pbdSBASE is a set of low-level PETSc bindings and utility functions for doing distributed sparse matrix computations in R. For higher-level access, see the pbdDMAT package.

Sparse matrices should be distributed by row, and locally CSR storage. The pbdDMAT package has numerous utilities for managing this and other matrix distributions.


At this time, installation is non-trivial. The basic steps are:

  1. Build PETSc with CC=mpicc -fPIC. This requires the use of PETSc's PETSC_HOME and PETSC_ARCH environment variables. See official PETSc documentation for details.
  2. Assuming PETSC_HOME and PETSC_ARCH are set, build pbdSBASE via:

R CMD INSTALL sbase --configure-args="--with-petsc-home=${PETSC_HOME} --with-petsc-arch=${PETSC_ARCH}"

  1. To run a program using pbdSBASE, make sure that you have ${PETSC_HOME}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  2. Realistically, you should also have pbdDMAT built as well.

We are developing an experimental analogue of pbdSLAP for PETSc called pbdSSLAP, but it is not ready at this time.


This simple example computes a crossproduct of a sparse (represented) matrix.

library(pbdSBASE, quietly=TRUE)
library(pbdDMAT, quietly=TRUE)

n <- 10
p <- 3

x <- matrix(1:30, 10)

dx <- as.dmat(x)
dsx <- as.dsmatrix(dx)
dsy <- t(dsx) %*% dsx
y <- as.matrix(dsy)


Save this example as sbase_example.r and run it from the terminal via:

mpirun -np 2 Rscript sbase_example.r


pbdDMAT is authored and maintained by the pbdR core team: Drew Schmidt Wei-Chen Chen

RBigData/pbdSBASE documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:49 a.m.