knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width=14, fig.height=8, warning=FALSE, comment=NA, message=FALSE, eval=F)

Data Set-Up

Load rISIMIP package


First, we specify the file path, where the ISIMIP data is located.

# Specify path of file directory
filedir <- "/mnt/sda1/Documents/Wissenschaft/Data" 
# choose.dir() # Only works on Windows

Data Pre-processing

Climate data

Read climate files

With readISIMIP you can read multiple ISIMIP datafiles into one raster stack.

# GCM, CM5A-R, historical and RCP2.6, 1970 - 2000 (Current conditions)
tas_1991_2000 <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, var="tas", model="GFDL-ESM2M", 
                      startyear=1991, endyear=2000)

However, this is not useful if you are interested in long time periods, as one datafile is about 7 GB in size.

List climate files

For daily data please use the summariseNC function in the processNC package, if you require summarised time periods.

The function listISIMIP only lists all climate files for the desired time period, model and variable. The files can then be put into the summariseNC function for processing the required NetCDF files.

# List hurs files for EWEMBI from 1970 - 1999
hurs_1995 <- listISIMIP(path=filedir, var="hurs", model="EWEMBI",
                       startyear=1980, endyear=2009)

Summarise climate data

First, we need the summariseNC function from the processNC package. Thus, we have to install the processNC package from Github.

# Install processNC package

Load processNC package


Now we can summarise our data using the summariseNC function.

# Create timeframe summaries
mean_hurs_1995 <- summariseNC(files=hurs_1995, filename1="monthly_hurs_1995.grd", 
                             format="raster", overwrite=TRUE)

We now list and summarise the climate data for the required time steps (1970-1999, 2006-2035, 2036-2065, 2066-2095, 2086-2115, 2136-2165) for each variable and each model using the global data.

Data Processing

Transform climate data

Change units

The climate data comes in non-standard units. Temperature is in Kelvin and needs to be converted to ° Celsius, while precipitation was originally in kg m-2 s-1 and needs to be converted to kg m-2 day-1, which equals mm per day.

# Turn climate data into right units (°C and mm)

# List all temperature (tas, tasmin, tasmax) files
tas_files <- list.files(paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/ewembi/"), 
                  pattern="monthly_tas_.*\\.grd", full.names=TRUE)
tmin_files <- list.files(paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/ewembi/"), 
                  pattern="monthly_tasmin_.*\\.grd", full.names=TRUE)
tmax_files <- list.files(paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/ewembi/"), 
                   pattern="monthly_tasmax_.*\\.grd", full.names=TRUE)

#Convert temperature from Kelvin to ° Celsius
tas <- lapply(tas_files, FUN=function(x){
  x <- raster::stack(x)
  raster::calc(x, fun=function(x){x-273.15})
tmin <- lapply(tmin_files, FUN=function(x){
  x <- raster::stack(x)
  raster::calc(x, fun=function(x){x-273.15})
tmax <- lapply(tmax_files, FUN=function(x){
  x <- raster::stack(x)
  raster::calc(x, fun=function(x){x-273.15})

# List precipitation files
prec_files <-  list.files(paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/ewembi/"), 
                    pattern="monthly_pr_.*\\.grd", full.names=TRUE)

# Convert precipitation from kg m-2 s-1 to kg m-2 day-1
prec <- lapply(prec_files, FUN=function(x){
  x <- raster::stack(x)
  raster::calc(x, fun=function(x){x*86400})

Calculate Bioclim variables

From the resulting layers, we can now calculate the Bioclimatic variables, using the biovars function in the dismo package.


# Create list with bioclim names
bioclim_names <- gsub(x = basename(prec_files), pattern = "\\monthly_pr", replacement = "bioclim")

# Calculate bioclim variables for all models and time frames and save to file
bioclim <- mapply(FUN=function(x,y,z,name){
  bio <- dismo::biovars(tmin=x, tmax=y, prec=z)
  writeRaster(bio, filename=paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/bioclim/", name), format="raster", overwrite=FALSE)
  }, x=tmin, y=tmax, z=prec, name=bioclim_names)

Now, we could also list previously calculated bioclim files

bioclim_files <- list.files(paste0(filedir, "/ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/global/bioclim/"), 
                  pattern="bioclim_.*\\.grd", full.names=TRUE)
bioclim <- lapply(bioclim_files, stack)

Data visualisation

ggmap2 package

For plotting our data with the createMap function, we need to install the ggmap2 package.

# Install ggmap2 package from Github

Load ggmap2 package


Add plot example!!!

Plot Bioclim data

# Read Bioclim data files
bioclim_2050 <- lapply(list.files(paste0(filedir, "ISIMIP2b/ProcessedData/bioclim"), 
                                pattern="rcp_2050.grd", full.names=TRUE), stack)

# Create Map of bioclim data
bio04_2050 <- stack(lapply(bioclim_2050, function(x) x[[4]]))
createMap(bioclim[[20]][[4]], name="Bio04", split=FALSE, ncol=2, width=8, height=12, units="in", filename=NA, dpi=100)

Landuse data

Get landuse data

# Landuse histsoc
crops5_1985 <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", 
                          var="5crops", startyear=1970, endyear=1999)
crops15_1985 <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", 
                           var="15crops", startyear=1970, endyear=1999)
totals_1985 <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", 
                          var="totals", startyear=1970, endyear=1999)
urban_1985 <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="histsoc", 
                         var="urbanareas", startyear=1970, endyear=1999))

