Man pages for R-Lum/BayLum
Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating

AgeC14_ComputationBayesian analysis for C-14 age estimations of various samples
Age_ComputationBayesian analysis for the OSL age estimation of one sample
Age_OSLC14Bayesian analysis for age estimation of OSL measurements and...
AgeSOutput of 'AgeS_Computation' function for the samples: "GDB5"...
AgeS_ComputationBayesian analysis for OSL age estimation of various samples
BayLum-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'BayLum'.
BayLum-packageChronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically...
combine_DataFilesCombine objects
create_DataFilePrepare input data for subsequent BayLum Analysis
create_FolderTemplatesCreate Folder Templates
create_ThetaMatrixCreate Theta Matrix
DATA1DATA of sample named GDB3
DATA2DATA on sample named GDB5
DATA3DATA of sample named FER1
DATA_C14C14 cal age estiamte and its error
Generate_DataFile-deprecatedGenerates, from one (or several) BIN-file(s) of Single-grain...
Generate_DataFile_MG-deprecatedGenerates, from one (or several) BIN file(s) of Multi-grain...
IntCal13Atmospheric North data for calibration of 14C age
IntCal20Atmospheric North data for calibration of 14C age
LT_RegenDose-deprecatedPlots Lx/Tx as a function of the regenerative dose...
Marine13Marine data for calibration of 14C age
Marine20Marine data for calibration of 14C age
MCMCsampleMCMC sample from the posterior distribution of the dataset...
Model_AgeJAGS models use in 'Age_Computation'
Model_AgeC14JAGS models use in 'AgeC14_Computation'
Model_AgeSJAGS models use in 'AgeS_Computation'
ModelC14Likelihood of C14 samples for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
ModelOSLLikelihood of OSL samples for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
Model_PalaeodoseJAGS models use in 'Palaeodose_Computation'
ModelPriorPrior for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
Palaeodose_ComputationBayesian analysis for the palaeodose estimation of various...
plot_AgesCreate Age Plot
plot_MCMCPlot MCMC trajectories and posterior distributions
plot_RegDosePointsPlot Regeneration Dose Points
plot_ScatterplotsDisplay Scatter Plot Matrix of the Bayesian Age Results
SCMatrixConstruct the Stratigraphic Constrain Matrix Interactively
SC_OrderedCreate Stratigraphically Ordered Sample Matrix
SHCal13Atmospheric South data for calibration of 14C age
SHCal20Atmospheric South data for calibration of 14C age
write_BayLumFilesWrite BayLum .csv-files
write_YAMLConfigFileWrite Auto Generated YAML BayLum Configuration File to the...
R-Lum/BayLum documentation built on July 15, 2024, 3:49 a.m.