

  find_mad(data = mtcars, col.list = names(mtcars), criteria = 3)
  20 outlier(s) based on 3 median absolute deviations for variable(s): 
   mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb

  The following participants were considered outliers for more than one variable:

    Row n
  1   3 2
  2   9 2
  3  18 2
  4  19 2
  5  20 2
  6  26 2
  7  28 2
  8  31 2
  9  32 2

  Outliers per variable:

    Row qsec_mad
  1   9 3.665557

     Row vs_mad
  1    3    Inf
  2    4    Inf
  3    6    Inf
  4    8    Inf
  5    9    Inf
  6   10    Inf
  7   11    Inf
  8   18    Inf
  9   19    Inf
  10  20    Inf
  11  21    Inf
  12  26    Inf
  13  28    Inf
  14  32    Inf

     Row am_mad
  1    1    Inf
  2    2    Inf
  3    3    Inf
  4   18    Inf
  5   19    Inf
  6   20    Inf
  7   26    Inf
  8   27    Inf
  9   28    Inf
  10  29    Inf
  11  30    Inf
  12  31    Inf
  13  32    Inf

    Row carb_mad
  1  31 4.046945
  find_mad(data = mtcars2, col.list = names(mtcars), ID = "car", criteria = 3)
  20 outlier(s) based on 3 median absolute deviations for variable(s): 
   mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb

  The following participants were considered outliers for more than one variable:

    Row            car n
  1   3     Datsun 710 2
  2   9       Merc 230 2
  3  18       Fiat 128 2
  4  19    Honda Civic 2
  5  20 Toyota Corolla 2
  6  26      Fiat X1-9 2
  7  28   Lotus Europa 2
  8  31  Maserati Bora 2
  9  32     Volvo 142E 2

  Outliers per variable:

    Row      car qsec_mad
  1   9 Merc 230 3.665557

     Row            car vs_mad
  1    3     Datsun 710    Inf
  2    4 Hornet 4 Drive    Inf
  3    6        Valiant    Inf
  4    8      Merc 240D    Inf
  5    9       Merc 230    Inf
  6   10       Merc 280    Inf
  7   11      Merc 280C    Inf
  8   18       Fiat 128    Inf
  9   19    Honda Civic    Inf
  10  20 Toyota Corolla    Inf
  11  21  Toyota Corona    Inf
  12  26      Fiat X1-9    Inf
  13  28   Lotus Europa    Inf
  14  32     Volvo 142E    Inf

     Row            car am_mad
  1    1      Mazda RX4    Inf
  2    2  Mazda RX4 Wag    Inf
  3    3     Datsun 710    Inf
  4   18       Fiat 128    Inf
  5   19    Honda Civic    Inf
  6   20 Toyota Corolla    Inf
  7   26      Fiat X1-9    Inf
  8   27  Porsche 914-2    Inf
  9   28   Lotus Europa    Inf
  10  29 Ford Pantera L    Inf
  11  30   Ferrari Dino    Inf
  12  31  Maserati Bora    Inf
  13  32     Volvo 142E    Inf

    Row           car carb_mad
  1  31 Maserati Bora 4.046945

RemPsyc/rempsyc documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:41 p.m.