
# list_sites <- function(domain = getOption('googlesites.site_domain')){
#   url <- sprintf('https://sites.google.com/feeds/site/', domain)
#   res <- sites_GET(target_url)
#   return(res)
# }
# # This feature is only available to Google Apps domains.
# # return metadata as list
# new_site <- function(url, 
#                      title = NULL,
#                      summary = NULL,
#                      theme = NULL,
#                      categories = NULL){
#   # next create the document
#   entry <- xml_new_document() %>%
#     xml_add_child("entry", 
#                   xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", 
#                   `xmlns:sites` = "http://schemas.google.com/sites/2008")
#   xml_add_child(entry, "title", title)
#   if(is.null(summary)){
#     summary <- title
#   }
#   xml_add_child(entry, "summary", summary)
#   xml_add_child(entry, "sites:siteName", url)
#   if(!is.null(theme)){
#     valid_themes <- c('Ski','Iceberg','Open Sky','Rounders','Slate','Simple',
#                       'Ember','Branches','Notebook','Legal Pad','Blank Slate',
#                       'Micro Blueprint','Micro Lite','Micro Sport','Madison','Beige and Blue',
#                       'Desert Panel','Vinyl Panel','Leather Panel','Lavender Panel','Crystal Panel',
#                       'Terra: Water','Terra: Ice','Terra: Ruby','Terra: Rock','Terra: Sand',
#                       'Solitude: Cherry','Solitude: Navy','Solitude: Olive','Solitude: Spice',
#                       'Solitude: Violet','Sea Foam','Cherry Pie','Charcoal','Sunset','Glitter',
#                       'Garden','Treehouse','Retropaint','Horizon','Shipshape','Schoolhouse',
#                       'Wintermint','Parchment','Tron','Shortcake','Smoke','Homemade','Toothpaste',
#                       'Patchwork','Tiles','Mint Chip','Launch default')
#     xml_add_child(entry, "sites:theme", theme)
#   }
#   if(!is.null(categories)){
#     add_site_categories(categories)
#     xml_add_child(entry, "category", 
#                   scheme = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind", 
#                   term = sprintf("http://schemas.google.com/sites/2008#%s", category),
#                   label = category)
#   }  
#   res <- sites_POST(target_url = 'https://sites.google.com/feeds/site/site/', 
#                     body = entry)
# }  
# # This feature is only available to Google Apps domains.
# copy_site  <- function(copy_site_url,
#                        new_site_url,
#                        title = NULL,
#                        summary = NULL,
#                        category = NULL){
#   # next create the document
#   entry <- xml_new_document() %>%
#     xml_add_child("entry", 
#                   xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", 
#                   `xmlns:sites` = "http://schemas.google.com/sites/2008")
#   xml_add_child(entry, "link", 
#                 rel = "http://schemas.google.com/sites/2008#source",
#                 type = "application/atom+xml",
#                 href = copy_site_url)
#   xml_add_child(entry, "title", title)
#   if(is.null(summary)){
#     summary <- title
#   }
#   xml_add_child(entry, "summary", summary)
#   xml_add_child(entry, "sites:siteName", new_site_url)
#   return(entry)
# }
# update_site_metadata <- function(site_name,
#                                  title = NULL,
#                                  summary = NULL){
#   # next create the document
#   entry <- xml_new_document() %>%
#     xml_add_child("entry", 
#                   xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", 
#                   `xmlns:sites` = "http://schemas.google.com/sites/2008", 
#                   `gd:etag` = "&quot;YD0peyY.&quot;")
#   url <- sprintf('https://sites.google.com/feeds/site/site/%s', 'testrgooglsites')
#   xml_add_child(entry, "id", url)
#   xml_add_child(entry, "title", title)
#   if(is.null(summary)){
#     summary <- title
#   }
#   xml_add_child(entry, "summary", summary)
#   res <- sites_PUT(target_url = url, body = entry)
# }
# # # This feature is only available to Google Apps domains.
# # add_site_categories()
# # 
# # 
# # get_site_address_map()
# # 
# # 
# # modify_site_address_map()
ReportMort/googlesites documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:12 a.m.