knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options("digits" = 5)


Surfing is a popular and growing activity in terms of both participation and viewing [@warshaw2010]. Competitive surfing involves surfers competing against one or two other surfers in heats lasting 30-50 minutes [@booth1995]. Points are awarded on a 10-point scale: each of five judges awards points to a surfer riding a particular wave. The World Surf League (WSL) is the main governing body of surfing competitions [@wsl]. The WSL conducts a world tour in which the best ranked 34 surfers compete; in addition, at each tour venue, two "wildcard" surfers also enter the competition, who are ignored here. The 2019 WSL tour saw competitive events held at eleven different surf locations.

The typical format is as follows. Up to four surfers---the competitors---are in the water simultaneously, watched by up to five judges. Subject to surfing etiquette, competitors are free to catch a wave at their discretion within the heat's time window, typically 20-30 minutes. The judges rate each wave ride and award points to the surfer based on a range of subjective criteria such as stylish execution and transition of manoeuvres, but also credit elements such as the difficulty and novelty of the performance. The top score and bottom score among the five judges are removed and the remaining three judges' scores are averaged to give the final score for the surfer for that wave. Each surfer's aggregate score is given by the average of the two highest-scoring waves. The winner is the surfer with the highest aggregate score.

Such scoring systems are designed to account for the random nature of wave quality while reflecting competitors' abilities fairly. Differences in wave quality between successive days mean that direct comparison of scores between one day and another are not informative about competitors' abilities as they are strongly dependent on details of wave quality at the time of the competition. However, for a particular heat, the order statistic---that is, which competitor scored most highly, second highest, and third---is informative about competitors' abilities: the wave environment is common to each surfer.

We note in passing that wct8, hosted at Lemoore had a different format from the other venues in the championship, being held in an artificial wave pool in which every wave was essentially identical (up to a mirror reflection). Statistically, there were seven heats of either 2, 4, 8, or 16 surfers. We show below how to incorporate the information present in such observations with the remainder of the championship using a consistent and intuitive statistical model.

Previous related work

@farley2013 analyse surfing results using one-way ANOVA techniques and report comparisons between the top 10 and bottom 10 surfers in the 2013 World Championship Tour and conclude that the top-ranked athletes are more consistent than the lower-ranked group. They report that "To date, only a limited number of research studies have reported on the results of competitive surfing" [p44], and the analysis presented here is hoped to change that.

Other statistical research into competitive surfing appears to focus on the scoring of aerial manoeuvres compared with other manoeuvres in events. @lundgren2014, for example, report that aerial manoeuvres scored higher than other stunts but had a lower completion rate, a theme we return to below.


The Bradley-Terry model [@bradley1954] assigns non-negative strengths $p_1,\ldots, p_n$ to each of $n$ competitors in such a way that the probability of $i$ beating $j\neq i$ in pairwise competition is $\frac{p_i}{p_i+p_j}$; it is conventional to normalize so that $\sum p_i=1$. Further, we use a generalization due to [@luce1959], in which the probability of competitor~$i$ winning in a field of $\left\lbrace 1,\ldots, n\right\rbrace$ is $\frac{p_i}{p_1+\cdots +p_n}$. Noting that there is information in the whole of the finishing order, and not just the first across the line, we can follow [@plackett1975] and consider the runner-up to be the winner among the remaining competitors, and so on down the finishing order. Without loss of generality, if the order of finishing were $1,2,3,4,5$, then a suitable Plackett-Luce likelihood function would be

\begin{equation}\label{competitors_1_to_5_likelihood} \frac{p_1}{p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4+p_5}\cdot \frac{p_2}{p_2+p_3+p_4+p_5}\cdot \frac{p_3}{p_3+p_4+p_5}\cdot \frac{p_4}{p_4+p_5}\cdot \frac{p_5}{p_5} \end{equation}

and this would be a forward ranking Plackett-Luce model in the terminology of [@johnson2020]. We now use a technique due to Hankin (2010, 2017) and introduce fictional (reified) entities whose nonzero Bradley-Terry strength helps certain competitors or sets of competitors under certain conditions. The original example was the home-ground advantage in football. If players (teams) $1,2$ with strengths $p_1,p_2$ compete, and if our observation were $a$ home wins and $b$ away wins for team $1$, and $c$ home wins and $d$ away wins for team~$2$, then a suitable likelihood function would be

[ \left(\frac{p_1+p_H}{p_1+p_2+p_H}\right)^a \left(\frac{p_1}{p_1+p_2+p_H}\right)^b \left(\frac{p_2+p_H}{p_1+p_2+p_H}\right)^c \left(\frac{p_2+p_H}{p_1+p_2+p_H}\right)^d, ]

\noindent where $p_H$ is a quantification of the beneficial home ground effect. Similar techniques have been used to account for the first-move advantage in chess, and here we apply it to assess the Brazilian preference for reef-breaking waves.

surfing_table <- read.table("wct_table2019.txt",header=TRUE)
nationality <- function(surfers){surfing_table$nation[rownames(surfing_table) %in% surfers]}
surfing_venuetypes <- read.table("venuetypes2019.txt",header=TRUE)
beachtype <- function(venue){surfing_venuetypes$beachtype[which(surfing_venuetypes$comp==venue)]}

wildcards <- rownames(surfing_table)[-(1:36)]
QS <- rownames(surfing_table)[c(23:33,35:36)]

Some quick analysis of the wildcard surfers. First, how did the wildcards perform?

wilds <- as.matrix(surfing_table[-(1:36),2:12])
wilds[wilds == "INJ"] <- NA
wilds[wilds == "-"] <- NA

Above we see that 10 wildcards placed "33" [meaning last place], 16 placed "17" [second to last] three placed "9" and two placed "5". [the placings are treated as character strings which is why they are not in numerical orer]. Next, how many venues did each wildcard participate at?


