Man pages for Rkabacoff/qacr
Functions to Facilitate Data Science Projects

amazonForest fires in Brazil
appointmentsMedical appointment no shows
battingMajor League Baseball batting statistics
big5Big 5 Personality Factors
biPlotPrincipal components biplot
borderThe Bureau of Transportation Statistics border crossing data
BostonHousing values in suburbs of Boston
breastBreast cancer data
cardataAutomobile characteristics
cars74Motor Trend car road tests
clearClear/reset an RStudio session
coffeeCoffee Quality Institute Database
contentsDetailed description of a data frame
contraceptionContraceptive method choice
cor_plotCorrelation matrix plot
countriesCIA World Factbook
crashesMontgomery County, Maryland car crash data
crosstabTwo-way frequency table
densitiesDensity plots
df_plotVisualize a data frame
FAFactor analysis
farmers_marketsUS farmers markets
googleplayGoogle Play Store Apps
groupdiffTest of group differences
hate_crimesFiveThirtyEight hate crimes dataset
heartHeart disease
hollandHolland Occupational Themes
hostelsJapan hostel dataset
housing1990 California Housing Dataset
importImport a dataset
insuranceMedical expenses
lift_plotLift and gain charts
lsoList object sizes and types
moviesBritish movie plots
normalizeNormalize numeric variables
oilUK oil investments between 1969 and 1992
pbp20182018 MLB pitcher data
PCAPrincipal Components Analysis
phelpGet help on a package
plot.crosstabPlot a crosstab object
plot.factorAnalysisPlot a factor solution
plot.tabPlot a tab object
print.contentsPrint a contents object
print.crosstabPrint a crosstab object
print.tabPrint a tab object
profile_plotCluster profile plots
qacr-packageqacr: Functions to Facilitate Data Science Projects
qstatsSummary statistics for a quantitative variable
rcolorsR Colors
recodesRecode one or more variables
roc_plotReceiver Operating Characteristic curve
scoreFactor and component scores
scree_plotScree test
soilsSoil composition data
standardizeStandardize numeric variables
studentStudent grade prediction
tabFrequency distribution for a categorical variable
tvTime spent watching television - 2017
univariate_plotUnivariate plot
venuesMajor sports venues
wineWine reviews
wss_plotWithin groups sum of squares plot
Rkabacoff/qacr documentation built on March 20, 2021, 3:03 p.m.