
The RavenPack Self Service R API allows users to request and filter data from RavenPack Analytics in order to retrieve smaller, more concise datasets right into R. Our goal with this API is to enable users to extract RavenPack data in the most efficient way possible, offering a Streaming function for subscribing to data in real-time, Data query functions for querying data historically and Reference functions for accessing our entity reference master and taxonomy.

This document provides detailed information about RPSelfServiceAPI Package and examples for each of the functions. It illustrates specific examples to work with each of the products available: rpa or edge. For further information on Filter syntax, available Indicators, etc.. please refer to our API documentation.


There are 2 options to install the library:

  1. From library sources

  2. From the compiled package.

Select the option you prefer.

Option 1: Installing from Sources

First, you need to install the devtools package. You can do this from CRAN. Invoke R and then type:


At this point, you can install the package directly from R using the code below.


Option 2: Installing from Package

Download /r-api-package/RPSelfServiceAPI_<VERSION>.tar.gz file to your machine. Then, invoke R and execute the following instruction.

NOTE: PATH_TO_FILE must be replaced by the path of the RPSelfServiceAPI_<VERSION>.tar.gz file in your machine. <VERSION> must be replaced by the available version number. For example RPSelfServiceAPI_1_102.tar.gz.

install.packages( "PATH_TO_FILE", repos = NULL, type="source")

# For example:
# install.packages( "/home/r-api-package/RPSelfServiceAPI_1_102.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")


In order to use this API you must authenticate against the server. You have to indicate the product you want to target: rpa or edge.

The authentication can be performed as follows.


Authentication in ‘rpa’ product:

APIHandler = RP_CreateAPIHandler(APIKey, product = "rpa")

Authentication in ‘edge’ product:

APIHandler = RP_CreateAPIHandler(APIKey, product = "edge")


General Status of server.

Status = RP_APIStatus(APIHandler = APIHandler)

## [1] "OK"


Creating and managing datasets.

Create a Dataset

Use the following function to create a dataset:

datasetUUID = RP_APICreateDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_createDS)

Below there are full examples, including payloads, to create a dataset in rpa or edge products.

Example Dataset Creation on ‘rpa’ Product:

payload_createDS = '{
  "name": "Testing RPSelfServiceAPI",
  "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R",
  "tags": [
  "product": "RPA",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "granular",
  "fields": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
          "in": [
        "EVENT_RELEVANCE": {
          "gte": 90
datasetUUID = RP_APICreateDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_createDS)

## [1] "DEFF68484DB85A4FB049415B39206AF2"

Example Dataset Creation on ‘edge’ Product:

payload_createDS = '{
  "name": "Testing RPSelfServiceAPI",
  "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R",
  "tags": [
  "product": "edge",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "granular",
  "fields": [
  "filters": {
  "and": [
    "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
    "in": [
    "gte": 90

datasetUUID = RP_APICreateDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_createDS)

List all Datasets

Get a list of the datasets that you have permission to access. You may filter the list by tags and search for only the list of datasets that have the tags specified. You may also filter by scope, and return only the datasets that are Public to everyone, Shared with you by someone else using RavenPack, or Private datasets that were created by you. Filtering by frequency allows you to retrieve granular or daily datasets.

The list of datasets returns the dataset_uuid, name and creation time (if available) for each dataset.

payload_list = list( scope = list("private","public"),
                     tags = list("Europe_Countries"),
                     frequency = list('daily','granular') )
dataSetList = RP_APIListDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, params = payload_list)

##                 UUID           NAME             TAGS CREATION_TIME
##   1: country-ax-edge  Aland Islands Europe_Countries            NA
##   2:      country-ax  Aland Islands Europe_Countries            NA
##   3: country-al-edge        Albania Europe_Countries            NA
##   4:      country-al        Albania Europe_Countries            NA
##   5:      country-ad        Andorra Europe_Countries            NA
##  ---                                                              
## 102:      country-ua        Ukraine Europe_Countries            NA
## 103: country-gb-edge United Kingdom Europe_Countries            NA
## 104:      country-gb United Kingdom Europe_Countries            NA
## 105: country-va-edge        Vatican Europe_Countries            NA
## 106:      country-va        Vatican Europe_Countries            NA

Get Details for a Dataset

Get the full specification for a single dataset.

RP_APIGetDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

Modify an Existing Dataset

Modify an existing dataset. When modifying a dataset, it is possible to provide just the parameters that you wish to modify. Any parameters that are not included in the request will retain their value and will not be modified.

RP_APIModifyDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_modify, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

Below there are full examples including payload syntax for rpa and edge products.

