
#' Provide registration "pulse" for OpenQReg quality registries
#' The aim is to obtain some sort of "pulse", that is during a given period how
#' frequent are data being supplied (and NOT how much). This pulse is provided
#' yearly, monthly and weekly periods measured by the ratio of 'empty' periods
#' wthin the total timeframe (sample intervall). \emph{E.g.} if over a
#' timeframe of 12 months registrations occur in 6 of them the montly pulse
#' becomes 0.5
#' @inheritParams RegPulseData
#' @param peculiarity Logical TRUE for none-OpenQReg registries. False by
#' default
#' @return data frame with registry name and "pulse" for each period
#' @seealso Data to this function is provided by \code{\link{RegPulseData}}
#' and \code{\link{RegPulseDataPeculiar}}.
#' @export

RegPulse <- function(registryName, startDate, endDate, peculiarity = FALSE) {

  # get data
  if (peculiarity) {
    pd <- RegPulseDataPeculiar(registryName, startDate, endDate)
  } else {
    pd <- RegPulseData(registryName, startDate, endDate)

#   # debug
#   print(paste(registryName, "min dato:", min(as.Date(pd)), "\n"))
#   print(paste(registryName, "max dato:", max(as.Date(pd)), "\n"))

  # make sure data within time frame...
  pd <- pd[pd >= startDate & pd <= endDate]

  # we cannot use NAs, remove them...
  pd <- pd[!is.na(pd)]

  # convert time intervell to (lubri)dates
  startDate <- lubridate::as_date(startDate)
  endDate <- lubridate::as_date(endDate)

  # make event vector for each report period
  y <- lubridate::year(pd)
  m <- lubridate::month(pd)
  w <- lubridate::week(pd)
  d <- lubridate::day(pd)

  # make time frame period sequences needed below
  daySeq <- seq(startDate, endDate, by = "day")
  weekSeq <- lubridate::week(daySeq)
  monthSeq <- lubridate::month(daySeq)
  yearSeq <- lubridate::year(daySeq)

  # daily pulse by use of lubridates Duration objects
  totDays <- dim(unique(data.frame(yearSeq, weekSeq, daySeq)))[1]
  dayN <- dim(unique(data.frame(y, w, d)))[1]
  dPulse <- dayN / totDays

  # weekly pulse by use of lubridates Duration objects
  ## count uniqe and partial weeks (at both start and end) by a day-sequence
  totWeeks <- dim(unique(data.frame(yearSeq, weekSeq)))[1]
  weekN <- dim(unique(data.frame(y, w)))[1]
  wPulse <- weekN / totWeeks

  # montly pulse
  ## count uniqe and partial months (at both start and end) by a day-sequence
  totMonths <- dim(unique(data.frame(yearSeq, monthSeq)))[1]
  monthN <- dim(unique(data.frame(y, m)))[1]
  mPulse <- monthN / totMonths

  # yearly pulse
  totYears <- length(unique(yearSeq))
  yearN <- length(unique(y))
  yPulse <- yearN / totYears

  # for later sorting by "performance"
  sumPulse <- yPulse + mPulse + wPulse + dPulse
  pulse <- data.frame(regName=registryName, year=yPulse, yearN, month=mPulse,
                      monthN, week=wPulse, weekN, day=dPulse, dayN, sumPulse,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Rapporteket/rapgen documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:18 a.m.