knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/hyper2.png", package = "hyper2"))

To cite the hyper2 package in publications, please use @hankin2017_rmd. This file creates likelihood functions H and H_coll, which appear in the package as interzonal and collusion respectively. It also presents some analysis of the datasets using the hyper2 package.

jj <- read.table("stockholm1962.txt",header=FALSE)
results <- as.matrix(jj[,-(1:2)])
players <- as.character(jj$V1)
nationality <- as.character(jj$V2)
rownames(results) <- players
colnames(results) <- players
points <- rowSums(results,na.rm=TRUE)

Now some comparison between stockholm1962.txt (results) and stockholm1962_matches.txt (results2):

H <- hyper2(pnames=c("white","draw",players))
H_coll <- hyper2(pnames=c("white","draw","collusion",players))

restab <- read.table("stockholm1962_matches.txt",header=FALSE)
stopifnot(all(unique(sort(c(as.character(restab$V1),as.character(restab$V2)))) == sort(players)))
results2 <- matrix(0,length(players),length(players))
rownames(results2) <- players
colnames(results2) <- players
diag(results2) <- NA

for(i in seq_len(nrow(restab))){
    white_player <- as.character(restab[i,1])
    black_player <- as.character(restab[i,2])
    match_result <- as.character(restab[i,3])

    nw <- which(players==white_player)
    nb <- which(players==black_player)

    if(match_result == "1-0"){ # white win
        results2[nw,nb] <- 2
        results2[nb,nw] <- 0

        H[c(white_player             ,"white"       )] %<>% inc()
        H[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()

        if(nationality[nw]=="USSR" & nationality[nb]=="USSR"){
            H_coll[c(white_player             ,"white"       )] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","collusion")] %<>% dec()
        } else {
            H_coll[c(white_player             ,"white"       )] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()
    } else if(match_result == "0-1"){ # black wins
        results2[nw,nb] <- 0
        results2[nb,nw] <- 2
        H[c(             black_player               )] %<>% inc()
        H[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()

        if(nationality[nw]=="USSR" & nationality[nb]=="USSR"){
            H_coll[c(             black_player                    )] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","collusion")] %<>% dec()
        } else {  # collusion not playing
            H_coll[c(             black_player               )] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()

    } else if (match_result == "1/2-1/2"){ # draw
        results2[nw,nb] <- 1
        results2[nb,nw] <- 1
        H[c(                                  "draw")] %<>% inc()
        H[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()

        if(nationality[nw]=="USSR" & nationality[nb]=="USSR"){
            H_coll[c(                                  "collusion")] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","collusion")] %<>% dec()
        } else {  # collusion not playing
            H_coll[c(                                  "draw")] %<>% inc()
            H_coll[c(white_player,black_player,"white","draw")] %<>% dec()
    } else {
        stop("not possible")
}  # i loop closes

So, results [from the square matrix] and results2 [from the 3-column dataframe] should match:

stopifnot(all(results[!] == results2[!]))

Now some maximum likelihood estimation.

H_maxp <- maxp(H)
small <- 0.01

maxlike_free <- maxp(H_coll,startp=c(small,small,small/2,rep(small,22)),give=TRUE)
jj <- maxlike_free$par
maxlike_free <- maxp(H_coll,startp=jj,give=TRUE)
H_coll_maxp <- maxlike_free$value

Package dataset {-}

Following lines create interzonal.rda, residing in the data/ directory of the package.

interzonal <- H
interzonal_maxp <- H_maxp
collusion <- H_coll
collusion_maxp <- H_coll_maxp

References {-}

RobinHankin/hyper2 documentation built on May 6, 2024, 4:25 p.m.