

This package is a wrapper on saturn traffic modelling software to improve saturn and R workflow. It’s functions use SATURN built in XEXES as a backend and allow R users to interact with the most common SATURN files such as UFM matrices and UFS files

Currently you can:


# You can install the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")

Intro to Matrix manipulation

Matrix manipulation using the built in tools in Saturn can be cumbersome whith this package you can load the data into R modify it and save it again.

The Package comes with some example files for you to test you can see them with

#> [1] "2014_Coordinates.dat"     "BlckCt_2015_5UC_TS11.UFM"
#> [3] "Epsom98mat.UFM"           "Epsom98oba.UFS"

To modify the example Epsom98 matrix first we need to set up out XEXES folder as our back end.

set_xexes("C:/Program Files (x86)/Atkins/SATURN/XEXES 11.4.07H MC X7/") # Using a particular version of the backend

The we can read the matrix. It only has one user class, 12 zones and 144 rows

epsom_mat <- saturnR_example("Epsom98mat.UFM") 

mat <- read_ufm(epsom_mat)

#>      origin destination user_class   trips
#>   1:      1           1          1   0.000
#>   2:      1           2          1   8.361
#>   3:      1           3          1  31.500
#>   4:      1           4          1 226.728
#>   5:      1           5          1  84.735
#>  ---                                      
#> 140:     12           8          1  10.952
#> 141:     12           9          1   0.000
#> 142:     12          10          1   0.000
#> 143:     12          11          1   0.000
#> 144:     12          12          1   0.000

If we wanted to analyse the trips between zone 3 and 4 we could use:

selected_trips <- (mat$origin == 3 & mat$destination == 4) | # from 3 to 4
  (mat$origin == 4 & mat$destination == 3) # or from 4 to 3

#>    origin destination user_class   trips
#> 1:      3           4          1  53.496
#> 2:      4           3          1 152.712

Then we can increase them by a fixed ammount.

fixed_increase <- 200 # A new development adds 200 trips

mat$trips[selected_trips] <- mat$trips[selected_trips] + 200

#>    origin destination user_class   trips
#> 1:      3           4          1 253.496
#> 2:      4           3          1 352.712

Finally we could save the matrix

write_ufm(mat, "Epsom_new_dev.UFM")

R-AECOM/SaturnR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 2:46 p.m.