knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=T, warning=F, comment=NA, message=F, eval=F)


In this vignette we will describe how to extract ISIMIP climate, landuse and discharge data for a specific country, i.e. for Pakistan.

First, we need to load the required packages. Specify a file directory, where the required ISIMIP2b data files are located and download the country outline of the country we are interested in.

# Load packages
library(rISIMIP) # Needs  to be installed from Github:
library(ggmap2) # Needs to be installed from Github: 

# Set file directory of where
filedir <- "/media/matt/Data/Documents/Wissenschaft/Data/"

# Specify country
country <- "PAK"

# Get country outline of Pakistan
gadm <- raster::getData(name="GADM", country=country, level=1, path=paste0(filedir, "/GADM"))

Note: If you want to run the code for another country, you just have to change the ISO3 country code from "PAK" to the corresponding ISO3 code of the country you are interested in. The rest of this script does not have to be changed at all.

EWEMBI Temperature

ISIMIP2b provides model data for the past, present and future. Model data for the past and present is bias-corrected using observed climate data (EWEMBI). If you require present climate data I recommend to use the EWEMBI climate data directly, which is what we do in this section.

We load all temperature files and mask and crop them by the extent of our country.

# Load EWEMBI Temperature data
tas_files <- list.files(path=filedir, recursive=T, 
                        pattern="tas_ewembi1_", full.names = T)

tas_gadm <- stack(lapply(tas_files, function(x){
  tas <- raster::stack(x)
  mask(crop(tas, gadm), gadm)

Transform data into right units

#' Convert temperature into degrees
tas_gadm <- raster::calc(tas_gadm, fun=function(x){x-273.15})

Transform data into Equal Area/UTM Projection

# Universal UTM projection
tas_gadm_utm <- projectRaster(tas_gadm, to="+proj=laea +y_0=0 +lon_0=155 +lat_0=-90 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs")

Calculate 30-average and save to file

# Set time information of raster
tas_gadm <- setZ(tas_gadm, z=seq(as.Date("1979-01-01"), as.Date("2013-12-31"), 
                                 by=1), name="date")

# Calculate 30-average (1980 - 2009) 
tas_1995<- subset(tas_gadm, which(getZ(tas_gadm) >= as.Date('1980-01-01') & 
                                    getZ(tas_gadm) <= as.Date("2009-12-31")))
tas_1995 <- calc(tas_1995, mean, na.rm=TRUE)

Plot map of 30yr-average tas data

# Plot map of tas_1995
createMap(data=tas_1995, name="tmean", outline=gadm,
          width=8, height=9, units="in", dpi=300)

Calculate wintering and breeding temperature

# Wintering season (1st Nov - 31st Jan)
tas_wintering <- subset(tas_gadm, which(month(getZ(tas_gadm)) %in% c(11,12,1)))

# Breeding season (1st April - 30th June)
tas_breeding <- subset(tas_gadm, which(month(getZ(tas_gadm)) %in% c(4,5,6)))

Calculate mean temperature over time and save to file

Note: Takes a long time to run.

# Calculate mean temperature value over time
ts_tas_gadm <-, stat='mean', na.rm=TRUE))
colnames(ts_tas_gadm) <- "tmean"
ts_tas_gadm$date <- getZ(tas_gadm); rm(tas_gadm)

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(ts_tas_gadm, "ts_tas_gadm.csv")

Load saved file and create plot of daily, monthly and annual mean temperature

# Read file
ts_tmean_gadm <- read.csv(paste0("ts_tmean_", country, ".csv"))
ts_tmean_gadm$date <- as.Date(ts_tmean_gadm$date)

# Calculate monthly and annual mean temperature
ts_tmean_gadm$month <- month(ts_tmean_gadm$date)
ts_tmean_gadm$year <- year(ts_tmean_gadm$date)

ts_month <- aggregate(tmean ~ month + year, ts_tmean_gadm, mean)
ts_month$date <- as_date(paste("15", ts_month$month, ts_month$year), 
                         format="%d %m %Y")
ts_year <- aggregate(tmean ~ year, ts_tmean_gadm, mean)
ts_year$date <- as_date(paste("15", "06", ts_year$year), 
                        format="%d %m %Y")

