Man pages for RainfallNZ/CASMPrePostProcessor
CASM Pre-And_Post Data Processor

CASMNodeTablePreparerA function to create a CASM node location table given an REC...
DiffuseLoadTableCreatorA function to associate the leach rate with each...
DownstreamReachFinderA function to find the REC network downstream of a reach
LeachRateRasterCreatorA function to combine spatial data sources of climate, land...
NetworkLabelerA function to label an REC network based on tributary size
ReachJunctionFinderByOrderFind confluence reaches over a strahler order
ReachLabelerA function to add labels to the REC network, based on the...
TributaryConnectionCreatorA function to determine where each tributary connects to its...
ZoneLanduseLUCRasterCreatorA function to rasterize the zone-landuse-LUC data.
RainfallNZ/CASMPrePostProcessor documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 8:04 a.m.