
riscoBrasil is a (tiny) R package to load the 'Brazil Risk' data that the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE maintain publicly from J.P. Morgan's Emerging Markets Bond Index. I was going to put this on CRAN, but I might not get around to satisfying the reqs.


if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")


The package has one function, riscoBrasil(), which takes two optional arguments, start and end. Without specifying either of these two, riscoBrasil() returns a data frame with data going back to 1994. The data frame has two columns, 'date' and 'risk', the first being POSIXct, the second being a numeric column. A specific period may be requested with start and/or end. If these parameters are used, they must be in a certain format, as a character string. For those familiar with the lubridate package, the format is "Ymd", for those not familiar with this style, the 1st of March 2017 is specified as: "2017-03-01". Both startand end must be in this format, otherwise the function will stop and return an error.

riscoBrasil <- function(start = NULL, end = NULL)

These data are then ideal for time series analysis, particularly with ARIMA-style models that posit that the values of a time-series are explained mostly by their past values.


Here is how we can download and plot the series starting from May 2007:

series <- riscoBrasil(start = "2007-05-01")

ggplot(series, aes(x = date, y = risk)) + 
  geom_line(colour = "#1874CD") +

The 'Brazil Risk' numbers, published daily by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics from JP Morgan's Emerging Market Bond Index, are a time-series spanning 1994 to the present, and as such, are a great source of data to use for the teaching of time series in R.

Forecasting with riscoBrasil

The data returned from riscoBrasil() can be used with a variety of packages and functions. In this example, I'll use facebook's new prophet package.

if(!require(prophet)) install.packages("prophet", 
                                       repos = "")
#> Loading required package: prophet
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Warning: Installed Rcpp (0.12.11) different from Rcpp used to build dplyr (0.12.10).
#> Please reinstall dplyr to avoid random crashes or undefined behavior.

series <- riscoBrasil(start = "2002-01-01")

colnames(series) <- c("ds", "y")   # for prophet to work
model <- prophet(series)
future <- make_future_dataframe(model, periods = 365)
forecast <- predict(model, future)
plot(model, forecast)

RobertMyles/riscoBrasil documentation built on May 5, 2019, 11:05 p.m.