blacs_apts: Functions to set and get BLACS_APTS

Description Usage Details


To set and get BLACS array/object/whatever pointers needed in and from R. Because other packages has it's own memory stack vision that may not be visiable by this package or vice versa.




The 'set.blacs.apts()' is for advanced users. This one is needed to be called within R from 'pbdBASE' package to set the pointers to the memory where BLACS had initialized so that the pointers are set to the right address of the memory stack.

The 'get.blacs.apts()' is for debugging only. The advanced user mainly calls the C version 'get_BLACS_APTS_from_R()' in 'src/export_blacs/pkg_ools.c'.

I am lazy to use .C(), but should not hurt performance here. Eventually, .pbdBASEEnv should pass to .C() and set/get pointers from it instead of .GlobalEnv.

RBigData/pbdBASE documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:19 p.m.