Instance
symDMatrix-classA Matrix-Like Class to Represent a Symmetric Matrix...
symDMatrix-packageA Package Providing Symmetric Matrices Partitioned into...
QuantGen/symDMatrix documentation built on Aug. 7, 2020, 10:17 p.m.