Man pages for R-Finance/Meucci
Collection of functionality ported from the MATLAB code of Attilio Meucci.

BlackLittermanFormulaComputes the Black-Litterman formula for the moments of the...
BlackScholesCallPriceCompute the Black-Scholes price of a European call or put...
butterfliesAnalyticslist of securities with analytics computed.
Central2RawTransforms first n central moments into first n raw moments...
CentralAndStandardizedStatisticsCompute central and standardized statistics.
CMAcombinationCMA combination. Glues an arbitrary copula and arbitrary...
CMAseparationCMA separation. Decomposes arbitrary joint distributions...
ComputeCVaRComputes the conditional value at risk as it appears in A....
ComputeMomentsTakes a matrix of joint-scenario probability distributions...
ComputeMVECompute the minimum volume ellipsoid for a given...
CondProbViewsInput conditional views
ConvertChangeInYield2PriceConvert change in yield-to-maturity to price for fixed-income...
ConvertCompoundedReturns2PriceConvert compounded returns to prices for equity-like...
Cumul2RawMap cumulative moments into raw moments.
dbFFPHistorical Scenarios with Fully Flexible Probabilities...
derivativesimplied vol for options on SPX
DetectOutliersViaMVEUse the minimum volume ellipsoid to detect outliers
DoubleDecayComputes a double-decay covariance matrix.
efficientFrontierConstruct the mean-variance efficient frontier using a...
EfficientFrontierPricesComputes the mean-variance efficient frontier (on prices) by...
EfficientFrontierReturnsCompute the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by...
EfficientFrontierReturnsBenchmarkComputes the mean-variance efficient frontier (on returns) by...
EntropyProgEntropy pooling program for blending views on scenarios with...
Equitiesdaily stock prices from the utility sector in the S&P 500
factorsDistributionPanel X of joint factors realizations and vector p of...
FDButterfliesFactor Distribution Butterflies
fILMRFully Integrated Liquidity and Market Risk Model dataset.
Fit2MomsUses Entropy Pooling to compute a double-decay covariance...
FitExpectationMaximizationExpectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to recover missing...
FitMultivariateGarchEstimation of multivariate GARCH models
FitOrnsteinUhlenbeckFits a multivariate Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process at...
FitOUFit the Ornstein-uhlenbeck process to model the behavior for...
fixedIncomeUS government yield curve and bond yield data
freaqEstscenarios table and prior distribution for changes in SWAP2YR...
garch1f4Fit a GARCH(1,1) model with student-t errors
garch2f8Off-diagonal parameter estimation in bivariate GARCH(1,1)...
gaussHermiteMeshGenerates grid reprensentation of a distribution according to...
GenerateLogNormalDistributionGenerate arbitrary distribution of a shifted-lognormal...
GenerateUniformDrawsOnUnitSphereGenerate a uniform sample on the unit hypersphere.
GenFirstEigVectThis function generates the first eigen vector
GenPCBasisThis function computes the conditional principal portfolios
hermitePolynomialGenerate a Hermite Polynomial of order n
HorizonPricingCompute the pricing in the horizon as it appears in A....
integrateSubIntervalsIntegrate the subinterval for the given cumulative...
InterExtrapolateInterpolate and extrapolate using n-linear interpolation...
kernelbwGenerates bandwidth of a Gaussian Kernel Density Estimator...
kernelcdfEvaluates cumulative distribution function for the input...
kernelinvEvaluates inverse probability distribution function for the...
kernelpdfEvaluates probability distribution function for the input...
LeastInfoKernelComputes least information kernel smoothing
linearModelparameters for the explicit factors / implicit loadings...
linreturnGenerate arithmetric returns and arithmetric covariance...
Log2LinMaps moments of log-returns to linear returns .
LognormalCopulaPdfComputes the pdf of the copula of the lognormal distribution...
LognormalMoments2ParametersComputes the mean and standard deviation of a lognormal...
LognormalParam2StatisticsCompute expectation, covariance, standard deviation and...
LongShortMeanCVaRFrontierComputes the long-short conditional value at risk frontier as...
MaxEntropyThis function computes the extreme frontier
MaxRsqCSSolve for G that maximises sample r-square of X*G'*B' with X...
MaxRsqTSSolve for B that maximises sample r-square of F'*B' with X...
MeanTCEntropyFrontierThis function computes the mean diversification efficient...
MleRecursionForStudentTCompute recursively the ML estimators of location and scatter...
MvnRndGenerate normal simulations whose sample moments match the...
NoisyObservationsGenerate observations from a two asset covariance matrix and...
NormalCopulaPdfComputes the pdf of the copula of the normal distribution at...
normalizeProbGenerates the normalized probability for an input probability...
OUstepGenerate the next element based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
OUstepEulerGenerate the next element based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process...
PanicCopulaCopula-Marginal Algorithm (CMA)
PartialConfidencePosteriorConstructs the partial confidence posterior based on a prior,...
PerformIidAnalysisPerforms simple invariance (i.i.d.) tests on a time series.
pHistGenerates histogram
pHistPriorPosteriorPlot prior and posterior distributions.
PlotCompositionEfficientFrontierPlots the efficient frontier
PlotDistributionsPlot numerical and analytical prior and posterior...
PlotFrontierPlots the efficient frontier, as it appears in A. Meucci,...
PlotMarginalsNormalInverseWishartPlot the marginals of the normal-inverse-Whishart model....
PlotResultsPlots the results of computing the efficient frontier...
PlotVolVsCompositionEfficientFrontierPlot the efficient frontier in the plane of portfolio weights...
Prior2PosteriorCalculate the full-confidence posterior distributions of Mu...
private_funEvaluates the difference between calculated cumulative...
ProjectionStudentTPerform the horizon projection of a Student t invariant
QuantileMixtureComputes the quantile of a mixture distribution by linear...
RandNormalInverseWishartGenerates a multivariate i.i.d. sample of lenght J from the...
Raw2CentralTransforms the first n raw moments into the first n central...
Raw2CumulTransforms raw moments into cumulants
RejectOutlierFinds the "worst" outlier in a multivariate time series
returnsDistributionPanel X of joint returns realizations and vector p of...
RIEfficientFrontierGenerates an efficient frontier based on Meucci's Ranking...
robustBayesianPortfolioOptimizationConstruct a Bayesian mean-variance efficient frontier and...
sectorsSnP500data from the sectors in the S&P 500
sectorsTSstock returns by sectors
securitiesIndustryClassificationStock Indices
securitiesTSStock Returns.
SimulateJumpDiffusionMertonSimulates a Merton jump-diffusion process.
stdCalculates the population standard deviation
StockSeriesStock Series
StudentTCopulaPdfPdf of the copula of the Student t distribution at the...
subIntervalsGenerate the intervals containing jth point of the grid.
SummStatsCompute summary stats
swap2y4ySwaps for 2y and 4y
TimeSeriesTime Series
Tweaktweak a matrix
TwoDimEllipsoidComputes the location-dispersion ellipsoid of the normalized...
UsSwapRatesUS Swap Rates
ViewCurveSlopeProcess views for the expectations and binding constraints as...
ViewImpliedVolProcess the inequality view, as it appears in A. Meucci,...
ViewRankingComputes posterior probabilities to view the rankings, as it...
ViewRealizedVolProcess the relative inequality view on median, as it appears...
R-Finance/Meucci documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.