# Plot daily, monthly and annual mean temperature
p1 <- ggplot(data=ts_tmean_gadm, aes(x=date, y=tmean)) + 
  geom_line() + geom_smooth(method="gam", se=TRUE) + 
  scale_x_date(date_breaks="2 years", date_labels = "%Y", expand=c(0.01,0)) + 
  labs(x="Date", y="Mean daily temperature (°C)") + theme_bw()  
p2 <- ggplot(data=ts_month, aes(x=date, y=tmean)) + geom_line() + 
  geom_smooth(method="gam", se=TRUE) + 
  scale_x_date(date_breaks="2 years", date_labels = "%Y", expand=c(0.01,0)) + 
  labs(x="Date", y="Mean monthly temperature (°C)") + theme_bw()
p3 <- ggplot(data=ts_year, aes(x=date, y=tmean)) + geom_point() + 
  geom_path() + geom_smooth(method="gam", se=TRUE) + 
  scale_x_date(date_breaks="2 years", date_labels = "%Y", expand=c(0.01,0),
               limits=as.Date(c("1979-01-01", "2013-12-31"))) + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(19,20,21,22), limits=c(19,22)) + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Mean annual temperature (°C)") + theme_bw()
g <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3)
ggsave(paste0("tmean_", country, ".png"), g, width=10, height=8, dpi=300)

ggplot(data=ts_year, aes(x=year, y=tmean)) + geom_point() + 
  geom_path() + geom_smooth(method="gam", se=TRUE) + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1979,2013, by=2)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(19.5,20.0, 20.5, 21.0, 21.5)) + 
  labs(x="Year", y="Mean annual temperature (°C)") + theme_bw()

Bioclim Data

# Get ISIMIP2b bioclim data
bioclim_files <- list.files(
  paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/DerivedInputData/GCM/landonly"), 
  pattern="bioclim_.*\\.csv", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
bioclim <- lapply(bioclim_files, readr::read_csv)

# Mask by country boundaries
bioclim  <- lapply(bioclim, FUN=function(x){
  data <- rasterFromXYZ(x)
  data <- mask(crop(data, gadm), gadm)

# Save to file
  readr::write_csv(x, path=gsub("landonly", country, y))
}, x=bioclim, y=bioclim_files)
#' List ISIMIP2b bio files of country
bioclim_files <- list.files(filedir, pattern=paste0("^bioclim_.*\\_", country, ".csv"), recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)

#' Read ISIMIP2b bio data of country and plot
lapply(bioclim_files, function(x){
  data <- readr::read_csv(x)
  # Plot bio1
  ggplot() + geom_raster(data=data, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=bio1)) + 
                           colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", 
                                              "#7FFF7F", "yellow", 
                                              "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))(255)) + 
    geom_polygon(data=gadm, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), 
                 fill=NA, colour="black")
  # Save to file
  ggsave(sub(".csv", ".png", sub("bioclim", "bio1", x)), 
         dpi=300, width=8, height=6)

Landuse data

Read and summarise landuse data

## Landuse histsoc

# Get and join data
histsoc <- append(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", var="totals", startyear=1861, endyear=2005), list(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", var="urbanareas", startyear=1861, endyear=2005)))
names(histsoc)[5] <- "urbanareas"

# Crop and mask data
histsoc <- lapply(histsoc, function(x) mask(crop(x, gadm), gadm))

# Turn into dataframe
histsoc <- lapply(1:length(histsoc), function(x){
  data <-[[x]])) %>% tidyr::gather(year, value, -c(x,y))
  colnames(data)[4] <- names(histsoc)[x]
histsoc <- Reduce(function(...) dplyr::left_join(..., by=c("x","y","year"), all.x=TRUE), histsoc)

