
Defines functions tshaq.NULL tshaq.vector tshaq.Mat check.tshaq check.tshaq.nrows intuit.tshaq.ncols shaq.NULL shaq.vector shaq.Mat check.shaq check.shaq.ncols intuit.shaq.nrows tshaq shaq

Documented in shaq shaq.NULL shaq.vector tshaq tshaq.NULL tshaq.vector

#' shaq
#' Constructor for shaq objects.
#' @details
#' If \code{nrows} and/or \code{ncols} is missing, then it will be imputed.
#' The internal logic tries closely to mimic R's, but it may do unexpected
#' things that you do not want. You are encouraged to specify the distributed
#' dimension (i.e., \code{nrows} for a \code{shaq}, \code{ncols} for
#' \code{tshaq}).
#' One can pass \code{NULL} for the \code{Data} argument to specify that that
#' MPI rank owns no data. In this case, you \emph{must} manually provide the
#' non-distributed dimension (i.e., \code{ncols} for \code{shaq}). This use case
#' is typical when reading from a subset of processors and then broadcasting out
#' to the remainder.
#' @section Communication:
#' If \code{checks=TRUE}, a check on the global number of rows is performed.
#' This amounts to an allgather operation on a logical value (the local
#' dimension check).
#' @param Data
#' The local submatrix.
#' @param nrows,ncols
#' The GLOBAL number of rows and columns.
#' @param checks
#' Logical. Should some basic dimension checks be performed?  Note that these
#' require communication, and with many MPI ranks, could be expensive.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{shaq-class}} and \code{\link{load_balance}}
#' @name shaq
#' @rdname shaq

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq <- function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE) UseMethod("shaq", Data)

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
tshaq <- function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE) UseMethod("tshaq", Data)

intuit.shaq.nrows = function(Data)
  nr = as.double(NROW(Data))

check.shaq.ncols = function(Data, ncols)
  colcheck = comm.all(NCOL(Data) == ncols)
  if (!isTRUE(colcheck))
    comm.stop("local column dimensions disagree across ranks")

check.shaq = function(Data, nrows, ncols)
  check.shaq.ncols(Data, ncols)
  nrows = intuit.shaq.nrows(Data)

shaq.Mat = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (!missing(nrows))
  if (!missing(ncols))
  if (missing(nrows) || missing(ncols))
    if (missing(nrows))
      nrows = intuit.shaq.nrows(Data)
    if (missing(ncols))
      ncols = NCOL(Data)
  else if (checks)
    nrows = check.shaq(Data, nrows, ncols)
  new("shaq", Data=Data, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.matrix = shaq.Mat

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.float32 = shaq.Mat

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.vector = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (!missing(nrows))
  if (!missing(ncols))
  if (missing(nrows) || missing(ncols))
    if (missing(nrows) && missing(ncols))
      nrows = MPI_Allreduce(length(Data))
      ncols = 1L
    else if (missing(nrows))
      nrows = 1L
    else if (missing(ncols))
      ncols = 1L
  if (checks)
    nrows.local = get_local_dim(nrows)
    nrows.local = floor(length(Data) / ncols)
  Data = matrix(Data, nrows.local, ncols)
  new("shaq", Data=Data, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.integer = shaq.vector

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.double = shaq.vector

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
shaq.NULL = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (missing(ncols))
    stop("'ncols' can not be missing if 'Data' is NULL on any rank")
  Data = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncols)
  shaq.matrix(Data, nrows, ncols, checks)

intuit.tshaq.ncols = function(Data)

check.tshaq.nrows = function(Data, nrows)
  rowcheck = comm.all(NROW(Data) == nrows)
  if (!isTRUE(rowcheck))
    comm.stop("local row dimensions disagree across ranks")

check.tshaq = function(Data, nrows, ncols)
  check.tshaq.nrows(Data, nrows)
  ncols = intuit.tshaq.ncols(Data)

tshaq.Mat = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (!missing(nrows))
  if (!missing(ncols))
  if (missing(nrows) || missing(ncols))
    if (missing(ncols))
      ncols = intuit.tshaq.ncols(Data)
    if (missing(nrows))
      nrows = NROW(Data)
  else if (checks)
    ncols = check.tshaq(Data, nrows, ncols)
  new("tshaq", Data=Data, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
tshaq.matrix = tshaq.Mat

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
tshaq.float32 = tshaq.Mat

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
tshaq.vector = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (!missing(nrows))
  if (!missing(ncols))
  if (missing(nrows) || missing(ncols))
    if (missing(nrows) && missing(ncols))
      nrows = 1L
      ncols = MPI_Allreduce(length(Data))
    else if (missing(nrows))
      nrows = 1L
    else if (missing(ncols))
      ncols = 1L
  if (checks)
    ncols.local = get_local_dim(ncols)
    ncols.local = floor(length(Data) / nrows)
  Data = matrix(Data, nrows, ncols.local)
  new("tshaq", Data=Data, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)

#' @rdname shaq
#' @export
tshaq.NULL = function(Data, nrows, ncols, checks=TRUE)
  if (missing(nrows))
    stop("'nrows' can not be missing if 'Data' is NULL on any rank")
  Data = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=nrows)
  tshaq.matrix(Data, nrows, ncols, checks)
RBigData/kazaam documentation built on Nov. 9, 2021, 9:09 a.m.