  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This Vignette provides a brief and simple introduction to the seqbtests package. The purpose of the package is to provide a flexible and easy to use framework to evaluate the performance of benchmark results.


This package implements statistical testing in order to assess statistical differences between the performances of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for classification. The package and vignette are mainly based on @benavoli2017. Benavoli et al. argue against the use of null hypothesis significance testing, due to some drawbacks, like not accounting for magnitude of the effects or uncertainty in the estimates. Further, the estimation of the p-value depends on sampling intentions and the sample size. Instead they are promoting the use of Bayesian testing.

The seqbtests package provides both, frequentist and Bayesian, tests for comparison of algorithms on one or multiple data sets. As a new element, the package offers a sequential approach to Bayesian testing. Since, evaluation of ML algorithms can be quite time consuming, the approach offers a new possibility to optimize the evaluation process and make it more effective. After each iteration of evaluation, the sequential tests compare the estimated posterior probabilities to a defined threshold and stop further testing, if a decision based on the probabilities can be made. The package offers the possibility to evaluate the algorithms performance, while simultaneously testing the results, thus, in the case of early stopping this procedure can considerably save evaluation time.

This vignette is divided in four parts. The first introduces the data structure that needs to be provided for testing. The second and third part respectively describe the included frequentist and Bayesian tests, as well as their graphical visualization. The last section introduces the sequential approach to Bayesian testing.

Data structure

For all tests and additional functions that are provided in the package, the data must be in a particular format. The following table shows how such a data frame should look like. The specified columns are mandatory.

| problem | algorithm | replication | measure_* | |:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:| | problem_a | algo_1 | 1 | 0.4150943 | | problem_a | algo_2 | 1 | 0.7240566 | | problem_a | algo_1 | 2 | 0.4292453 | | problem_a | algo_2 | 2 | 0.7240566 | | problem_a | algo_1 | 3 | 0.4056604 | | problem_a | algo_2 | 3 | 0.7476415 | | ... | ... | ... | ... |

For the sake of simplicity, in the following, the data frame containing the evaluation data and used to test the algorithms against one another is referred to as data frame, while the data sets used to evaluate the classifiers performance are referred to as problem sets and are stored in the problem column.

The algorithm column contains the names of each algorithm. replication describes the number of the replication, i.e. the iteration of performance evaluation. The performance measures are displayed in the column named measure_*. The data format allows including more than one performance measure in the data frame by setting a specification after measure_. For example one can include measure_acc and measure_f1 for accuracy and F1 Score, the harmonic mean of precision and recall. However, for each test or plot one specific measure column has to be defined since it is not possible to compare multiple measures at once.

The package offers the advantage that there is no need to provide a complete data set when using the sequential tests. The user can define the function get_replication to build the data frame. To be able to save time when evaluating the algorithms the sequential tests are built in loops. In each loop the tests calls a new iteration through get_replication to test the algorithms performances. Each run of evaluation is only called if the predefined threshold that determines if an algorithm works better than the competing one is not reached, and further evaluation needs to be done. Thus, if a decision based on the estimated posterior probabilities can be made, the evaluation for this algorithm is stopped, which can save the user a lot of time.

To run the tests the data frame must not contain any NAs. If a complete data frame is used, the package provides a function to search for and delete groups containing NAs based on either algorithm or problem.

data_with_na <- test_benchmark_small
data_with_na$measure_col[1] <- NA

na_check(df = data_with_na, check_var = "algorithm") 

For each value of the defined check_var (either problem or algorithm) na_check shows the number and ratio of NAs in the measure column. To perform any of the tests for each problem the same number of algorithms and replications must be included in the data frame. Thus, when comparing the results of na_check one can decide rather to drop the specific values of either problem or algorithm. To remove one specific group of values the package provides the function na_drop. Via the same check_var the user can specify to either drop all values containing NAs for either problem or algorithm. It is sensible to select the variable that the least observations are lost by.

complete_data <- na_drop(df = data_with_na, check_var = "algorithm")

To test if the data frame is in the right format, one can check the structure with check_structure. If the data provided by the user is in the specified format, the function returns TRUE. If there are any problems concerning the format, a corresponding error message will be issued.


