Man pages for RemkoDuursma/speciesmap
Species Occurrences And Climate Observations

benthclimExample climate at occurrence locations for Eucalyptus...
benthoccExample species occurrences for Eucalyptus benthamii
benthoccrasExample rasterized species occurrences for Eucalyptus...
climate_presenceLong-term climate at species occurrences
get_climate_varsGet worldclim observations for specific locations
get_occurrencesGet species occurrences from the ALA or GBIF
get_worldclim_rastersDownload Worldclim rasters
get_zomer_petExtract PET from the CGIAR-CSI database
rasterize_occurrencesRasterize species occurrences
RemkoDuursma/speciesmap documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:40 a.m.