
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,
                      message = FALSE
                     ## ,
                     ##  eval = FALSE

Single Config

Create single chart from SDMX query

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
chartconfig <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "BarChart",
  highlight = list("PRINTO01", c("BEL", "FIN", "FRA")),
  baseline = list("PRMNTO01", "AUS")
  ## language = "fr"
res_ls <- post_config(
    config = chartconfig,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    path = "../examples/bar.json" # write config to disk
## browseURL(res_ls$viewer_url)
knitr::include_url(res_ls$viewer_url, height = "750px")

Scatter Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
scatter_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "ScatterChart",
  highlight = list(LOCATION = "AUT",
                   LOCATION = "FRA",
                   LOCATION = "CZE"
  chart_dimension = list(id = "SUBJECT",
                         x = "PRINTO01", y = "PRMNTO01",
                         mode = "percent"),
  baseline = list(LOCATION = "FIN")
  ,x_axis = list(min = -2, max = 4, step = 1, pivot = 1),
  y_axis = list(min = -2)
scatter_res <- post_config(
    config = scatter_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/scatter.json"
## str(scatter_config)
## scatter_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", scatter_res$id)
knitr::include_url(scatter_res$viewer_url, height = "500px")

Stacked Bar Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
stacked_bar_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "StackedBarChart",
  highlight = list(c("AUT", "BEL", "FIN")),
  baseline = list("FRA"),
  chart_dimension = list(id = "LOCATION", mode = "value")
stacked_bar_res <- post_config(
    config = stacked_bar_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/stacked_bar.json"
## str(stacked_bar_config)
## stacked_bar_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", stacked_bar_res$id)
knitr::include_url(stacked_bar_res$viewer_url, height = "500px")

Timeline Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2010&endTime=2015"
timeline_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "TimelineChart",
  highlight = list("PRINTO01", c("AUT", "BEL", "FIN")),
  baseline = list("PRINTO01", "FRA"),
  y_axis = list(min = -5, max = 10, step = 5) # max is ignored if larger values in data
timeline_res <- post_config(
    config = timeline_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/timeline.json"
## str(timeline_config)
## timeline_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", timeline_res$id)
knitr::include_url(timeline_res$viewer_url, height = "500px")

Row Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
row_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "RowChart",
  highlight = list("PRINTO01", c("AUT", "BEL", "FIN")),
  baseline = list("PRINTO01", "FRA")
row_res <- post_config(
    config = row_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/row.json"
## str(row_config)
## row_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", row_res$id)
knitr::include_url(row_res$viewer_url, height = "700px")

Vertical Symbol Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
vertical_symbol_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "VerticalSymbolChart",
  chart_dimension = list(id = "SUBJECT"),
  highlight = list(c("DNK", "AUS", "CZE")),
  baseline = list("CAN")
vertical_symbol_res <- post_config(
    config = vertical_symbol_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/vertical_symbol.json"
## str(vertical_symbol_config)
## vertical_symbol_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", vertical_symbol_res$id)
knitr::include_url(vertical_symbol_res$viewer_url, height = "700px")

Horizontal Symbol Chart

query <- "KEI/PRINTO01+PRMNTO01.AUS+AUT+BEL+CAN+CHL+CZE+DNK+EST+FIN+FRA.GP.A/all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015"
horizontal_symbol_config <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  type = "HorizontalSymbolChart",
  chart_dimension = list(id = "SUBJECT"),
  highlight = list(c("DNK", "AUS", "CZE")),
  baseline = list("CAN")
horizontal_symbol_res <- post_config(
    config = horizontal_symbol_config,
    ## url = "",
    url = "",
    post = TRUE,
    path = "../examples/horizontal_symbol.json"
## str(horizontal_symbol_config)
## horizontal_symbol_res$viewer_url
## paste0("", horizontal_symbol_res$id)
knitr::include_url(horizontal_symbol_res$viewer_url, height = "700px")

Multi Config

Create one chart per variable

var_ls <- list(
  list(code = "PRINTO01", label = "Industrial Production"),
  list(code = "PRMNTO01", label = "Total Manufacturing")

cou_c <- c("AUS", "AUT", "BEL", "CAN", "CHL", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FIN", "FRA")
cou_str <- paste(cou_c, collapse = "+")

subtitle <- c("Measure: Growth previous period", "Frequency: Annual", "Time: 2015")

query_url_ls <- lapply(var_ls, function(x) {
  query1 <- paste(x$code, cou_str, "GP", "A", sep = ".")
  query2 <- file.path("KEI", query1, "all?startTime=2015&endTime=2015")
  config <- create_config(sdmx_data_query = query2,
                          title = "Key Short-Term Economic Indicators",
                          subtitle = c(x$label, subtitle),
                          type = "BarChart",
                          highlight = list(c("BEL", "FIN", "FRA")),
                          baseline = list("AUS"),
                          language = "fr",
                          path = "../examples/bar.json" # template
    code = x$code,
    label = x$label,
    config = config

## str(query_url_ls)
chart_url_c <-
  ## sapply(query_url_ls,
         function(x) post_config(config = x$config,
                                 url = "",
                                 post = TRUE,
                                 path = paste0("../examples/multi_", x$code, ".json")

## print(chart_url_c)

knitr::include_url(chart_url_c[[1]]$viewer_url, height = "700px")
knitr::include_url(chart_url_c[[2]]$viewer_url, height = "700px")
## create temporary file
outfile <- tempfile(pattern = "chartconfig_", fileext = ".json")

## export configuration to disk
post_config(config = chartconfig, show = TRUE, path = outfile)

## read back into R
chartconfig_reimported <- jsonlite::read_json(path = outfile)
chartconfig <- create_config(
  sdmx_data_query = query,
  # title = "Key Short-Term Economic Indicators",
  # subtitle = c("Measure: Growth previous period",
  #              "Frequency: Annual",
  #              "Time: 2015"),
  # source_url = "",
  # source_label = "Key Short-Term Economic Indicators",
  logo = TRUE,
  owner = TRUE,
  type = "BarChart", # "RowChart"
  highlight = list("PRINTO01", c("BEL", "FIN", "FRA")),
  baseline = list("PRMNTO01", "AUS")
  ## ,
  ## width = 800,
  ## height = 500,
  ## path = jsonfile
  ## path = "../examples/bar.json"


R4IO/rcw documentation built on Feb. 3, 2020, 11:46 a.m.