
Defines functions TurbMoore80Red TurbLath91RedOverBlue TurbHarr92NIR TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue TurbDox02NIRoverRed TurbChip09NIROverGreen TurbBow06RedOverGreen TurbBe16RedOverViolet TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet MM12NDCIalt Be16Phy2BDA644over629 Be16NDPhyI644over629 Be16NDPhyI644over615 Be162BsubPhy Be162B700sub601 Be162B643sub629 Da052BDA Wy08CI Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 Be16NDTIviolet Be16NDTIblue SY002BDA SM122BDA SI052BDA MM143BDAopt MM12NDCI MM092BDA MI092BDA Kn07KIVU HU103BDA Go04MCI Gi033BDA De933BDA Be16NDPhyI Be16FLHviolet_OLCI Be16FLHviolet_MERIS Be16FLHviolet_LS8 Be16FLHviolet_S2 Be16FLHviolet_WV2 Be16FLHblue_OLCI Be16FLHblue_MERIS Be16FLHblue_LS8 Be16FLHblue_S2 Be16FLHblue_WV2 Am09KBBI Am092Bsub Al10SABI

Documented in Al10SABI Am092Bsub Am09KBBI Be162B643sub629 Be162B700sub601 Be162BsubPhy Be16FLHblue_LS8 Be16FLHblue_MERIS Be16FLHblue_OLCI Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 Be16FLHblue_S2 Be16FLHblue_WV2 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 Be16FLHviolet_LS8 Be16FLHviolet_MERIS Be16FLHviolet_OLCI Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 Be16FLHviolet_S2 Be16FLHviolet_WV2 Be16NDPhyI Be16NDPhyI644over615 Be16NDPhyI644over629 Be16NDTIblue Be16NDTIviolet Be16Phy2BDA644over629 Da052BDA De933BDA Gi033BDA Go04MCI HU103BDA Kn07KIVU MI092BDA MM092BDA MM12NDCI MM12NDCIalt MM143BDAopt SI052BDA SM122BDA SY002BDA TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet TurbBe16RedOverViolet TurbBow06RedOverGreen TurbChip09NIROverGreen TurbDox02NIRoverRed TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue TurbHarr92NIR TurbLath91RedOverBlue TurbMoore80Red Wy08CI

#' Al10SABI algorithm
#' Applies the Al10SABI algorithm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Alawadi, F. Detection of surface algal blooms using the newly developed algorithm surface algal bloom index (SABI). Proc. SPIE 2010, 7825.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Al10SABI <- function(w857, w644, w458, w529){
        (w857 - w644) / (w458 + w529)

#' Am092Bsub algorithm
#' Applies the Am092Bsub algorithm
#' @param w681 numeric. Value at wavelength of 681 nm
#' @param w665 numeric. Value at wavelength of 665 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Amin, R.; Zhou, J.; Gilerson, A.; Gross, B.; Moshary, F.; Ahmed, S. Novel optical techniques for detecting and classifying toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis blooms using satellite imagery. Opt. Express 2009, 17, 9126–9144.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Am092Bsub <- function(w681, w665){
        w681 - w665

#' Am09KBBI algorithm
#' Applies the Am09KBBI algorithm
#' @param w686 numeric. Value at wavelength of 686 nm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Amin, R.; Zhou, J.; Gilerson, A.; Gross, B.; Moshary, F.; Ahmed, S.; Novel optical techniques for detecting and classifying toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis blooms using satellite imagery, Optics Express, 2009, 17, 11, 1-13.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Am09KBBI <- function(w686, w658){
  (w686 - w658)/(w686 + w658)

#' Be16FLHblue_WV2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHblue_WV2 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHblue_WV2 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((546-478)/(659-478)))

#' Be16FLHblue_S2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHblue_S2 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHblue_S2 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((560-490)/(665-490)))

#' Be16FLHblue_LS8 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHblue_LS8 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHblue_LS8 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((563-483)/(655-483)))

#' Be16FLHblue_MERIS algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHblue_MERIS algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHblue_MERIS <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((510-442)/(665-442)))

#' Be16FLHblue_OLCI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHblue_OLCI algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHblue_OLCI <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((510-443)/(665-443)))

#' Be16FLHviolet_WV2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHviolet_WV2 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 429 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHviolet_WV2 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((546-427)/(659-427)))

#' Be16FLHviolet_S2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHviolet_S2 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 429 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHviolet_S2 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((560-443)/(665-443)))

#' Be16FLHviolet_LS8 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHviolet_LS8 algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 429 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHviolet_LS8 <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((563-443)/(655-443)))

#' Be16FLHviolet_MERIS algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHviolet_MERIS algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 429 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHviolet_MERIS <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((510-412)/(665-412)))

