Man pages for R4EPI/msfmisc
Miscellaneous helper tools for epidemiologists

add_weights_clusterAdd a column of cluster survey weights to a data frame.
add_weights_strataAdd a column of stratified survey weights to a data frame....
age_categoriesCreate an age group variable
dots_to_charlistConvert dots to a list of character vectors
epikit-packageepikit: Miscellaneous helper tools for epidemiologists
fac_from_numcreate factors from numbers
find_breaksAutomatically calculate breaks for a number
find_date_causeFind the first date beyond a cutoff in several columns
fmt_ciHelper to format confidence interval for text
fmt_countCounts and proportions inline
gen_polygonFake spatial data as polygons This function returns a polygon...
gen_populationGenerate population counts from estimated population age...
rename_redundantCosmetically relabel all columns that contains a certain...
unite_ciUnite estimates and confidence intervals
zcurveCreate a curve comparing observed Z-scores to the WHO...
R4EPI/msfmisc documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 4:40 a.m.