Example Dataset Modification on ‘rpa’ Product:

payload_modify = '{
  "name": "Modifying RPSelfServiceAPI",
  "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R - Modified",
  "tags": [
  "product": "RPA",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "granular",
  "fields": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
          "in": [
        "EVENT_RELEVANCE": {
          "gte": 90
serverResponse = RP_APIModifyDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_modify, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

## [1] "Dataset DEFF68484DB85A4FB049415B39206AF2 successfully modified."

Example Dataset Modification on ‘edge’ Product:

payload_modify = '{
  "name": "Modifying RPSelfServiceAPI",
  "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R - Modified",
  "tags": [
  "product": "edge",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "granular",
  "fields": [
  "filters": {
  "and": [
  "in": [
  "gte": 100
serverResponse = RP_APIModifyDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_modify, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

Delete a Dataset

Delete a single dataset.

serverResponse = RP_APIDeleteDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

## [1] "Dataset deleted"


Generating datafiles for a particular dataset for any period from the year 2000 to present. Data may be retrieved in CSV or Excel format and may be compressed (.ZIP) for transmission via HTTP.


Generate a data file

Use the following to create a datafile:

requestToken = RP_APIRequestDataFile(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_filerequest, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

Here is a full example including the payload syntax:

payload_filerequest = '{
  "start_date": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "end_date": "2021-01-02 00:00:00",
  "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid",
  "format": "csv",
  "compressed": true,
  "notify": false
requestToken = RP_APIRequestDataFile(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_filerequest, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)
# Request Token

## [1] "70C60F7A6974ECC4A67F24A9E3D83CEA"

# Expected availability

## [1] "2022-07-28 09:53:15 UTC"

Analytics Count

You can find out how many rows a particular datafile will contain before actually generating it. In general, it is a good idea to use this in order to determine if a particular datafile will be too large and will need to be broken up into smaller subsets.

payload_count = '{
  "start_date": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "end_date": "2021-01-02 00:00:00",
  "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid"
rowCount = RP_APIGetDataFileCount(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_count, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

## [1] 8

Datafile Generation Status

After submitting a request to generate a datafile, you can check the request status using the following code:

status = RP_APICheckFileAvailability(APIHandler = APIHandler, token = requestToken$TOKEN)

## [1] "processing"
## [1] "2021-01-01 00:00:00"
## [1] "2021-01-02 00:00:00"
## [1] "Europe/Madrid"
## [1] "2022-07-28 09:53:15 UTC"
## [1] "70C60F7A6974ECC4A67F24A9E3D83CEA"
## $SIZE
## $URL
## $TAGS
## list()

When the job is complete, the status will be updated to “completed”.

Cancel a Request

If a datafile generation job has the status “enqueued”, it may be cancelled. To cancel a job:

serverResponse = RP_APICancelRequest(APIHandler = APIHandler, token = requestToken$TOKEN)

If the job is finished or processing, you will get an error.

Download a Request

Once the status of the request is “completed”, the datafile can be downloaded. You have to provide a name for the datafile. Make sure your extension matches the format you requested (csv, xls,…). In particular, if compression was requested, you will be receiving a zip file.

If you try to download the dataset before the request has completed, you will receive an error message: ‘The Request status is not complete.’. Please wait until the request is completed to perform the download. You can use the RP_APIWaitForJobCompletion function to wait until the request is completed. The timeout parameter specifies the maximum waiting time (in seconds).

# Wait until job is completed
jobStatus = RP_APIWaitForJobCompletion (APIHandler = APIHandler, token = requestToken$TOKEN, timeout = 120)

# Checking completion
if (jobStatus$STATUS == "completed") {

  RP_APIDownloadFile(APIHandler = APIHandler, statusInfo = jobStatus$STATUSINFO, outputFile = '')


Download a Request when Ready

It is also possible to automate the download by using the RP_APIDownloadFileWhenReady function. This function waits until the file is ready to download. You must provide the maximum waiting time (in seconds) using the timeout parameter.

RP_APIDownloadFileWhenReady(APIHandler = APIHandler, token = requestToken$TOKEN, outputFile = '', timeout = 120)

JSON Queries

Request data in JSON format.

Adhoc Request for Data

This function requests data synchronously in JSON format, without having previously defined a dataset. The function requires similar parameters to the ones used when creating a dataset.

Below there are illustrative examples on rpa or edge products.

