
#' #' title Distribution Scale Wrapper
#' #'
#' #' description Scales a distribution to a given mean and standard deviation. By default the
#'    distribution is centered (\code{mean} = 0) with unit variance (\code{sd} = 1)
#' #' template class_wrapper
#' #'
#' #' details STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. Results are likely sub-optimal.
#' #
#' #' name Scale
#' #'
#' #' section Constructor Arguments:
#' #' \tabular{lll}{
#' #' \strong{Argument} \tab \strong{Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr
#' #' \code{dist} \tab distribution \tab Distribution to scale. \cr
#' #' \code{mean} \tab numeric \tab Desired mean after distribution shift. \cr
#' #' \code{sd} \tab numeric \tab Desired standard deviation after distribution scale.
#' #' }
#' #'
#' #' section Getters:
#' #' \tabular{lll}{
#' #' \strong{Method} \tab \strong{Return Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr
#' #' \code{getScaleMean()} \tab numeric \tab Return mean of scaled distribution. \cr
#' #' \code{getScaleSd()} \tab numeric \tab Return standard deviation of scaled distribution. \cr
#' #' }
#' #'
#' #'section Setters:
#' #' \tabular{lll}{
#' #' \strong{Method} \tab \strong{Input Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr
#' #' \code{setScaleMean(mean)} \tab numeric \tab Set mean to scale distribution to. \cr
#' #' \code{setScaleSd(sd)} \tab numeric \tab Set standard deviation to scale distribution to. \cr
#' #' }
#' #'
#' #' examples
#' #' \dontrun{
#' #' Scale$new(Binomial$new())
#' #' }
#' #'
#' #' seealso See \code{\link{DistributionWrapper}} for inherited wrapper methods and see
#' #' \code{\link{Distribution}} for a full list of inherited distribution methods.
#' Scale <- R6Class("Scale", inherit = DistributionWrapper, lock_objects = FALSE)
#' Scale$set("public","initialize",function(dist, mean = 0, sd = 1,...) {
#'   assertDistribution(dist)
#'   dist = dist$clone()
#'   name = dist$name
#'   short_name = dist$short_name
#'   distlist = list(dist)
#'   names(distlist) = short_name
#'   self$setScaleMean(mean)
#'   self$setScaleSd(sd)
#'   # if(!is.null(dist$pdf(1))) {
#'   #   pdf <- function(x1) {}
#'   #   body(pdf) <- substitute({
#'   #     locationTrafo <- self$wrappedModels(name)$mean() - self$getScaleMean()
#'   #     scaleTrafo <- self$wrappedModels(name)$stdev() / self$getScaleSd()
#'   #     self$wrappedModels(name)$pdf(x1 * scaleTrafo + locationTrafo) / scaleTrafo
#'   #   }, list(name = short_name))
#'   # } else
#'     pdf <- NULL
#'   if(!is.null(dist$cdf(1))) {
#'     cdf <- function(x1) {}
#'     body(cdf) <- substitute({
#'       locationTrafo <- self$wrappedModels(name)$mean() - self$getScaleMean()
#'       scaleTrafo <- self$wrappedModels(name)$stdev() / self$getScaleSd()
#'       self$wrappedModels(name)$cdf((x1 - locationTrafo)/scaleTrafo)
#'     }, list(name = short_name))
#'   } else
#'     cdf <- NULL
#'   name = paste("Scaled",name)
#'   short_name = paste0("Scaled",short_name)
#'   type = Reals$new()
#'   super$initialize(distlist = distlist, pdf = pdf, cdf = cdf, name = name,
#'                    short_name = short_name, type = type, ...)
#' Scale$set("public","getScaleMean",function() {
#'   return(private$.scaleMean)
#' })
#' Scale$set("public","getScaleSd",function() {
#'   return(private$.scaleSd)
#' })
#' Scale$set("public","setScaleMean",function(mean) {
#'   private$.scaleMean <- mean
#'   invisible(self)
#' })
#' Scale$set("public","setScaleSd",function(sd) {
#'   private$.scaleSd <- sd
#'   invisible(self)
#' })
#' Scale$set("private",".scaleMean",0)
#' Scale$set("private",".scaleSd",1)
RaphaelS1/distr6 documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 9:14 p.m.