When the frequentist or Bayesian tests are run, the correct format and whether all necessary columns are available is checked internally.


Statistical testing

The package provides data that show examples for performance measures of different algorithms evaluated on a number of different problem sets. They are used to introduce the package functions.


Frequentist Hypothesis tests

To assess statistical differences between the performance measures obtained by different algorithms the package provides several frequentist hypothesis tests.

One can differentiate between parametric and non-parametric tests. The advantage of non-parametric tests is that no assumptions need to be made. If the assumptions for the parametric tests hold, those tests are more powerful, if, however, the assumptions do not apply one should rather use non-parametric tests since in this case they are more powerful.


Before testing the differences one should always have a further look on the algorithms by visualizing their aggregated performance on all problem sets with plot_densities.


The function plots the density of all algorithms performances in the considered data frame. As an argument the user has to define the data frame (df). If the data frame contains more than one measure column the user should define which column to use (per default the first column is used). Based on the densities one can already determine whether an algorithm is likely to be normally distributed.

For further visualization of the data the mean performance of the algorithms can be observed using the function plot_boxplot.

plot_boxplot(df = test_benchmark_small)

The box plots show the mean performances of the algorithms across all problem sets in the data frame. Thus, it's easy to observe strong outliers.

After the visualization, statistical differences in the performances of the algorithms can be tested by three frequentist tests implemented in the package, namely, the correlated t-test and the non-parametric Friedman and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The null hypothesis for these tests states that there are no differences among the algorithms, thus all algorithm score the same performance.

| 2 algorithms x 1 problem set | 2 algortihms x n problem sets | n algorithms x n problem sets| |:------:|:------:|:------:| | correlated t-test | Wilcoxon signed rank test | Friedman test | | | Nemenyi pos-hoc test | |

Correlated t-test

The correlated t-test is an extension of the common t-test that additionally takes into account that the algorithms performances are evaluated on overlapping trainings sets and are therefore correlated. It is used, for the analysis of performance results on a single problem set.

results_corr <- corr_t_test(df= test_benchmark_small, problem = "problem_a", 
  baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_2")

The common practice in frequentist hypothesis testing is to assume a significance level of $\alpha = 0.05$. If the calculated p-value is below this threshold ($p \le \alpha$) the accuracy of the considered algorithms is significantly different in the specific problem set and the null hypothesis can be rejected.

For the test a baseline algorithm needs to be defined (baseline). The baseline is tested either against another defined algorithm (algorithm) or, if no algorithm is defined, against all other algorithms in the data frame. Note that, for the frequentist hypothesis tests, one has to take multiple testing problems into account and may adjust the significance level via correction procedures such as Bonferroni correction.

Wilcoxon signed ranks test

The Wilcoxon signed ranks test is recommended by @demsar2006 for the comparison of two classifiers on multiple problem sets. It is a non-parametric test that ranks and compares the performances of two classifiers, based on their ranks.

results_wilcoxon <-  wilcoxon_signed_test(df = test_benchmark, 
  baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_2", problem = "problem_a")  

The null hypothesis states that the algorithms performances on the considered problem set are the same. If the computed p-value is smaller than 0.05 the null hypothesis can be rejected, i.e. there are significant differences among the compared algorithms.

Friedman test

The Friedman test is a non-parametric test that checks whether differences among the algorithms appear. It has been recommended by @demsar2006 together with the corresponding Nemenyi post-hoc test for pairwise comparison of classifiers among multiple problem sets. The Friedman test checks if there is one or multiple algorithms that perform significantly different from the others. It is the non-parametric equivalent to the ANOVA test.

results_friedman <- friedman_test(test_benchmark) 

The null hypothesis states that all algorithms are equal. The p-value shows if the null hypothesis can safely be rejected, i.e. revealing that there are significant differences among the algorithms. In case of rejection one can proceed with a post-hoc test.

Post-hoc test

The post-hoc tests are pairwise comparison of all algorithms. When there are significant differences among the algorithms a post-hoc test finally shows among which algorithms the differences appear.

If the null hypothesis that states that all algorithms are equal is rejected one can proceed with a post-hoc test. This package provides one post-hoc test, the Nemenyi post-hoc test, which is recommended by @demsar2006.

