Man pages for Rapporteket/rapbase
Base Functions and Resources for Rapporteket

appendLogAppend a log record
appLogApp log test dataset.
appNavbarUserWidgetCreate widget for registry apps at Rapporteket
autoReportShiny modules and helper functions for registry auto reports
createAutoReportCreate and add report to config
createLogDbCreate a logging database
createLogDbTabsCreate tables for log entries in a database
deleteAutoReportDelete existing report from config
dot-getFunProvide explicit reference to function for
dot-testAutoReportSimple test of automated report
exportShiny modules providing GUI and server logic for Export
exportGuideShiny modules providing the Export Guide
filterAutoRepFilter auto report data
findNextRunDateFind next run date for automated reports
fireInTheHoleKick off functions at Rapporteket
getConfigGet configuration for package, if any
getGithubCollect various data from the GitHub API
getRapPackagesGet all installed Rapporteket packages
getRegsProvide vector of registries (_i.e._ their R packages) in...
getSessionDataGet session data
halloRapporteketPlain testing tool
howWeDealWithPersonalDataRender text in pop-up
isPkgRapRegTest if a package is part of Rapporteket
isRapContextRapporteket context
loadRegDataProvider of data for registries at Rapporteket
loggerLog user events in shiny applications at Rapporteket
makeAutoReportTabMake table of automated reports
makeLogRecordMake a log record
makeRunDayOfYearSequenceMake a sequence of day numbers from av given date and...
makeStandardTableMake standard table for rmarkdown reports
navbarWidgetShiny modules providing GUI and server logic for user info...
noOptOutOkProvide a no-opt-out ok message
pipePipe operator
pronounData pronouns
rapbaserapbase: Base Functions and Resources for Rapporteket
rapCloseDbConnectionClose down data connection handle
rapOpenDbConnectionProvide connection handle for data source at Rapporteket
readAutoReportDataRead automated report metadata
readLogRead log entries
renderRmdRender documents from rmarkdown files at Rapporteket
runAutoReportRun reports as defined in yaml config and ship content by...
runBulletinRun bulletin auto reports
sanitizeLogSanitize log entries that have reached end of life
sendEmailSend email from Rapporteket
stagingDataStaging data functions
stagingDataHelperData staging helper (internal) functions
statsShiny modules and helper functions for registry usage reports
statsGuideShiny modules providing the Stats Guide
unitAttributeGet unit attributes from an access tree file
upgradeAutoReportDataUpgrade auto reports
userAttributeUser attributes in container apps running behind shinyproxy
userInfoProvide user attributes based on environment context
writeAutoReportDataWrite automated report metadata
Rapporteket/rapbase documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 9:21 p.m.