get_eq_data <- function(url = "$ID&t=101650&s=13&d=189&dfn=signif.txt"){
  readr::read_delim(url,delim="\t", col_types = readr::cols())

eq_clean_data <- function(data){
  data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::make_date(year = YEAR, month = ifelse(,1,MONTH), day = ifelse(,1,DAY)),
                                 LATITUDE = as.numeric(LATITUDE),
                                 LONGITUDE = as.numeric(LONGITUDE),
                                 EQ_PRIMARY = as.numeric(EQ_PRIMARY)

eq_location_clean <- function(data){
  data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(LOCATION_NAME = trimws(stringr::str_replace(LOCATION_NAME, pattern = "^.*:[:space:]{1}", replacement = ""))) %>%
    mutate(LOCATION_NAME = tools::toTitleCase(tolower(LOCATION_NAME))) # calling mutate on LOCATION_NAME twice to avoid excessive nesting

GeomTimeline <- ggplot2::ggproto("GeomTimeline", Geom,
                           required_aes = c("x"),
                           default_aes = aes(shape = 19,
                                             colour = "black",
                                             size = 1.5,
                                             alpha = NA,
                                             stroke = 0.5,
                                             y = 0.25),

                           draw_key = draw_key_point,

                           draw_panel = function(data, panel_scales, coord) {
                             coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)

                             # creates a line on which the earthquakes are plotted
                             y_values <- unique(coords$y)
                             no_y <- length(y_values)
                             eq_line <- grid::polylineGrob(x = rep(c(0,1),no_y), y = sort(rep(y_values,2)), id=sort(rep(c(1:no_y),2)), gp=grid::gpar(col = "grey", lwd = 3))
                             #creates the points on the timeline
                             eq_points <- grid::pointsGrob(
                               coords$x, coords$y,
                               pch = coords$shape,
                               size = unit(coords$size*.pt, "mm"),
                               gp = gpar(col = scales::alpha(coords$colour, coords$alpha),
                                         fill = scales::alpha(coords$fill, coords$alpha),
                                         fontsize = coords$size * .pt + coords$stroke * .stroke/2,
                                         lwd = coords$stroke * .stroke/2)
                             plot <- grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(eq_line, eq_points))


geom_timeline <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "identity",
                              position = "identity", na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA,
                              inherit.aes = TRUE, ...) {
    geom = GeomTimeline, mapping = mapping,  data = data, stat = stat,
    position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(na.rm = na.rm, ...)

GeomTimelineLabel <- ggplot2::ggproto("GeomTimelineLabel", Geom,
                                      required_aes = c("x", "label"),
                                      default_aes = aes(shape = 19, colour = "black", size = 1.5, alpha = NA, stroke = 0.5, fill="black", y = 0.25, magnitude = NA),

                                      draw_key = draw_key_point,

                                      draw_panel = function(data, panel_scales, coord, n_max) {

                                        if(!{data <- data %>% dplyr::arrange(-magnitude) %>% head(n_max)}
                                        coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)
                                        # creates the label lines
                                        #y_values <- unique(coords$y)
                                        no_y <- length(unique(coords$y))
                                        label_line <- grid::polylineGrob(x = c(rbind(coords$x,coords$x)),
                                                                         y = c(rbind(coords$y,coords$y + (1/(no_y+4)))),
                                                                         gp=grid::gpar(col = "grey", lwd = 2)
                                        #creates the labels
                                        label_text <- grid::textGrob(label = coords$label,
                                                                     x = coords$x,
                                                                     y = coords$y + (1/(no_y+3.8)),
                                                                     rot = 45,
                                                                     just = "left"

                                        plot <- grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(label_line, label_text))


geom_timeline_label <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "identity", position = "identity", na.rm = FALSE,
                                show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE, n_max = NA, ...){

    geom = GeomTimelineLabel, mapping = mapping,  data = data, stat = stat,
    position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(n_max = n_max, na.rm = na.rm, ...)
eq_map <- function(data, annot_col=NA){

  leaflet::leaflet(data) %>%
    leaflet::addTiles() %>%
    leaflet::addCircleMarkers(lng = ~LONGITUDE, lat = ~LATITUDE, radius = ~EQ_PRIMARY, weight = 2, popup = data[[annot_col]] ) 


eq_create_label <- function(data){

  data %>% dplyr::mutate(popup_text = paste0(ifelse(, "", paste0("<b>Location: </b>", LOCATION_NAME)),
                                    ifelse(, "", paste0("</br><b>Magnitude: </b>",EQ_PRIMARY)),
                                    ifelse(, "", paste0("</br><b>Total deaths: </b>", TOTAL_DEATHS))

This package provides a number of functions that can be used to retrieve, clean and visualize data from the NOAA Significant Earthquake Database.