Example Ad-hoc Request on ‘rpa’ Product:

payload_jsonfull = '{
  "product": "RPA",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "daily",
  "fields": [
      "average_ess": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "event_sentiment_score"
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
          "in": [
        "EVENT_RELEVANCE": {
          "eq": 100
  "having": [],
  "start_date": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "end_date": "2021-01-02 00:00:00",
  "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid"
data = RP_APIGetFullAdhocJSON(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_jsonfull)

## 1: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       D8442A
## 2: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       ROLLUP
##                        ENTITY_NAME AVERAGE_ESS
## 1:                      Apple Inc.      -0.145
## 2: Rollup of data for all entities      -0.145

Example Ad-hoc Request on ‘edge’ Product:

payload_jsonfull = '{
  "product": "edge",
  "product_version": "1.0",
  "frequency": "daily",
  "time_zone": "America/New_York",
  "fields": [
  "custom_fields": [
      "average_ess": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "event_sentiment",
          "mode": "daily"
  "filters": {
  "and": [
  "in": [
  "eq": 100
  "having": [],
  "start_date": "2021-03-10 15:30:00",
  "end_date": "2021-03-15 15:30:00"
data = RP_APIGetFullAdhocJSON(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_jsonfull)

Adhoc Request for Dataset

This function allows data to be requested synchronously and received in a data.table. A predefined dataset must be supplied and the fields property may be overriden. Here there are full examples for requesting on rpa or edge.

Example Ad-hoc Dataset Request on ‘rpa’ Product:

# Payload to create a dataset for generating a DATAFILE
payload_createDS_DF = '{
    "name": "Testing RPSelfServiceAPI",
    "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R",
    "tags": [
    "product": "RPA",
    "product_version": "1.0",
    "frequency": "daily",
    "fields": [
    "average_ess": {
    "avg": {
    "field": "event_sentiment_score"
    "filters": {
    "and": [
    "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
    "in": [
    "eq": 100
datasetUUID <- RP_APICreateDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_createDS_DF)

# Payload Adhoc Request for Dataset
payload_jsonDS = '{
  "frequency": "daily",
  "fields": [
      "average_ess": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "event_sentiment_score"
  "having": [],
  "start_date": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "end_date": "2021-01-02 00:00:00",
  "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid"
data = RP_APIGetDataSetJSON(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_jsonDS, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

## 1: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       D8442A
## 2: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       ROLLUP
##                        ENTITY_NAME AVERAGE_ESS
## 1:                      Apple Inc.      -0.145
## 2: Rollup of data for all entities      -0.145

Example Ad-hoc Dataset Request on ‘edge’ Product:

# Create a dataset
# Payload to create a dataset for generating a DATAFILE
payload_createDS_DF = '{
     "name": "Testing RPSelfServiceAPI",
     "description": "This dataset is used for testing the Web API from R",
     "tags": [
     "product": "edge",
     "product_version": "1.0",
     "frequency": "daily",
     "fields": [
"custom_fields": [
      "average_ess": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "event_sentiment",
          "mode": "daily"
     "filters": {
     "and": [
     "RP_ENTITY_ID": {
     "in": [
     "eq": 100
datasetUUID <- RP_APICreateDataSet(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_createDS_DF)

# Payload Adhoc Request for Dataset
payload_jsonDS = '{
      "fields": [
      "start_date": "2021-01-01 15:30:00",
      "end_date": "2021-01-02 15:30:00"
data = RP_APIGetDataSetJSON(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_jsonDS, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

Preview of a Dataset

This function allows a a small sample of a dataset to be returned in a data.table. Here is how:

payload_preview = '{
  "start_date": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "end_date": "2021-01-02 00:00:00",
  "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid"
data = RP_APIGetDataSetPreview(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_preview, datasetUUID = datasetUUID)

## 1: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       D8442A
## 2: 2021-01-01 23:00:00 2021-01-02 00:00:00       ROLLUP
##                        ENTITY_NAME AVERAGE_ESS
## 1:                      Apple Inc.      -0.145
## 2: Rollup of data for all entities      -0.145


Map Entity Identifiers into RavenPack’s Entity Universe

The entity-mapping endpoint may be used to map from a universe of entity or security identifiers into RavenPack’s entity universe. One may pass in identifiers such as entity names, listings, ISIN, CUSIP, SEDOL, LEI and FIGI values. The endpoint will return the corresponding RP_ENTITY_ID for the possible matches. Find a full example below:

payload_maprequest = '{
  "identifiers": [
      "client_id": "12345-A",
      "date": "2021-01-01",
      "name": "Amazon Inc.",
      "entity_type": "COMP",
      "isin": "US0231351067",
      "cusip": "023135106",
      "sedol": "B58WM62",
      "listing": "XNAS:AMZN"
mapData = RP_APIMappingRequest(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_maprequest)

In the event that it is unable to match the requested entity to an entity in the RavenPack entity universe, there will be no mapped entities and the requested data is returned as an error.

