  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

emojitotext is a function designed to aid in text mining analysis. The function dectects and replaces emojis, as well as accent characters, within text data. The function returns a text string where emoji and/or accent unicodes are replaced with a descriptive phrase i.e. "smiling face with heart-eyes".

Often text data-- especially data from social media websites like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram-- can contain emojis which are small images of facial expressions, places, foods, animals, etc. Many text mining processes are unable to process these non-alphanumeric characters, and so, in a preprocessing step, they are dropped from text data. However, removing emojis from text also removes important insight into the meaning of the text data. For example, "I am going to Advanced R class" followed by a smiley face verse a frowning face takes on different meaning.

emojitotext allows users to replace emojis with descriptive phrases as an alternative to dropping these characters from text.

The Function

emojiototext works by iterating through emoji_df, which is an emoji reference dataframe. Using regular expressions, if a byte sequence associated with an emoji is found within the text, the byte sequence is replaced with the corresponding english phrase. The main driver behind emojitotext is the helper function emojitotext_for_one which actually performs the emoji identification and replacement for a singular character string. emojitotext simply wraps emojitotext_for_one in an lapply to allow users to easily perfrom emoji replacement on a vector of character strings.

If users would like, the option accents can be specified to allow for characters with accents to be replaced with a corresponding ASCII character. This process works similariy, by iterating through accent_df, which is an accent reference dataframe.

Reference Data Frames

As of December 2018, emoji_df is a comprehensive emoji reference dataframe. The raw data was obtained from and contains single unicode emojis as well as more complicated emojis (i.e. containing skin tones).

accent_df is dataframe containing a varierty of accent characters and symbols from If a character is a letter, the user has the option to convert it to its corresponding ASCII character. If a character is a symbol, then it is replaced by an empty string.

Example: Sentiment Analysis

To demonstrate a potential use for emojitotext, we will perform sentiment analysis on text after replacing emojis with english phrases.

Suppose we have the following data frame:


emoji_text <- data.frame(text = c("I’m so hungry 😩 and my stomach hurts!",
                                  "I am super excited to go on vacation with my family πŸŒΈπŸŒŠπŸ„πŸ½",
                                  "My mom is making me eat my vegetables. πŸ₯¦πŸ€’😑😭 I wish I could eat ice cream all day! 🍦",
                                  "I have to go to bed now! 😴 Good night!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’•",
                                  "I have to go to bed now! πŸ˜” Good night!😠😠😠"),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Now let's look at the text column we just created. When printed, the emojis are displayed as unicode which is not in an interpretable format. Before performing our sentiment analysis, let's first convert the emojis to english phrases to extract additional meaning.

Let's start by examining our text column:

# examine text column


Let's see if our sentiment analysis can pick up on these differences after replacing the emojis with an english phrase.

# convert emojis to text
emoji_text$clean_text <- emojitotext(emoji_text$text)

To perform sentiment analysis, we will be using the package syzhet and the function get_sentiment. For this example, the method used to extract sentiment is the afinn method however the syzhet package includes multiple different methods for getting the sentiment of a phrase.

emoji_text$sentiment <- get_sentiment(emoji_text$clean_text, method = "afinn")

Now let's look at our resulting dataframe.

            align = c("l", "l", "r"),
            list(sentiment = formatter("span",
                                       style = function(x) ifelse(x > 0,
                                                                  "color:green", "color:red"))))

Notice that by replacing the emojis with their corresponding english phrases, the sentiment scores for the fourth and fifth columns are what we expected.

Rkabacoff/emoji2text documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:23 p.m.