# Turn years into numeric
histsoc$year <- as.numeric(sub("X", "", histsoc$year))

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(histsoc, "histsoc_landuse_pak.csv")

## Landuse 2005soc

# Read and join data
soc2005 <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="2005soc", var="totals"), readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="2005soc", var="urbanareas"))
names(soc2005) <- c("cropland_irrigated", "cropland_rainfed", "cropland_total", "pastures", "urbanareas")

# Crop and mask data
soc2005 <- mask(crop(soc2005, gadm), gadm)
soc2005 <- 

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(soc2005, "2005soc_landuse_pak.csv")

## Landuse RCP2.6

# Totals & Urban data
rcp26 <- lapply(c("GFDL-ESM2M", "HadGEM2-ES", "IPSL-CM5A-LR", "MIROC5"), function(model){
  # Read data
  data <- append(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26", model=model, var="totals", startyear=2006, endyear=2099), list(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26", model=model, var="urbanareas", startyear=2006, endyear=2099)))
  names(data)[5] <- "urbanareas"

  # Crop data
  data <- lapply(data, function(x) mask(crop(x, gadm), gadm))
  # Turn into dataframe
  colname <- names(data)
  data <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x){
    data <-[[x]])) %>% tidyr::gather(year, value, -c(x,y))
    colnames(data)[4] <- colname[x]
  data <- Reduce(function(...) dplyr::left_join(..., by=c("x","y","year"), all.x=TRUE), data)

  # Turn years into numeric
  data$year <- as.numeric(sub("X", "", data$year))

  # Add model column
  data$model <- model
rcp26 <-"rbind", rcp26)

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(rcp26, "rcp26soc_landuse_pak.csv")

## Landuse RCP6.0

rcp60 <- lapply(c("GFDL-ESM2M", "HadGEM2-ES", "IPSL-CM5A-LR", "MIROC5"), function(model){
  # Read data
  data <- append(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp60", model=model, var="totals", startyear=2006, endyear=2099), list(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp60", model=model, var="urbanareas", startyear=2006, endyear=2099)))
  names(data)[5] <- "urbanareas"

  # Crop data
  data <- lapply(data, function(x) mask(crop(x, gadm), gadm))
  # Turn into dataframe
  colname <- names(data)
  data <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x){
    data <-[[x]])) %>% tidyr::gather(year, value, -c(x,y))
    colnames(data)[4] <- colname[x]
  data <- Reduce(function(...) dplyr::left_join(..., by=c("x","y","year"), all.x=TRUE), data)

  # Turn years into numeric
  data$year <- as.numeric(sub("X", "", data$year))

  # Add model column
  data$model <- model
rcp60 <-"rbind", rcp60)

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(rcp60, "rcp60soc_landuse_pak.csv")

## Landuse 2100RCP2.6
rcp26_2100 <- lapply(c("GFDL-ESM2M", "HadGEM2-ES", "IPSL-CM5A-LR", "MIROC5"), function(model){
  # Read data
  data <- append(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26", model=model, var="totals", startyear=2100, endyear=2299), list(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26", model=model, var="urbanareas", startyear=2100, endyear=2299)))
  names(data)[5] <- "urbanareas"

  # Crop data
  data <- lapply(data, function(x) mask(crop(x, gadm), gadm))
  # Turn into dataframe
  colname <- names(data)
  data <- lapply(1:length(data), function(x){
    data <-[[x]])) %>% tidyr::gather(year, value, -c(x,y))
    colnames(data)[4] <- colname[x]
  data <- Reduce(function(...) dplyr::left_join(..., by=c("x","y","year"), all.x=TRUE), data)