#' Be16FLHviolet_OLCI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHviolet_OLCI algorithm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 429 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.A. and 22 others; Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations, Remote Sens. Environ., 2016, 178, 15-30.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHviolet_OLCI <- function(w529, w644, w458){
  (w529) - (w644 + (w458 - w644)*((510-413)/(665-413)))

#' Be16NDPhyI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16NDPhyI algorithm
#' @param w700 numeric. Value at wavelength of 700 nm
#' @param w622 numeric. Value at wavelength of 622 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16NDPhyI <- function(w700, w622){
  (w700 - w622) / (w700 + w622)

#' De933BDA algorithm
#' Applies the De933BDA algorithm
#' @param w600 numeric. Value at wavelength of 600 nm
#' @param w648 numeric. Value at wavelength of 648 nm
#' @param w625 numeric. Value at wavelength of 625 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Dekker, A.; Detection of the optical water quality parameters for eutrophic waters by high resolution remote sensing, Ph.D. thesis, 1993, Free University, Amsterdam.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
De933BDA <- function(w600, w648, w625){
  (w600 - w648 - w625)

#' Gi033BDA algorithm
#' Applies the Gi033BDA algorithm
#' @param w672 numeric. Value at wavelength of 672 nm
#' @param w715 numeric. Value at wavelength of 715 nm
#' @param w757 numeric. Value at wavelength of 757 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Gitelson, A.A.; U. Gritz, and M. N. Merzlyak.; Relationships between leaf chlorophyll content and spectral reflectance and algorithms for non-destructive chlorophyll assessment in higher plant leaves. J. Plant Phys. 2003, 160, 271-282.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Gi033BDA <- function(w672, w715, w757){
  ((1 / w672) - (1 / w715)) * (w757)

#' Go04MCI algorithm
#' Applies the Go04MCI algorithm
#' @param w709 numeric. Value at wavelength of 709 nm
#' @param w681 numeric. Value at wavelength of 681 nm
#' @param w753 numeric. Value at wavelength of 753 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Gower, J.F.R.; Brown,L.; Borstad, G.A.; Observation of chlorophyll fluorescence in west coast waters of Canada using the MODIS satellite sensor. Can. J. Remote Sens., 2004, 30 (1), 17–25.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Go04MCI <- function(w709, w681, w753){

#' HU103BDA algorithm
#' Applies the HU103BDA algorithm
#' @param w615 numeric. Value at wavelength of 615 nm
#' @param w600 numeric. Value at wavelength of 600 nm
#' @param w725 numeric. Value at wavelength of 725 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Hunter, P.D.; Tyler, A.N.; Willby, N.J.; Gilvear, D.J.; The spatial dynamics of vertical migration by Microcystis aeruginosa in a eutrophic shallow lake: A case study using high spatial resolution time-series airborne remote sensing.  Limn. Oceanogr. 2008, 53, 2391-2406.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
HU103BDA <- function(w615, w600, w725){

#' Kn07KIVU algorithm
#' Applies the Kn07KIVU algorithm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w529 numeric. Value at wavelength of 529 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Kneubuhler, M.; Frank T.; Kellenberger, T.W; Pasche N.; Schmid M.; Mapping chlorophyll-a in Lake Kivu with remote sensing methods. 2007, Proceedings of the Envisat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland 23–27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007).
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Kn07KIVU <- function(w458, w644, w529){

#' MI092BDA algorithm
#' Applies the MI092BDA algorithm
#' @param w700 numeric. Value at wavelength of 700 nm
#' @param w600 numeric. Value at wavelength of 600 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S.; Mishra, D.R.; Schluchter, W. M., A novel algorithm for predicting PC concentrations in cyanobacteria: A proximal hyperspectral remote sensing approach. Remote Sens., 2009, 1, 758–775.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
MI092BDA <- function(w700, w600){

#' MM092BDA algorithm
#' Applies the MM092BDA algorithm
#' @param w724 numeric. Value at wavelength of 724 nm
#' @param w600 numeric. Value at wavelength of 600 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S.; Mishra, D.R.; Schluchter, W. M., A novel algorithm for predicting PC concentrations in cyanobacteria: A proximal hyperspectral remote sensing approach. Remote Sens., 2009, 1, 758–775.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
MM092BDA <- function(w724, w600){

#' MM12NDCI algorithm
#' Applies the MM12NDCI algorithm
#' @param w715 numeric. Value at wavelength of 714 nm
#' @param w686 numeric. Value at wavelength of 686 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S.; and Mishra, D.R. Normalized difference chlorophyll index: A novel model for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid productive waters, Remote Sens. Environ., 2012, 117, 394-406.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
MM12NDCI <- function(w715, w686){
  (w715 - w686) / (w715 + w686)

