landuse-totals_rcp60_hadgem2-es_2080: Global total landuse for 30-yr period centered around 2080...

landuse-totals_rcp60_hadgem2-es_2080R Documentation

Global total landuse for 30-yr period centered around 2080 derived from HadGEM2-ES model data under RCP6.0


data.framewith percentage cover of each totals landuse class for 2080 according to HadGEM2-ES model data under RCP6.0




This data.frame includes total landuse coverage for 2080 calculated from 30-yr yearly simulated HadGEM2-ES data centered around 2080 based on the representative concentration pathway RCP6.0

RS-eco/rISIMIP documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 2:26 a.m.