Man pages for Rekyt/rtaxref
An R client for TaxRef the French Taxonomical Database

rt_biogeo_statusRetrieve biogeographic statuses used in TAXREF
rt_external_dbRetrieve external DBs referenced in TAXREF
rt_habitatsRetrieve habitats used in TAXREF
rt_interactions_find_typeRetrieve the status of all Taxa according to a Status Type
rt_interactions_opgroupRetrieve the interactions of all Taxa in an Operational Group
rt_interactions_searchSearch Interactions based on a list of criteria
rt_interactions_typeRetrieve Interactions Types used in TAXREF
rt_languagesRetrieve the languages used in TAXREF
rt_operational_groupsRetrieve operational groups used in TAXREF
rt_sources_find_termSearch a source from a term
rt_sources_idRetrieve a source of taxonomic information using its id
rt_sources_matchSearch a source from a citation by fuzzy matching
rt_source_usesRetrieve the list of source uses in TAXREF
rt_status_find_typeRetrieve the status of all Taxa according to a Status Type
rt_status_opgroupRetrieve the status of all Taxa in an Operational Group
rt_status_searchSearch statuses based on a list of criteria
rt_status_typeRetrieve Status Types Used in TAXREF
rt_taxa_autocompleteRetrieve Taxon ID from partially matching its Name
rt_taxa_childrenRetrieve a taxon children
rt_taxa_externalidsRetrieve IDs of the taxon in external databases
rt_taxa_factsheetGet factsheet for taxa
rt_taxa_from_externalidsRetrieve Taxon using the ids from external databases
rt_taxa_fuzzymatchFind taxa by fuzzy matching their scientific Name
rt_taxa_idRetrieve a taxon information using its id
rt_taxa_interactionsRetrieve Interactions of taxon with other taxa
rt_taxa_mediaRetrieve Media (photos & others) Associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_parentRetrieve classification above the taxon
rt_taxa_searchSearch for a taxon information
rt_taxa_sourcesRetrieve Sources Associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_statusRetrieve Taxon Conservation Status
rt_taxa_synonymsRetrieve Synonyms associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_taxrefhistoryRetrieve history of a taxon through TAXREF versions
rt_taxa_vernacularRetrieve VernacularNames associated with a Taxon
rt_taxo_ranksRetrieve taxonomic ranks in TAXREF
rt_taxref_versionsRetrieve the list of existing TAXREF versions
rt_vernacular_groupsRetrieve the list of vernacular groups in TAXREF
Rekyt/rtaxref documentation built on June 18, 2022, 1:02 p.m.