Man pages for RTIInternational/mobForest
Model Based Random Forest Analysis

bootstrapThis method computes predicted outcome for each observation...
compute.accPredictive accuracy estimates across trees for logistic...
compute.msePredictive accuracy estimates (MSE) across trees for linear...
compute.r2Predictive accuracy estimates across trees for linear or... a general linear model to a mobForest model a linear model to a mobForest model
get.pred.valuesGet predictions summarized across trees for out-of-bag cases...
get.varimp-methodsVariable importance scores computed through random forest...
logistic.accContingency table: Predicted vs. Observed Outcomes
mob_fit_checksplitUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_childweightsUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_fluctestsUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_getlevelsUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_getobjfunUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_setupnodeUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mob_fit_splitnodeUtility Function. Taken from party package to remove ":::"...
mobforest.analysisModel-based random forest analysis
mobforest.controlControl parameters for random forest
mobforest.control-classClass '"mobforest.control"' of mobForest model
mobforest.outputModel-based random forest object
mobforest.output-classClass '"mobforest.output"' of mobforest model
mob.rf.treeModel based recursive partitioning - randomized subset of...
prediction.outputPredictions and predictive accuracy estimates
prediction.output-classClass '"prediction.output"' of mobForest model
predictive.accPredictive performance across all trees
print.estimatesPredictive Accuracy Report
residual.plotProduces two plots: a) histogram of residuals, b) predicted...
string.formulaModel in the formula object converted to a character
tree.predictionsPredictions from tree model
varimplot-methodsA plot with variable importance score on X-axis and variable...
varimp.outputVariable importance matrix containing the decrease in...
varimp.output-classClass '"varimp.output"' of mobforest model
RTIInternational/mobForest documentation built on Aug. 3, 2019, 8:28 a.m.