In the event that multiple entities are matched, the entities will be returned ranked with a relative score, which may be used to automatically filter or sort for further analysis.

Get a Reference Data File

It provides a link to the entity reference data file.

params_ref = list( entity_type = 'COMP' )
fileURL = RP_APIGetReferenceData( APIHandler = APIHandler, params = params_ref )

# Load data from file
refData = read.csv( fileURL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

Get Reference Data for an Entity

Request reference data for a single entity in RavenPack’s entity universe. It is possible to have more than one value for a particular type of data.

rp_entity_id = '0157B1' 
refData = RP_APIGetEntityReference(APIHandler = APIHandler, entity_id = rp_entity_id )


The RavenPack taxonomy is a comprehensive structure for content classification. It provides a definitive system categorizing structured and unstructured information, enabling analysis on thousands of entities including companies, products, people, organizations, places, and more.

Querying the Event Taxonomy

This function allow to query the event taxonomy.

Example on ‘rpa’ Product:

payload_taxonomy = '{
  "topics": [],
  "groups": [],
  "types": [],
  "sub_types": [],
  "properties": [],
  "categories": [
taxonomyData = RP_APITaxonomy(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_taxonomy)

Example on ‘edge’ Product:

payload_taxonomy = '{
  "categories": [
  "groups": [],
  "product": "edge",
  "roles": [],
  "sub_types": [],
  "topics": [],
  "types": []
taxonomyData = RP_APITaxonomy(APIHandler = APIHandler, payload = payload_taxonomy)

Full History

The History API allows to download the full historical archive of RavenPack analytics (from 2000 to previous month). The archive is composed by yearly zip files containing monthly CSV files, up to the end of the prior month, relative to today.

IMPORTANT. This action will download the full analytics archive. This operation can take several hours to complete. This option is normally used for bulk loading the archive into a database.

Example on ‘rpa’ Product:

On ‘rpa’ the function offers the possibility to only retrieve analytics for companies or all analytics for all entity types.

# Download analytics only for comapnies (rpa)
RP_APIDownloadFullHistory( APIHandler = APIHandler, outFolderPath = "~/Downloads", onlyCompany = TRUE )

# Download analytics for all entities (rpa)
RP_APIDownloadFullHistory( APIHandler = APIHandler, outFolderPath = "~/Downloads", onlyCompany = FALSE )

Example on ‘edge’ Product:

On ‘edge’ it is only possible to download analytics from different packages covering different analytics scopes. For example, company news, macro news, etc. Please contact Customer Support to receive the flatfile_package identifier for your license.

# Download analytics (edge)
flatfile_package = <YOUR_FLATFILE_PACKAGE_ID>  # Contact Client Support for getting an identifier
RP_APIDownloadFullHistory( APIHandler = APIHandler, outFolderPath = "~/Downloads",
                           flatfile_package = flatfile_package )


The RavenPack Document API provides access to the news stories. In particular it retrieves the URL for accessing the content of a story.

You must provide the RavenPack story identifier (i.e., rp_story_id in rpa or rp_document_id in edge) of the story to access.

url = RP_APIGetStoryURL( APIHandler = APIHandler, rpStoryId = "7509CE837C176F159103AEED0EDCD1A6"  )

Real Time Feed

The RavenPack Streaming API allows users to subscribe to a dataset from RavenPack in real-time. At this time, only datasets defined with granular frequency are supported by this endpoint.

Subscribing to a Feed

You can use the following code to subscribe to a feed:

funPath = "process-stream.R"
data = RP_APISubscribeRT(APIHandler = APIHandler, datasetUUID = datasetUUID, funPath = funPath)

Bear in mind that, under the hood, the data will be passed from a curl to your defined R function using a pipe. Example:

curl -s -H "api-key:XXX" "<datasetUUID>" | r -f funPath

Here there is a simple example for processing the stream that you may use as skeleton:

 f <- file("stdin")
 while(length(line <- readLines(f,n=1)) > 0) {
   write(line, stderr())
   # do any other process


Authentication issues

If you are behind a firewall or a proxy, you may experience problems with SSL authentication:

> status = RP_APIStatus(APIHandler = APIHandler)
 Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates

As a workaround, you can run the following code:

> library(httr)
> set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))

RavenPack/r-api documentation built on July 30, 2022, 9:56 p.m.