#' MM143BDAopt algorithm
#' Applies the MM143BDAopt algorithm
#' @param w629 numeric. Value at wavelength of 629 nm
#' @param w659 numeric. Value at wavelength of 659 nm
#' @param w724 numeric. Value at wavelength of 724 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S.; Mishra, D.R.; A novel remote sensing algorithm to quantify phycocyanin in cyanobacterial algal blooms, Env. Res. Lett., 2014, 9 (11), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/114003
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
MM143BDAopt <- function(w629, w659, w724){

#' SI052BDA algorithm
#' Applies the SI052BDA algorithm
#' @param w709 numeric. Value at wavelength of 709 nm
#' @param w620 numeric. Value at wavelength of 620 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Simis, S. G. H.; Peters, S.W. M.; Gons, H. J.; Remote sensing of the cyanobacteria pigment phycocyanin in turbid inland water. Limn. Oceanogr., 2005, 50, 237–245.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
SI052BDA <- function(w709, w620){

#' SM122BDA algorithm
#' Applies the SM122BDA algorithm
#' @param w709 numeric. Value at wavelength of 709 nm
#' @param w600 numeric. Value at wavelength of 600 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S. Remote sensing of cyanobacteria in turbid productive waters, PhD Dissertation. Mississippi State University, USA. 2012.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
SM122BDA <- function(w709, w600){

#' SY002BDA algorithm
#' Applies the SY002BDA algorithm
#' @param w650 numeric. Value at wavelength of 650 nm
#' @param w625 numeric. Value at wavelength of 625 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Schalles, J.; Yacobi, Y. Remote detection and seasonal patterns of phycocyanin, carotenoid and chlorophyll-a pigments in eutrophic waters. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Special Issues Advances in Limnology, 2000, 55,153–168.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
SY002BDA <- function(w650, w625){

#' Be16NDTIblue algorithm
#' Applies the Be16NDTIblue algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16NDTIblue <- function(w658, w458){

#' Be16NDTIviolet algorithm
#' Applies the Be16NDTIviolet algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16NDTIviolet <- function(w658, w444){

#' Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_WV2 <- function(w658, w857, w458){

#' Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_S2 <- function(w658, w857, w458){

#' Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_LS8 <- function(w658, w857, w458){

#' Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_MERIS <- function(w658, w857, w458){

#' Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHBlueRedNIR_OLCI <- function(w658, w857, w458){

#' Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_WV2 <- function(w658, w857, w558){

#' Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_S2 <- function(w658, w857, w558){

#' Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_LS8 <- function(w658, w857, w558){

#' Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_MERIS <- function(w658, w857, w558){

#' Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHGreenRedNIR_OLCI <- function(w658, w857, w558){

#' Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_WV2 <- function(w658, w857, w444){

#' Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_S2 <- function(w658, w857, w444){

#' Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_LS8 <- function(w658, w857, w444){

#' Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_MERIS <- function(w658, w857, w444){

#' Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' Applies the Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16FLHVioletRedNIR_OLCI <- function(w658, w857, w444){

#' Wy08CI  algorithm
#' Applies the Wy08CI  algorithm
#' @param w681 numeric. Value at wavelength of 681 nm
#' @param w665 numeric. Value at wavelength of 665 nm
#' @param w709 numeric. Value at wavelength of 709 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Wynne, T. T., Stumpf, R. P., Tomlinson, M. C., Warner, R. A., Tester, P. A., Dyble, J.; Relating spectral shape to cyanobacterial blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Int. J. Remote Sens., 2008, 29, 3665–3672. 
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Wy08CI  <- function(w681, w665, w709){

#' Da052BDA   algorithm
#' Applies the Da052BDA   algorithm
#' @param w714 numeric. Value at wavelength of 714 nm
#' @param w672 numeric. Value at wavelength of 672 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Wynne, T. T., Stumpf, R. P., Tomlinson, M. C., Warner, R. A., Tester, P. A., Dyble, J.; Relating spectral shape to cyanobacterial blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Int. J. Remote Sens., 2008, 29, 3665–3672. 
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Da052BDA   <- function(w714, w672){

#' Be162B643sub629    algorithm
#' Applies the Be162B643sub629    algorithm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w629 numeric. Value at wavelength of 729 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be162B643sub629    <- function(w644, w629){

#' Be162B700sub601     algorithm
#' Applies the Be162B700sub601     algorithm
#' @param w700 numeric. Value at wavelength of 700 nm
#' @param w601 numeric. Value at wavelength of 601 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be162B700sub601     <- function(w700, w601){

#' Be162BsubPhy     algorithm
#' Applies the Be162BsubPhy     algorithm
#' @param w715 numeric. Value at wavelength of 715 nm
#' @param w615 numeric. Value at wavelength of 615 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be162BsubPhy   <- function(w715, w615){

