knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options("digits" = 5)
showsome <- function(D){
jj <- round(D[c(1:4,nrow(D)),],4)
jj[4,] <- "..."
rownames(jj)[4] <- "..."
knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/hyper2.png", package = "hyper2"))

To cite the hyper2 package in publications, please use @hankin2017_rmd. This short document creates the pudding suite of R objects and presents some preliminary analysis. It is not particularly well-structured or terse and is essentially a sequence of notes. It follows Davidson 1970 and the PlackettLuce package.

Here is the pudding result:

pudding_table <- pudding  # standard hyper2 terminology
rownames(pudding_table) <- apply(allbinom(6,2),2,paste,collapse="v")

Here is a method to convert the pudding matrix to a hyper2 likelihood function:

numbers <- as.character(1:6)
puddings <- paste("pudding",numbers,sep="_")
tyers    <- paste("tie",numbers,sep="_")

`convert` <- function(M){

    H <- hyper2()
    I <- hyper2()
    J <- hyper2()
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(M))){
        r_ij <- M[i,3]
        w_ij <- M[i,4]
        w_ji <- M[i,5]
        t_ij <- M[i,6]
        H[c(puddings[c(M[i,1]       )]      )] %<>% inc(w_ij)
        H[c(puddings[c(       M[i,2])]      )] %<>% inc(w_ji)
        H[c(                           "tie")] %<>% inc(t_ij) 
        H[c(puddings[c(M[i,1],M[i,2])],"tie")] %<>% dec(r_ij)

        I[c(puddings[c(M[i,1]       )]      )] %<>% inc(w_ij)
        I[c(puddings[c(       M[i,2])]      )] %<>% inc(w_ji)
        I[c(tyers   [c(M[i,1],M[i,2])]      )] %<>% inc(t_ij)
        I[c(puddings[c(M[i,1],M[i,2])],tyers[c(M[i,1],M[i,2])])] %<>% dec(r_ij)    

        J[c(puddings[c(M[i,1]       )],"first")] %<>% inc(w_ij)
        J[c(puddings[c(       M[i,2])]        )] %<>% inc(w_ji)
        J[c(tyers   [c(M[i,1],M[i,2])]        )] %<>% inc(t_ij)
        J[c(puddings[c(M[i,1],M[i,2])],tyers[c(M[i,1],M[i,2])],"first")] %<>% dec(r_ij)


Function convert() gives a list of three hyper2 objects. The first assumes that each pudding has a strength $p_i$, $1\leq i\leq 6$ and

[ \operatorname{Prob}(i\succ j) = \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D}\ \operatorname{Prob}(j\succ i) = \frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D}\ \operatorname{Prob}(i\sim j) = \frac{D}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D} ]

where $p_i,D\geq 0$ and $\sum p_i+D=1$ (here $i\succ j$ means $i$ is preferred to $j$ and $i\sim j$ means no preference). The second element is a generalization of the first, allowing the tying propensities to differ:

[ \operatorname{Prob}(i\succ j) = \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j}\ \operatorname{Prob}(j\succ i) = \frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j}\ \operatorname{Prob}(i\sim j) = \frac{D}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j} ]

where $\sum p_i+D_i=1$. The third element is a generalization of the second, giving the first pudding a "first-mover" advantage analogous to the home-team advantage in football, or playing white in chess:

[ \operatorname{Prob}(i\succ j) = \frac{\pi_i+F}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j+F}\ \operatorname{Prob}(j\succ i) = \frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j+F}\ \operatorname{Prob}(i\sim j) = \frac{D}{\pi_i+\pi_j+D_i+D_j+F} ]

Above, the first-mover advantage is given to pudding $i$. We can use these now:

lf <- convert(pudding_table)
pudding <- lf[[1]] # standard hyper2 terminology
pudding2 <- lf[[2]]
pudding3 <- lf[[3]]
pudding_maxp  <- maxp(pudding)
pudding2_maxp <- maxp(pudding2)
pudding3_maxp <- maxp(pudding3)

Pudding 1

We will analyse pudding first:


First we use pudding to test a null of equal pudding strengths:


so according to samep.test() the puddings are all the same strength. We note that the propensity to tie cannot possibly be zero but we can give a profile likelihood curve:

ptie <- seq(from=0.08,len=20,to=0.15)
l <- profsupp(pudding,"tie",ptie)

and we see that a credible interval for the proclivity to tie would be $(0.095,0.127)$.

