mbenchmark: benchmarking the common matrix operations


This is a generic framework for benchmarking the common matrix operations among different matrix file formats.

Takes a list of different matrix containers/objects as input

The only requirements for the matrix object are:

library(HDF5Array)#must load it first to avoid namespace conflicting
mat <- matrix(seq_len(2e6), nrow = 1e3, ncol =2e3)
dims <- dim(mat)

bm.file <- tempfile()
suppressMessages(bm <- as.big.matrix(mat, backingfile = basename(bm.file), backingpath = dirname(bm.file)))
#wrap it into DelayedArray
bmseed <- BMArraySeed(bm)
bm <- DelayedArray(bmseed)

h5.file <- tempfile()
h5createDataset(h5.file, "data", dims, storage.mode = "double", chunk=c(100,100), level=7)
h5write(mat, h5.file,"data")
#wrap it into DelayedArray
hm = HDF5Array(h5.file, "data")

ff.file <- tempfile()
fm <- ff(mat, vmode="double", dim=dims, filename = ff.file)
fm <- DelayedArray(fm)

mm <- matter_mat(mat)
mm <- DelayedArray(mm)

Compare disk usage

mat.list <- list(bigmemory = bm, ff = fm, h5 = hm, matter = mm)

utils:::format.object_size(file.size(bm.file), units = "Mb")
## [1] "7.6 Mb"
utils:::format.object_size(file.size(h5.file), units = "Mb")
## [1] "2.8 Mb"
utils:::format.object_size(file.size(ff.file), units = "Mb")
## [1] "15.3 Mb"
utils:::format.object_size(file.size(matter::paths(mm@seed)), units = "Mb")
## [1] "7.6 Mb"

Compare memory usage

lapply(mat.list, object_size)
## $bigmemory
## 2.55 kB
## $ff
## 2.01 kB
## $h5
## 1.95 kB
## $matter
## 9.18 kB

Run subsetting benchmark

#ubound specify the upper bound of the size of the subset. It is the value of the maximum percentage of original matrix
res <- mbenchmark(mat.list, type = "subsetting", times = 3, ubound = 0.9, trace_mem = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) 
## random_slicing

## region_selection

Results are collected as a data.table, which is easy to query or facetting.

##     time mem_change   dataset timeid nrow nrow/ncol           task
## 1: 0.036         24 bigmemory      1  180       0.5 random_slicing
## 2: 0.016         28        ff      1  180       0.5 random_slicing
## 3: 0.733          0        h5      1  180       0.5 random_slicing
## 4: 0.059         20    matter      1  180       0.5 random_slicing
## 5: 0.008          0 bigmemory      2  180       0.5 random_slicing
## 6: 0.011          0        ff      2  180       0.5 random_slicing

Resume the long-running task by cached results

Some time things could go wrong before the entire benchmarking completes. To save the time, a cached file can be passed to the mbenchmark so that when this command is re-executed the sub-tasks previously saved in this file will be skipped.

cachefile <- tempfile()
res <- mbenchmark(mat.list, type = "subsetting", cache.file = cachefile) 

Quick plot


plot_mem(res, units = "Kb")

Run traversing benchmark

mat.list <- list(bigmemory = bm, ff = fm, h5 = hm)
res <- mbenchmark(mat.list, type = "traversing")
## rowSums

## colSums


RGLab/mbenchmark documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:35 a.m.