
Defines functions ToVec ToSym

Documented in ToSym ToVec

# Miscelaneous functions

#' Makes a symmetric matrix from the vector made of its upper triangular part
#' @param A.vec Vector obtain with ToVec or the `upper.tri()` function.
#' @return The symmetric matrix with A.vec as off-diagonal terms.
#' @export
ToSym <- function(A.vec){
   n <- (1+sqrt(1+8*length(A.vec)))/2
   A.mat <- matrix(0, n, n)
   A.mat[upper.tri(A.mat)] <- A.vec
   A.mat <- A.mat + t(A.mat)

#' Makes a vector from the upper triangular part of a symmetric matrix
#' @param A.mat A symmetric matrix.
#' @return The vector from the upper triangular part of A.mat.
#' @export
ToVec <- function(A.mat){
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