  # Turn years into numeric
  data$year <- as.numeric(sub("X", "", data$year))

  # Add model column
  data$model <- model
rcp26_2100 <-"rbind", rcp26_2100)

# Save to file
readr::write_csv(rcp26_2100, "2100rcp26soc_landuse_pak.csv")

Plot land use data

ggmap2(totals_1985_df, name="% Cover", subnames=names(crops5_1985), split=FALSE, ncol=4, width=12, height=8, units="in", dpi=100)
# Merge historic and future data
landuse_data <- rbind(totals_1985_df, totals_future_df)
rm(totals_1985_df, totals_future_df)

# Create boxplot of the different scenarios
ggplot() + geom_boxplot(data=landuse_data, 
                        aes(x=year, y=value, fill=var, linetype=scenario));rm(landuse_data)

Discharge data

Several groups within the ISIMIP provide discharge data, however at the moment (August 2018) only mpi-hm provides discharge data for the past and future using three models.

# Climate models
models <- c("gfdl-esm2m", "ipsl-cm5a-lr", "miroc5")

# Process discharge data
dist_list_pak <- lapply(models, FUN=function(x){
  #' Load ISIMIP2b Discharge data
  dis_global <- list.files(paste0("E:/Data/ISIMIP2b/OutputData/mpi-hm/", x),
                           pattern="dis_global", full.names = T)
  dis_picontrol_2005soc_2050 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[1:4], startyear=2036, extent=gadm, endyear=2065, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_picontrol_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2050.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_picontrol_2005soc_2080 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[4:7], startyear=2066, extent=gadm, endyear=2095, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_picontrol_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2080.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_picontrol_histsoc_1985 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[8:11], startyear=1970, extent=gadm, endyear=1999, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_picontrol_histsoc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_1985.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_rcp26_2005soc_2050 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[12:15], startyear=2036, extent=gadm, endyear=2065, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_rcp26_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2050.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_rcp26_2005soc_2080 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[15:18], startyear=2066, extent=gadm, endyear=2095, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_rcp26_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2080.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_rcp60_2005soc_2050 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[19:22], startyear=2036, extent=gadm, endyear=2065, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_rcp60_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2050.grd"), format="raster")
  dis_rcp60_2005soc_2080 <- summariseNC(files=dis_global[22:25], startyear=2066, extent=gadm, endyear=2095, filename1=paste0("mpi-hm_", x, "_rcp60_2005soc_co2_dis_", country, "_monthly_2080.grd"), format="raster")

  # Create list of files
  dis_list <- list(dis_picontrol_histsoc_1985, dis_picontrol_2005soc_2050, 
                   dis_picontrol_2005soc_2080, dis_rcp26_2005soc_2050, 
                   dis_rcp26_2005soc_2080, dis_rcp60_2005soc_2050, 

  # Calculate annual sum
  dis_list_gadm <- stack(lapply(dis_list, function(x) calc(x, sum)))
  names(dis_list_gadm) <- c("picontrol_histsoc_1985", "picontrol_2005soc_2050", 
                            "picontrol_2005soc_2080", "rcp26_2005soc_2050", 
                            "rcp26_2005soc_2080", "rcp60_2005soc_2050", 
  rasterVis::levelplot(dis_list_gadm, par.settings=rasterVis::rasterTheme(region=rev(hexbin::BTC(n=9))), 
                       layout=c(4,2), main="Discharge")

Change format of discharge files

discharge_files <- list.files("E:/Data/ISIMIP2b/DerivedOutputData/", 
                              pattern=".grd", full.names=TRUE)
lapply(1:length(discharge_files), function(i){
  discharge <- stack(discharge_files[i])
  discharge_df <-
  colnames(discharge_df) <- c("x", "y",
  ggplot() + geom_raster(data=discharge_df, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=Jul)) + 
                           colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
                                              "#7FFF7F", "yellow", 
                                              "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))(255))
  ggsave(sub(pattern=".grd", ".png", discharge_files[i]), width=8, height=6, dpi=300)
  readr::write_csv(discharge_df, sub(pattern=".grd", ".csv", discharge_files[i]))
file.remove(sub(pattern=".grd", ".gri", discharge_files))

RS-eco/rISIMIP documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 2:26 a.m.