Man pages for ReasonFoundation/reasontheme
A Reason Pension Integrity Project ggplot theme

calibri_installImport and register Calibri font
calibri_testTest for Calibri import and registration
palette_reasonThe Reason Foundation [ggplot2] theme
reason_color_palThe Reason Foundation [ggplot2] theme
scale_color_discreteDiscrete color scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_color_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_colour_discreteDiscrete color scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_colour_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_colour_ordinalDiscrete color scale for ordinal factors that aligns with the...
scale_fill_discreteDiscrete fill scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_fill_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Reason Foundation...
scale_fill_ordinalDiscrete fill scale for ordinal factors that aligns with the...
set_reason_themeThe Reason Foundation ggplot2 theme
theme_reason_printA ggplot2 theme formatted in the Reason Foundation style
theme_reason_slideA ggplot2 theme formatted in the Reason Foundation style
theme_reason_webA ggplot2 theme formatted in the Reason Foundation style
ReasonFoundation/reasontheme documentation built on July 16, 2020, 2:36 p.m.