Nemenyi post-hoc test

The Nemenyi test is close to the Tukey test for the ANVOA, it compares each algorithm to one another. If the average ranks of two algorithms differ by at least the value of Critical Difference (CD) the two algorithms are significantly different.

results_nemenyi <- nemenyi_test(test_benchmark_small)

The performance of all algorithms can be graphically visualized via the Critical Differences (CD) plots, introduced by @demsar2006.


In the plot the compared algorithms are lined up according to their ranks. Algorithms that do not differ significantly are connected by horizontal lines.

It is possible that the Friedman test finds significant differences that post-hoc tests are not able to detect. This case happens quite rarely and is due to the post-hoc tests lower power. When this case occurs one can only state that there significant differences between the algorithms appear.


Bayesian Testing

While in many other scientific fields a shift from frequentist tests towards Bayesian testing has taken place for some time now, the analysis of benchmark results is still based on null hypothesis significance testing (i.e. frequentist analysis). This package is based on the paper of @benavoli2017, which proposed the use of Bayesian tests instead of frequentist tests for comparing the performance of machine learning algorithms. They emphasize the many advantages of the Bayesian approach:

While the null hypothesis of the frequentist test states that there are no differences between the algorithms performances, this hypothesis can only be rejected. In Bayesian testing further information is available by querying the posterior distribution. First, a prior distribution is set up that expresses the prior beliefs about the parameters of interest, when no data is yet taken into account. The posterior distribution is calculated using the prior distribution about a parameter and a likelihood model providing actual information about the given parameter through the observed data. Using the posterior distribution different probabilities can be computed: the probability that the baseline algorithms is better than the compared algorithm (P(baseline >> algorithm)), the probability that the algorithm performs better than the baseline (P(baseline << algorithm)). Additional, an interval around the null value is established to be able to tell if two algorithms are practically equivalent (P(baseline = algorithm)). This interval is referred to as the ROPE (Region of Practical Equivalence). Usually two algorithms are practically equivalent if the mean differences of accuracy are less than 1%.

The package provides four Bayesian tests, which have been summarized and recommended in @benavoli2017. The Bayesian correlated t test, is used for the comparison of two algorithms on one data set. The other three tests, namely the Bayesian sign test, the Bayesian signed rank test and the Bayesian hierarchical correlated t-test are used to test algorithms on multiple problem sets.

| 2 algorithms x 1 problem set | 2 algorithms x n problem sets | |:------:|:------:| | Bayesian correlated t-test | Bayesian sign test | | | Bayesian signed rank test | | | Bayesian hierarchical correlated t-test |

Bayesian correlated t-test

The Bayesian correlated t-test compares the performance of two competing classifiers on a single problem set. It is the Bayesian counterpart to the frequentist correlated t-test and thus takes correlation due to overlapping trainings data into account. Like the frequentist test, the Bayesian counterpart is a parametric test, which assumes Gaussian distribution of the data. If the correlation, denoted by rho, is 0 the Bayesian correlated t-test and the frequentist correlated t-test are numerically equivalent. Yet, the approaches inferences are different. Thus, the interpretation of the same numerical values differs. The default value for rho is 0.01.

results_b_corr <- b_corr_t_test(df= test_benchmark_small, 
  problem = "problem_a", baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_2")

The correlation rho has to be between 0 and 1, the variance needs to be > 0.

The baseline algorithm can be tested either against a specific algorithm, or against all algorithms, if no specification for algorithm is made. The test returns a data frame with each row containing the results of one comparison. The column labeled algorithm displays the algorithms names that are tested against the baseline. The posterior probabilities are shown in the columns left, rope and right. The column labeled left defines the posterior probability of the mean differences of accuracy being below the bound of the ROPE (P(baseline << algorithm)). rope determines the posterior probability of the classifiers being practically equivalent (P(baseline = algorithm)). Thus, the right column shows the probability of the mean differences being above the upper bound (P(baseline >> algorithm)).

The column probabilities returns the decisions that can be made based on the posterior probabilities. The decisions are made according to the probability (prob) defined by the user (per default 95% is assumed). They also depend on whether the user has determined that the algorithms should be tested to perform either better than or at least as good as the other. This can be defined by the argument compare by specifying either better or equal. This is especially important when it comes to comparing two almost similar algorithms, which differ in their computational effort. In this case it can often be helpful to know that the computationally less complex algorithm performs at least as well as the other one. If no decision could be made the column states no decision for the specific algorithm.

