Man pages for RobinDenz1/adjustedCurves
Confounder-Adjusted Survival Curves and Cumulative Incidence Functions

adjustedcifEstimate Cause-Specific Confounder-Adjusted Cumulative...
adjusted_curve_diffEstimate the difference between or the ratio of two...
adjustedCurvesConfounder-Adjusted Survival Curves and Cumulative Incidence...
adjusted_curve_testTest if there is a difference between two Confounder-Adjusted...
adjusted_rmstEstimate Confounder-Adjusted Restricted Mean Survival Times
adjusted_rmtlEstimate Confounder-Adjusted Restricted Mean Time Lost
adjustedsurvEstimate Confounder-Adjusted Survival Curves
adjusted_surv_quantileEstimate Confounder-Adjusted Survival Time Quantiles
as_ggsurvplot_dfExtract a 'data.frame' containing the estimated survival...
cif_aalen_johansenGroup-Specific Aalen-Johansen CIFs
cif_aiptwAugmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted CIFs
cif_aiptw_pseudoAugmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted CIFs...
cif_directDirect Adjusted Cumulative Incidence Functions
cif_direct_pseudoDirect Adjusted CIFs using Pseudo-Values
cif_iptwInverse Probability of Treatment Weighted CIFs
cif_iptw_pseudoInverse Probability of Treatment Weighted CIFs using...
cif_matchingUsing Propensity-Score Matching to Calculate Adjusted CIFs
CSC_MICause-Specific Cox Regression with Multiple Imputation
FGR_MIFine & Gray Model with Multiple Imputation
models_cif_directList of supported models in 'cif_direct'
models_surv_directList of supported models in 'surv_direct'
plot.adjustedcifPlot Confounder-Adjusted Cumulative Incidence Functions
plot.adjustedsurvPlot Confounder-Adjusted Survival Curves
plot_curve_diffPlot the Difference Between or the Ratio of Two Adjusted...
plot.curve_testPlot Method for 'curve_test' Objects
plot_rmst_curvePlot Adjusted Restricted Mean Survival Time Curves
plot_rmtl_curvePlot Adjusted Restricted Mean Time Lost Curves
print.curve_testPrint Method for 'curve_test' Objects
sim_confounded_criskSimulate Competing Risks Data with Confounders
sim_confounded_survSimulate Survival Data with Confounders
surv_aiptwAugmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Survival...
surv_aiptw_pseudoAugmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Survival...
surv_directDirect Adjusted Survival Curves
surv_direct_pseudoDirect Adjusted Survival Curves using Pseudo-Values
surv_emp_likEmpirical Likelihood Estimation Survival Curves
surv_iptw_coxInverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Survival using...
surv_iptw_kmInverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Kaplan-Meier...
surv_iptw_pseudoInverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Survival Estimates...
surv_iv_2SRIFInstrumental Variable based Survival Curve Estimation using...
surv_kmGroup-Specific Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves
surv_matchingUsing Propensity-Score Matching to Calculate Adjusted...
surv_prox_aiptwProximal Augmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted...
surv_prox_iptwProximal Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Survival...
surv_strat_amatoAdjusted Survival Curves for Categorical Confounders using...
surv_strat_cupplesAdjusted Survival Curves for Categorical Confounders using...
surv_strat_nietoAdjusted Survival Curves for Categorical Confounders using...
RobinDenz1/adjustedCurves documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 12:26 a.m.