Man pages for Rgui/REndo_1.0
Fitting Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors when No External Instruments Are Available

checkAssumptionsChecks Assumptions for Constructing Internal Instruments
coef.copulaEndoS3 Method for copulaEndo object for generic "coef"
coef.livS3 Method for LIV object for generic "coef"
copulaCont1Fitting Linear Models with One Enedogenous Regressor using...
copulaDiscreteFitting Linear Models with Endogeneous Discrete Regressors...
copulaEndoFitting Linear Models Endogeneous Regressors using Gaussian...
copulaEndo-classgenerics for copulaREndo-class
copulaMethod2Fitting Linear Models with Endogeneous Regressors using...
copulaPStarInverse-Normal Distribution of the Empirical Distribution...
dataHMLewbelSimulated Dataset
dataLIVSimulated Dataset
hmlewbelFitting Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors using...
internalIVConstructs Internal Instrumental Variables From Data
livFitting Linear Models with one Endogenous Regressor using...
liv-classliv S4 Object
logLLikelihood Estimation for liv
print.livS3 Method for liv object for generic "print"
summary.copulaEndoS3 Method for copulaEndo object for generic "summary"
summary.livS3 Method for liv object for generic "summary"
Rgui/REndo_1.0 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:03 a.m.