#' Be16NDPhyI644over615     algorithm
#' Applies the Be16NDPhyI644over615     algorithm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w615 numeric. Value at wavelength of 615 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16NDPhyI644over615   <- function(w644, w615){

#' Be16NDPhyI644over629     algorithm
#' Applies the Be16NDPhyI644over629     algorithm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w629 numeric. Value at wavelength of 629 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16NDPhyI644over629   <- function(w644, w629){

#' Be16Phy2BDA644over629     algorithm
#' Applies the Be16Phy2BDA644over629     algorithm
#' @param w644 numeric. Value at wavelength of 644 nm
#' @param w629 numeric. Value at wavelength of 629 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
Be16Phy2BDA644over629   <- function(w644, w629){

#' MM12NDCIalt     algorithm
#' Applies the MM12NDCIalt     algorithm
#' @param w700 numeric. Value at wavelength of 700 nm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Mishra, S.; Mishra, D.R.; A novel remote sensing algorithm to quantify phycocyanin in cyanobacterial algal blooms, Env. Res. Lett., 2014, 9 (11), DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/114003
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
MM12NDCIalt   <- function(w700, w658){

#' TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet     algorithm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbBe16GreenPlusRedBothOverViolet   <- function(w558, w658, w444){

#' TurbBe16RedOverViolet     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbBe16RedOverViolet     algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w444 numeric. Value at wavelength of 444 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Beck, R.; Xu, M.; Zhan, S.; Liu, H.; Johansen, R.A.; Tong, S.; Yang, B.; Shu, S.; Wu, Q.; Wang, S.; Berling, K.; Murray, A.; Emery, E.; Reif, M.; Harwood, J.; Young, J.; Martin, M.; Stillings, G.; Stumpf, R.; Su, H.; Ye, Z.; Huang, Y.	Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 538.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbBe16RedOverViolet   <- function(w658, w444){

#' TurbBow06RedOverGreen     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbBow06RedOverGreen     algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Bowers, D. G., and C. E. Binding. 2006. The Optical Properties of Mineral Suspended Particles: A Review and Synthesis.” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 67 (1–2): 219–230. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2005.11.010.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbBow06RedOverGreen   <- function(w658, w558){

#' TurbChip09NIROverGreen     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbChip09NIROverGreen     algorithm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Chipman, J. W.; Olmanson, L.G.; Gitelson, A.A.; Remote sensing methods for lake management: A guide for resource managers and decision-makers. 2009, Developed by the North American Lake Management Society in collaboration with Dartmouth College, University of Minnesota, and University of Nebraska for the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbChip09NIROverGreen   <- function(w857, w558){

#' TurbDox02NIRoverRed     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbDox02NIRoverRed     algorithm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Doxaran, D., Froidefond, J.-M.; Castaing, P. ; A reflectance band ratio used to estimate suspended matter concentrations in sediment-dominated coastal waters, Remote Sens., 2002, 23, 5079-5085.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbDox02NIRoverRed   <- function(w857, w658){

#' TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue     algorithm
#' @param w558 numeric. Value at wavelength of 558 nm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Frohn, R. C., & Autrey, B. C. (2009). Water quality assessment in the Ohio River using new indices for turbidity and chlorophyll-a with Landsat-7 Imagery. Draft Internal Report, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbFrohn09GreenPlusRedBothOverBlue   <- function(w558, w658, w458){

#' TurbHarr92NIR     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbHarr92NIR     algorithm
#' @param w857 numeric. Value at wavelength of 857 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Schiebe F.R., Harrington J.A., Ritchie J.C. Remote-Sensing of Suspended Sediments—the Lake Chicot, Arkansas Project. Int. J. Remote Sens. 1992;13:1487–1509.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbHarr92NIR   <- function(w857){

#' TurbLath91RedOverBlue     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbLath91RedOverBlue     algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @param w458 numeric. Value at wavelength of 458 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Lathrop, R. G., Jr., T. M. Lillesand, and B. S. Yandell, 1991. Testing the utility of simple multi-date Thematic Mapper calibration algorithms for monitoring turbid inland waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbLath91RedOverBlue   <- function(w658, w458){

#' TurbMoore80Red     algorithm
#' Applies the TurbMoore80Red     algorithm
#' @param w658 numeric. Value at wavelength of 658 nm
#' @return SpatRaster or numeric
#' @references Moore, G.K., Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity, Hydrological Sciences, 1980, 25, 4, 407-422.
#' @family algorithms
#' @export
TurbMoore80Red   <- function(w658){
RAJohansen/waterquality documentation built on March 29, 2024, 5:36 p.m.