Summarise Landuse data

# Reference data
crops5_1985 <- stack(lapply(crops5_1985, FUN=function(x) calc(x, mean)))
crops15_1985 <- stack(lapply(crops15_1985, FUN=function(x) calc(x, mean)))
totals_1985 <- stack(lapply(totals_1985, FUN=function(x) calc(x, mean)))
urban_1985 <- calc(urban_1985, mean)

Plot land use data

createMap(totals_1985, name="% Cover", subnames=names(crops5_1985), split=FALSE, ncol=4, width=12, height=8, units="in", dpi=100)

Save Landuse data to file

lu_files <- list(crops5_1985, crops15_1985, totals_1985, urban_1985)
filenames <- c("crops5_histsoc_1985.tif", "crops15_histsoc_1985.tif", "totals_histsoc_1985.tif", "urbanareas_histsoc_1985.tif")
mapply(FUN=function(x,y) writeRaster(x=x, filename=paste0("extdata/", y), format="GTiff", overwrite=T), x=lu_files, y=filenames)

Present scenario

# Landuse 2005soc - future time periods
totals_2005soc <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="2005soc", var="totals", startyear=2006, endyear=2007))[[c(1,3,5,7)]]
urban_2005soc <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="2005soc", 
                         var="urbanareas", startyear=2006, endyear=2007))[[1]]

lu_files <- list(totals_2005soc, urban_2005soc)
filenames <- c("totals_2005soc.tif", "urbanareas_2005soc.tif")
mapply(FUN=function(x,y) writeRaster(x=x, filename=paste0("extdata/", y), format="GTiff", overwrite=T), x=lu_files, y=filenames)

lu_files <- list(totals_2005soc, urban_2005soc)
filenames <- c("totals_2005soc.csv", "urbanareas_2005soc.csv")
colnames <- list(c("x", "y", "cropland_total", "pastures", "cropland_irrigated", "cropland_rainfed"), c("x", "y", "urbanareas"))
  data <-
  colnames(data) <- z
  readr::write_csv(x=data, path=paste0("extdata/", y))}, 
  x=lu_files, y=filenames,z=colnames)

Future scenarios

For the different future timeframes, we now do this all in one.

# Time frames rcp26
timeframes <- c("2020","2050","2080","2100","2150")
startyears <- c(2006,2036,2066,2086,2136)
endyears <- c(2035,2065,2095,2115,2165)

# Only totals land use data is available
totals_rcp26_all <- mapply(FUN=function(x,y){
  data <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26",
                     var="totals", startyear=x, endyear=y)
  data <- stack(lapply(data, FUN=function(x) calc(x, mean)))
}, startyears, endyears)
names(totals_rcp26_all) <- timeframes

# Urban data
urban_rcp26_all <- mapply(FUN=function(x,y){
  data <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp26",
                         var="urbanareas", startyear=x, endyear=y))
  data <- calc(data, mean)
}, startyears, endyears)
names(urban_rcp26_all) <- timeframes

# Time frames rcp60
timeframes <- c("2020","2050","2080")
startyears <- c(2006,2036,2066)
endyears <- c(2035,2065,2095)

# Only totals land use data is available
totals_rcp60_all <- mapply(FUN=function(x,y){
  data <- readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp60soc",
                     var="totals", startyear=x, endyear=y)
  data <- stack(lapply(data, FUN=function(x) calc(x, mean)))
}, startyears, endyears)
names(totals_rcp60_all) <- timeframes

# Urban data
urban_rcp60_all <- mapply(FUN=function(x,y){
  data <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="landuse", scenario="rcp60soc", var="urbanareas", startyear=x, endyear=y))
  data <- calc(data, mean)
}, startyears, endyears)
names(urban_rcp60_all) <- timeframes

Plot data

# Create boxplot of the different scenarios
ggplot() + geom_boxplot(data=landuse_data, aes(x=year, y=value, fill=var,linetype=scenario))
ggsave("landuse_scenarios.png", dpi=300, width=12, height=6)

Population data

We read and summarise global population data for the different time periods. Histsoc population data is different for every year, but 2005soc keeps the population constant throughout time.

# Timeframes (Horizon 2050, 2080)
startyears <- c(2036,2066)
endyears <- c(2065,2095)

population_ref <- calc(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="population", scenario="histsoc",
                             startyear=1970, endyear=1999), mean)
population_2005 <- stack(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="population", scenario="2005soc", startyear=2010, endyear=2020))[[1]]
# 2005soc layers are the same for every year, so no point in summarising them.

# ssp2soc only goes until 2100
population_ssp2soc <- stack(mapply(FUN=function(x,y){calc(readISIMIP(path=filedir, type="population", scenario="ssp2soc", startyear=x, endyear=y), mean)}, startyears, endyears))

# Merge all population data
population_data <- stack(population_ref, population_2005, population_ssp2soc)
population_data <- setZ(population_data, c("1985", "2005", "2050","2080"), name="time")

Visualise population data

createMap(population_data, name="Population", split=TRUE, subnames=c("1985", "2005", "2050", "2080"),
          filename="figures/population_all.tiff", ncol=1, width=8, height=12, 
          units="in", dpi=100)

RS-eco/rISIMIP documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 2:26 a.m.