The Significant Earthquake Database contains information on destructive earthquakes from 2150 B.C. to the present that meet at least one of the following criteria:

The database should be referenced to as: National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS): Significant Earthquake Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K

More information can be found at the NOAA website

This vignette will describe how to use this package. The package can be divided in three major parts:

Retrieving and cleaning earthquake data

Retrieving earthquake data

The NOAA Significant Earthquake Database can be downloaded as a tab-delimited file from the NOAA website. get_eq_data takes care of this and loads the data into a dataframe.

raw_earthquake_data <- get_eq_data()

Cleaning earthquake data

The package has two functions for cleaning the data, eq_clean_data and eq_location_clean.

The eq_clean_data function changes the datatypes of the columns LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and EQ_PRIMARY to numeric. It also adds a column date which has the date. The date column is constructed from the columns YEAR, MONTH and DAY. In some cases the DAY or MONTH is missing. In those cases, DAY or MONTH is set to 1.

The eq_location_clean function cleans the description of the location from the column LOCATION_NAME. The column LOCATION_NAME has redundant country names which are removed by this function. Please note that some earthquakes have multiple locations associated with them. In these cases only the last location is preserved.

clean_earthquake_data <- eq_clean_data(raw_earthquake_data )

clean_location_earthquake_data <- eq_location_clean(clean_earthquake_data)

The functions for retrieving and cleaning earthquake data are suited to use in a pipe.


clean_earthquake_data <- get_eq_data() %>% eq_clean_data() %>% eq_location_clean() 

Visualizing earthquake data on a timeline

The package holds two two geoms that can be used in accord with the ggplot2-package to create a timeline with earthquakes and to label them.


The geom_timeline can create a timeline. There is also an option to create stratified timelines for a factor y, e.g. country. The geom_timeline requires an x-aesthetic with the date. Optional aesthetics include y (for multiple timelines), shape, colour, alpha, size, stroke and fill.

data <- get_eq_data() %>% eq_clean_data() %>% eq_location_clean() 

subset <- dplyr::filter(data, COUNTRY %in% c("CHINA","USA","JAPAN"),date >"2016-01-01"))

# basic use
ggplot(subset, aes(x = date)) + geom_timeline() + theme_light()

ggplot(subset, aes(x = date)) + geom_timeline(aes(size = EQ_PRIMARY, colour = COUNTRY), alpha = 0.3) + theme_light()

#multiple timelines by setting the y aesthetic
ggplot(subset, aes(x = date, y = COUNTRY)) + geom_timeline(aes(size = EQ_PRIMARY, colour = COUNTRY), alpha = 0.3) + theme_light()


The geom_timeline_label can be used to annotate the timeline created with labels. The geom needs an x and label aesthetic. Optional aesthetics include y, and magnitude. The geom has an option to label only the earthquakes with the largest magnitudes. This option can be set with the n_max parameter. Note that the magnitude must be provided as an aesthetic to use the n_max parameter.

ggplot(subset, aes(x = date)) + 
  geom_timeline(aes(size = EQ_PRIMARY, colour = COUNTRY), alpha = 0.3) + 
  theme_light() + 
  geom_timeline_label(aes(label = LOCATION_NAME))

# label multiple timelines
ggplot(subset, aes(x = date, y = COUNTRY)) + 
  geom_timeline(aes(size = EQ_PRIMARY, colour = COUNTRY), alpha = 0.3) + 
  theme_light() +
  geom_timeline_label(aes(label = LOCATION_NAME))

# label only the largest earthquakes
ggplot(subset, aes(x = date)) + 
  geom_timeline(aes(size = EQ_PRIMARY, colour = COUNTRY), alpha = 0.3) + 
  theme_light() + 
  geom_timeline_label(aes(label = LOCATION_NAME, magnitude = EQ_PRIMARY), n_max = 5)

Visualizing earthquake data on an interactive map

The package has also a function eq_map to plot earthquake locations on an interactive map (using leaflet) and a function eq_create_label to create informative popups for these locations.

The function eq_map takes a dataframe with cleaned earthquake data and has an optional annot_col-argument to create popups. The eq_create_label function takes a dataframe and adss a column popup_text to it which has the Location name, Magnitude and the number of deaths in HTML-format.

data <- get_eq_data() %>% eq_clean_data() %>% eq_location_clean() 
data_mex <- dplyr::filter(data, COUNTRY == "MEXICO" & lubridate::year(date) >= 2000)

# without popups

# date as popup
eq_map(data_mex, annot_col = "date")

# popups with eq_create_label
data_mex_popup <- eq_create_label(data_mex)
eq_map(data_mex_popup, annot_col = "popup_text")

RedTent/earthquakeJT documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:25 p.m.