Pudding 2

Object pudding2 includes a pudding-specific propensity to tie. We can test different nulls:


Pudding 3

Object pudding3 includes a first-mover advantage:


We can see above that the first-mover advantage is small (and indeed a "second-mover advantage") is also very small.

Davidson's analysis

Davidson (1970) considers the following probability model:

[ \operatorname{Prob}(i\succ j) = \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i+\pi_j+\nu\sqrt{\pi_i\pi_j}}\ \operatorname{Prob}(j\succ i) = \frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i+\pi_j+\nu\sqrt{\pi_i\pi_j}}\ \operatorname{Prob}(i\sim j) = \frac{\nu\sqrt{\pi_i\pi_j}}{\pi_i+\pi_j+\nu\sqrt{\pi_i\pi_j}} ]

and gives the following estimate for the pudding data:

davidson <- c(0.1388005,0.1729985, 0.1617420, 0.1653930, 0.1586805, 0.2023855, 0.7468147)
names(davidson) <- c(puddings,"tie")

Although the probability model is different, we may compare the probabilities of $i\succ j$, $j\succ i$, and $i\sim j$ for $i<j$ with the two models. This gives us a total of $3{6\choose 2}=45$ (nonindependent) probabilities and we may plot a scattergraph:

ph <- pudding_maxp # ph == 'pudding hankin'; saves typing
pd <- davidson     # pd == 'pudding davidson'

`hankin` <- function(ph){
  ##  ph a vector of length n+1; first n entries are strengths, last one
  ##  propensity to tie
  n <- length(ph)-1
  m <- allbinom(n,2)
  out <- matrix(NA,nrow=ncol(m),ncol=3)
  colnames(out) <- c("i","j","tie")
  rownames(out) <- apply(m,2,paste,collapse="v")
  th <- ph[n+1]
  for(o in seq_len(ncol(m))){
      i <- m[1,o]
      j <- m[2,o]
      dh <- ph[i] + ph[j] + th    # dh == 'denominator hankin'
      out[o,1] <- ph[i]/dh
      out[o,2] <- ph[j]/dh
      out[o,3] <- th/dh

`davidson` <- function(pd){

  ##  pd a vector of length n+1; first n entries are strengths, last one
  ##  nu
  n <- length(pd)-1  # how many puddings
  nu <- pd[n+1]  
  m <- allbinom(n,2)
  out <- matrix(NA,nrow=ncol(m),ncol=3)
  colnames(out) <- c("i","j","tie")
  rownames(out) <- apply(m,2,paste,collapse="v")
  nu <- pd[n+1]
  for(o in seq_len(ncol(m))){
      i <- m[1,o]
      j <- m[2,o]
      dd <- pd[i] + pd[j] + nu*sqrt(pd[i]*pd[j])  # dd == 'denominator davidson'
      out[o,1] <- pd[i]/dd
      out[o,2] <- pd[j]/dd
      out[o,3] <- nu*sqrt(pd[i]*pd[j])/dd

plotter <- function(ph,pd,...){
  h <- hankin(ph)
  d <- davidson(pd)
  nh <- nrow(h)
jj <- c(2,5)/10

Now calculate likelihoods:

n <- pudding_table[,-(1:3)]
h <- hankin(ph)
d <- davidson(pd)
(suppdiff <- sum(n*log(d))-sum(n*log(h)))

Above we see that Davidson's method has almost 3 units of support more than RBT. However, we note that Davidson's model has seven degrees of freedom while RBT has only six (because of the the unit sum constraint). Here Wilks's theorem is not applicable because the two models are not nested but even so the likelihood ratio is a meaningful statistic.


Appendix: synthetic datasets

Above we see that, according to this model, there is no evidence to suggest that the puddings' strengths, or their tying ability, differ. But we can adduce a dataset for which the tying ability does differ. Consider this:

p <- pudding_table
p[1 ,4:6] <- c(10,10,37)  # 1v2
p[2 ,4:6] <- c(10,10,27)  # 1v3
p[4 ,4:6] <- c(10,10,24)  # 1v4
p[7 ,4:6] <- c(10,10,20)  # 1v5
p[11,4:6] <- c(10,10,31)  # 1v6

(above, we doctor the dataset so that any comparison involving pudding 1 has a high probability of tying). Then:

Hp <- convert(p)[[2]]
mHp <- maxp(Hp)
mHpt <- mHp[7:12]  #just the tyers



(above we see that pudding 1 does indeed have a higher tie probability). Test the null of equal tying probabilities:

(tHp <- samep.test(Hp,tyers))

Above analysis shows that we can reject the null that all puddings have the same tying propensity.