The decisions based on the posterior probabilities can be outlined as follows:

| Decisions | |:------:| | $algo_1 > algo_2$ if right probability > 0.95 | | $algo_1 = algo_2$ if rope probability > 0.95 | | $algo_1 < algo_2$ if left probability > 0.95 | | $algo_1 \ge algo_2$ if right + rope probability > 0.95 | | $algo_1 \le algo_2$ if left + rope probability > 0.95 |

The posterior probability can be plotted by the function plot_posterior.

plot_posterior(results_b_corr, method = "b_corr_t_test")

To plot the posterior distribution the user needs to define the applied Bayesian test (method). In addition, the test results that should be visualized needs to be labeled. Even though, the Bayesian tests allow the comparison of multiple algorithms against the baseline, to plot the results one algorithm needs to be defined. The plot visualizes the posterior probabilities, as well as the ROPE. P(baseline = algorithm) is the integral of the posterior distribution in-between the ROPE, which is defined by the two vertical lines. The width of the plots corresponds to the uncertainty in the data. In case of high uncertainty, the posterior has a larger width and encloses more parameter values. With decreasing uncertainty, the plot becomes more narrow.

The probability mass that is in the interval (-$\infty$, -0.01) represents the probability of algo_2 being better than algo_1. For the probability mass in the interval (0.01, $\infty$) this equals the probability of algo_1 being better than algo_2. The mass falling in the interval (-0.01, 0.01) can be interpreted as the probability of both algorithms being practically equivalent. If all the probability mass is inside the ROPE one can conclude that the Baseline and compared algorithm are practically equivalent.

Bayesian sign test and Bayesian signed ranks test

The Bayesian sign and signed ranks tests compare classifiers on multiple problem sets. They are respectively the Bayesian counterparts to the non-parametric sign and Wilcoxon signed ranks test and assume a Dirichlet Process (DP) prior. Different than the Bayesian and frequentist correlated t-test these tests don't take correlation into account. However, due to their non-parametric nature, they do not assume normality of the samples mean, are robust regarding outliers and do not assume commensurability.

The Bayesian sign test is less powerful than the Bayesian signed rank test, since the signed ranks test does not only take the sign into account, but also the magnitude of differences. It ranks the absolute values of differences and compares these ranks, while considering the signs.

results_b_sign <- b_sign_test(df= test_benchmark_small, 
  problem = "problem_a", baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_2")
results_b_signed <- b_signed_rank_test(df= test_benchmark_small, 
  baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_2")

The results are displayed and can be interpreted identically as for the Bayesian correlated t-test.


The graphical visualization can be called the same way as for correlated t-tests by plot_posterior, while adjusting the applied method.

plot_posterior(results_b_sign, method = "b_sign_test")
plot_posterior(results_b_signed, method = "b_signed_rank_test")

Different to the correlated t-test the plot now corresponds to a large triangle, which is divided in three different regions. The posterior samples are represented by the cloud of points in the triangle. The regions correspond to three probabilities. If all the points fall in one region, one can conclude that such hypothesis is true, with a probability of almost 100%.


Bayesian hierarchical correlated t-test

The Bayesian hierarchical correlated t-test is an extension of the correlated t-test that works for the comparison of classifiers on multiple problem sets and still takes correlation into account. For every problem set a multivariate normal distribution is assumed for the means. The aim is to estimate the mean difference of accuracies on all considered problem sets. In Bayesian analysis hierarchical models are particularly powerful and flexible. Computations are obtained by Markov-Chain Monte Carlo sampling.

results_b_hierarchical <- b_hierarchical_test(df= test_benchmark_small, 
  baseline = "algo_1", algorithm = "algo_3",  rho=0.1, rope=c(-0.01, 0.01))

The hierarchical approach is recommended over the Bayesian signed test by @benavoli2017. Yet, it is quite time consuming, which is inconvenient if tests needs to be run often.

