Man pages for RandiLGarcia/dyadr
dyadr: Dyadic Data Analysis

acipairAcitelli Data
allianceAlliance Data
apimactor-partner interdependence model will run the apim on...
confintLMEConfidence Intervals for LME Fixed Effects
crspMultiple Pseudo R-squared Get multiple R Squared
dyadic_tradeDyadic Trade Data
getevdError standard deviation for distinguishable dyads Get error...
graphModGraph a Moderation Effect
lincombTests of contrasts Test the sum (S), the average (A), or the...
LRtestvarTest the variance of a random effect
mmcMonte Carlo confidence interval for indirect effects
smallsummaryGives a Smaller Summary of gls and lme Objects
sobelSobel Method for Testing Idirect Effects
testvarTest the variance of a random effect
variable_viewVariable names with labels like in SPSS
RandiLGarcia/dyadr documentation built on March 23, 2021, 3:33 a.m.