We see that 20 wildcards appeared at 1 venue, 4 at two venues, and one (Willcox) at three venues.q

o <- strsplit(readLines("wct2019.txt")," ")
jj <- unlist(lapply(o,paste,collapse=" "))

The first line shows that, at one of the heats in wct01, Colapinto came first, Bailey second, and Wright came third. The last line shows that, at wct11, Ferreira came first and Medina came second.

Following idiom creates a table:

table(unlist(lapply(strsplit(jj, " "),length)))

This shows that object jj has 312 lines of 2 surfers, 160 lines with 3 surfers, 2 lines with 4 surfers, 2 lines with 8 surfers, and one line with 16 surfers.

We can convert the dataset into a Plackett-Luce likelihood function but first have to remove the wildcards and also player Vries whose maximum likelihood strength is zero.

remove <- c(wildcards, QS, "Vries")
wanted <- which(!(rownames(surfing_table) %in% remove)) # used at directlogplotofstrengths
surfing <- hyper2()
surfing_pairs <- hyper2()
for(v in o){
   r <- v[-1]  # first entry is venue
   numberretained <- sum(!(r %in% remove))
   if(numberretained > 1){
     r <- r[!(r %in% remove)]
     surfing <- surfing + race(r)
     if(numberretained == 2){
     r <- r[!(r %in% remove)]
     surfing_pairs <- surfing_pairs + race(r)

Object surfing is a loglikelihood function on the strengths of the competitors. Our first step is to find the evaluate:

surfing_maxp <- maxp(surfing)

Now compare surfing with surfing_pairs. First calculate

surfing_pairs_maxp <- maxp(surfing_pairs)

then plot


and the second step is to establish its consistency:

e_all <- eigen(hessian(surfing,indep(surfing_maxp)),T,T)$values
e_pairs <- eigen(hessian(surfing_pairs,indep(surfing_pairs_maxp)),T,T)$values
f <- function(x){prod(sort(x)[-1])}

and we may display it using a dot chart:

`mydotchart` <- 
function (x, labels = NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL, offset = 1/8, 
    ann = par("ann"), xaxt = par("xaxt"), frame.plot = TRUE, 
    log = "", cex = par("cex"), pt.cex = cex, pch = 21, gpch = 21, 
    bg = par("bg"), color = par("fg"), gcolor = par("fg"), lcolor = "gray", 
    xlim = range(x[is.finite(x)]), main = NULL, xlab = NULL, 
    ylab = NULL, ...) 
    opar <- par("mai", "mar", "mgp", "cex", "yaxs")
    par(cex = cex, yaxs = "i")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) 
        stop("'x' must be a numeric vector or matrix")
    n <- length(x)
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
        if (is.null(labels)) 
            labels <- rownames(x)
        if (is.null(labels)) 
            labels <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(x)))
        labels <- rep_len(labels, n)
        if (is.null(groups)) 
            groups <- col(x, as.factor = TRUE)
        glabels <- levels(groups)
    else {
        if (is.null(labels)) 
            labels <- names(x)
        glabels <- if (!is.null(groups)) 
        if (!is.vector(x)) {
            warning("'x' is neither a vector nor a matrix: using as.numeric(x)")
            x <- as.numeric(x)
    linch <- if (!is.null(labels)) 
        max(strwidth(labels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
    else 0
    if (is.null(glabels)) {
        ginch <- 0
        goffset <- 0
    else {
        ginch <- max(strwidth(glabels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
        goffset <- offset
    nmai <- opar[["mai"]]
    if (ann) 
        nm.2 <- nmai[2L]
    if (!(is.null(labels) && is.null(glabels))) {
        yi <- if (is.null(ylab) || !ann) 
        else offset
        nm.2 <- nmai[4L] + max(yi + linch + goffset, ginch) + 
        if (nmai[2L] < nm.2) {
            nmai[2L] <- nm.2
            par(mai = nmai)
    if (is.null(groups)) {
        o <- seq_len(n)
        y <- o
        ylim <- c(0, n + 1)
    else {
        o <- sort.list(as.numeric(groups), decreasing = TRUE)
        x <- x[o]
        groups <- groups[o]
        color <- rep_len(color, length(groups))[o]
        lcolor <- rep_len(lcolor, length(groups))[o]
        pch <- rep_len(pch, length(groups))[o]
        of.1 <- cumsum(c(0, diff(as.numeric(groups)) != 0))
        y <- seq_len(n) + 2 * of.1
        ylim <- range(0, y + 2)
#    plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log)
    lheight <- par("csi")
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        loffset <- (linch + 0.1)/lheight
        mtext(labels[o], side = 2, line = loffset, at = y, adj = 0, 
            col = color, las = 2, cex = cex, ...)
    abline(h = y, lty = "dotted", col = lcolor)
    points(x, y, pch = pch, col = color, bg = bg, cex = pt.cex/cex)
    if (!is.null(groups)) {
        gpos <- rev(cumsum(rev(tapply(groups, groups, length)) + 
            2) - 1)
        ginch <- max(strwidth(glabels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
        goffset <- (max(linch + offset, ginch, na.rm = TRUE) + 
        mtext(glabels, side = 2, line = goffset, at = gpos, adj = 0, 
            col = gcolor, las = 2, cex = cex, ...)
        if (!is.null(gdata)) {
            abline(h = gpos, lty = "dotted")
            points(gdata, gpos, pch = gpch, col = gcolor, bg = bg, 
                cex = pt.cex/cex, ...)
    axis(1, xaxt = xaxt)
    if (frame.plot) 
    if (ann) {
        title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ...)
        mgp <- par("mgp")
        par(mgp = c(max(mgp[1], nm.2/lheight - 1.5), mgp[-1]))
        title(ylab = ylab, ...)
jj <- log(surfing_maxp)
kk <- log(surfing_pairs_maxp)
names(jj) <- NULL
names(kk) <- NULL
l <- c(-4.6, -1.5)
mydotchart(jj,col="red" ,pch=16,xlim=l,xaxt='n',frame.plot=FALSE)