The graphical visualization shows a similar triangle plot as the Bayesian sign and signed rank test.

plot_posterior(results_b_hierarchical, method = "b_hierarchical_test")


Sequential Bayesian Testing

While all the former tests have been implemented in similar forms in other packages, this package is trying to optimize the process of performance evaluation. The procedure of assessing the algorithms performances mostly is time-consuming. To counteract this issue this package provides a sequential approach for comparison while using Bayesian tests.

In sequential testing, the sample size is not fixed in advance, but data are evaluated as they are collected. An optional stopping rule is applied, that terminates further evaluation and testing, if a pre-defined level of evidence or a maximum number of evaluations is reached.

The stopping rule can be outlined as follows:

The threshold probability can be defined by the user by adjusting prob. If either of the stopping rules applies, further testing is stopped. If the baseline is compared to multiple algorithms evaluation and testing is only stopped for the specific algorithm, for which the stopping rule is reached. The procedure continues for the other algorithms.

Thus, the sequential procedure can be outlined as follows:

  1. Define a maximum number of observations to be iterated and a stopping rule
  2. Choose a prior distribution
  3. Run a minimal number of replications, increase sample size as often as needed and compute the posterior distribution at any stage
  4. As soon as one of the thresholds in step 1 is reached, stop sampling and report the final posterior probability distribution

To control the evaluation scope, the user can specify the maximum number of replications with max_repls. If a complete record is provided max_repls should correspond to the number of replications in the record.

Two main issues need to be considered for sequential testing, namely multiple testing problems and bias through early stopping. In frequentist hypothesis tests the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis increases (Type 1 error). Even though Bayesian testing does not rely on Type 1 errors, multiple testing should be taken into account. @gelman2012 argues that multiple testing problems can be mitigated by using multilevel modeling, to achieve more reliable estimates, and by using the ROPE, which decreases the asymptotic false alarm rate.

Extensive statistical experiments have shown that a possible bias caused through early stopping can be mitigated by setting a minimum number of replications, that need to be evaluated before the optional stopping rule is activated. The user can determine this number by min_repls. The default for min_repls is five replications, since simulation studies have shown that the number is sufficient to achieve valid results.

results_seq_corr <- seq_b_corr_t_test(df = test_benchmark_small, rho=0.1,
  problem = "problem_c", baseline = "algo_1", compare = "better", max_repls = 10)


results_seq_sign <- seq_b_sign_test(df = test_benchmark_small, 
  baseline = "algo_1", max_repls = 10)

results_seq_ranks <- seq_b_signed_rank_test(df = test_benchmark_small,
  baseline = 'algo_1', max_repls = 10)

results_seq_hierarchical <- seq_b_hierarchical_test(df = test_benchmark_small,
   baseline = 'algo_1', algorithm = "algo_3", min_repls = 8, max_repls = 10)

The results of the sequential tests are structured and can be interpreted the same way as the non-sequential tests. The output also specifies the number of replications that were considered. If no decision concerning the probabilities could be made, the replications were examined up to max_repls.

To be able to save time through sequential testing, no complete data set needs to be provided, but the data can be evaluated within the tests. The user can define the function get_replication to build each replication of evaluation. In each loop of the tests, a new replication is generated and the data is tested. If the user provides a complete data frame, there is no need to define get_replication but the default function can be used. The complete data frame can be called by the tests argument df.

In the following an exemplary function for get_replication is built to replace the default function. The default function needs to be unlocked in order to lock the replacement.

sepcific_get_replication <- function(i){
  data <- data.frame(algorithm = rep(c("algo_a", "algo_b"), length = i*2), 
    measure_accuracy = rnorm(n = i*2, mean = c(0.4, 0.7), sd = 0.05))
  data$problem <- "problem_1"
  for (i in unique(data$algorithm)) {
    data$replication[data$algorithm == i] <- seq_len(sum(data$algorithm == i))

unlockBinding("get_replication", as.environment("package:seqbtests"))
assignInNamespace("get_replication", sepcific_get_replication, ns="seqbtests", 
assign("get_replication", sepcific_get_replication, 

results <- seq_b_corr_t_test(problem = "problem_1", 
  baseline = "algo_a", algorithm = "algo_b")


RebeccaGroh/seqbtests documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 8:50 a.m.