Test of Davidson vs Hankin

Although the likelihood for Davidson's model was higher than mine for the original dataset, we can create a synthetic dataset which is a random observation drawn from a reified Bradley-Terry probability model. I will then test the hypothesis that the data is in fact drawn from an RBT distribution by calculating a likelihood ratio.

f <- function(i){rmultinom(1,50,prob=h[i,])} # f(i) = sample from row i of h
synth <- pudding_table
synth[,-(1:3)] <- t(sapply(1:15,f))  # random sample
synth[,3] <- 50
rownames(synth) <- rownames(p)
colnames(synth) <- colnames(p)

Above, synth is a dataset drawn from an RBT model with maximum likelihood parameters obtained from the original dataset. We now use both methods. First reified Bradley-Terry:

(H_synth <- convert(synth)[[1]])
ph_synth <- maxp(H_synth)

The above strengths are different from (but not too different from) the value obtained from maxp(H) above. Now analyse the same dataset but using the method given in the PlackettLuce vignette:

PlackettLuce_coef <- function(pudding_table){
i_wins <- data.frame(Winner = pudding_table$i, Loser = pudding_table$j)
j_wins <- data.frame(Winner = pudding_table$j, Loser = pudding_table$i)
  ties <- data.frame(Winner = asplit(pudding_table[c("i", "j")], 1),
                     Loser = rep(NA, 15))
R <- as.rankings(rbind(i_wins, j_wins, ties),
                 input = "orderings")
w <- unlist(pudding_table[c("w_ij", "w_ji", "t_ij")])
mod <- PlackettLuce(R, weights = w, npseudo = 0, maxit = 70)

As a consistency check, try verifying the original result:


Above, we see values that match those in the PlackettLuce vignette. Now apply the same method to the synthetic dataset synth:

(pd_synth <- PlackettLuce_coef(synth))

Now we need to calculate the probabilities:

showsome(h_synth <- hankin(ph_synth))
showsome(d_synth <- davidson(pd_synth))

And calculate a likelihood ratio for the two hypotheses, RBT and Davidson:

showsome(n <- synth[,-(1:3),])
(lh_synth <- sum(n*log(h_synth)))  # Hankin; RBT
(ld_synth <- sum(n*log(d_synth)))  # Davidson
lh_synth - ld_synth

So reified Bradley-Terry is better than Davidson, but (in this case at least) not by much. The difference is small because the puddings have very similar strengths. We can repeat the analysis but with puddings of different strengths:

dpudstrengths <- c(zipf(6)*0.9,tie=0.1)  # different pudding strengths
names(dpudstrengths) <- c(puddings,"tie")

Above we see that pudding_1 is six times stronger than pudding_6 in accordance with Zipf's law. Same analysis as before:

showsome(h2 <- hankin(dpudstrengths))
f <- function(i){rmultinom(1,50,prob=h2[i,])} 
synth2 <- pudding_table
synth2[,-(1:3)] <- t(sapply(1:15,f))  # random sample
synth2[,3] <- 50
rownames(synth2) <- rownames(p)
colnames(synth2) <- colnames(p)

OK so synth2 is a different synthetic dataset but this time with pudding strengths following Zipf. As before, create a hyper2 object and find the evaluate:

H_synth2 <- convert(synth2)[[1]] # a hyper2 likelihood function
ph_synth2 <- maxp(H_synth2)

As a consistency check compare estimate with true value:

ph_synth2-dpudstrengths  # difference is small

Now Davidson estimate using synth2:

(pd_synth2 <- PlackettLuce_coef(synth2))
h_synth2 <- hankin(ph_synth2)
d_synth2 <- davidson(pd_synth2)
showsome(h_synth2)  # same as before

And calculate a support function:

n <- synth2[,-(1:3),]  # as before, extract just the counts
(lh_synth2 <- sum(n*log(h_synth2)))
(ld_synth2 <- sum(n*log(d_synth2)))
lh_synth2 - ld_synth2

So this time the difference in support is larger, due to the puddings having different strengths.

Package dataset {-}

Following lines create pudding.rda, residing in the data/ directory of the package.


References {-}

RobinHankin/hyper2 documentation built on May 6, 2024, 4:25 p.m.