
#' ImmPortTemplates
#' @format A data frame holding ImmPort Schema information from templates.json
#'     that is used to create and check empty templates for user editing.

#' ImmPortLookups
#' @format A data frame holding ImmPort lookup information from lookups.json
#'     that is used to create and check empty templates for user editing.

#' demoData
#' @format A list of data frames holding demo data for the basic study design
#'     template.

#' ISFreqsAll
#' @format A named list of word frequencies in certain table and column name
#'     combinations of ImmuneSpace

#' ISFreqsByNm
#' @format A named list of lists of word frequencies in certain table and column
#'     combinations of ImmuneSpace. Higher level names are paste0(table, '-', column).
RGLab/Import2ImmPort documentation built on May 17, 2021, 7:43 a.m.