jj <- log10(surfing_maxp)
dotchart(jj,pch=16,xlab="Log of Bradley-Terry strength of competitors (base 10)")

Test the null of equal strengths:

jjO <- surfing_table$points[wanted]
names(jjO) <- rownames(surfing_table)[wanted]
jjL <- surfing_maxp
jjO <- ordertrans(jjO)
jjL <- ordertrans(jjL)
plot(jjO,jjL,pch=16,log='xy',xlab='points',ylab='maximum likelihood strength')
fit <- lm(log10(jjL)~log10(jjO))
for(i in seq_along(jjO)){

plot(jjO,jjL,pch=16,log='xy',xlab='points',ylab='maximum likelihood strength',cex=1.5)
fit <- lm(log10(jjL)~log10(jjO))
for(i in seq_along(jjO)){
plot(jjO,jjL,pch=16,log='y',xlab='points',ylab='maximum likelihood strength',cex=1.5)
fit <- lm(log10(jjL)~(jjO))
for(i in seq_along(jjO)){

Now compare the finishing order based on points vs the finishing order on likelhood:

rL <- sort(surfing_maxp,decreasing=TRUE)
rL[] <- seq_along(rL)    # likelihood-based rank
rO <- seq_len(nrow(surfing_table[wanted,]))
names(rO) <- rownames(surfing_table)[wanted]
ordertransplot(rO,rL,xlab="offical rank",ylab="likelihood rank",main="")
ordertransplot(rO,rL,xlab="offical rank",ylab="likelihood rank",main="")
samep.test(surfing, c("Ferreira","Medina"))
samep.test(surfing, c("Ferreira","Florence"))
samep.test(surfing, c("Florence","Medina"))
samep.test(surfing, c("Florence","Medina","Ferreira"))
samep.test(surfing, c("Medina","Wilson"))

Medina's performance at the Surf Ranch

We will test the null that Medina's performance at the Surf Ranch wa the same as his performance in the remainder of the tourament.

surfing_wct08     <- hyper2()
surfing_elsewhere <- hyper2()

for(v in o){
   venue <- v[1]
   r <- v[-1]  # first entry is venue

   r <- r[!(r %in% remove)]
       if(venue == "wct08"){
           rmod <- r
           rmod[rmod == "Medina"] <- "Medina_wct08"
           surfing_wct08 <- surfing_wct08 + race(rmod)
       } else {
           surfing_elsewhere <- surfing_elsewhere + race(r)
} # v loop closes   
both_together <- surfing_wct08 + surfing_elsewhere

Now test the null that Medina's performance is identical at wct08 and elsewhere:


Brazilian null

One suggestion is that Brazilians do worse on reef break and better on point and beach break beaches. We now assess the null that Brazilians perform equally well on all types of beaches. To that end, we create a reified surfer, "Brazilian_beachtype", whose strength helps Brazilian surfers when surfing on their (putative) preferred beachtype.

surfing2 <- hyper2()
for(v in o){
   venue <- v[1]  # first entry is venue
   r <- v[-1] 
   numberretained <- sum(!(r %in% remove))
   if(numberretained > 1){
     r <- r[!(r %in% remove)]
     jj <- race(r)
     surfers <- pnames(jj)
       if((beachtype(venue)=="point") | (beachtype(venue) == "beach")){
         jj %<>% pwa(surfers[nationality(surfers)=="BRA"],"Brazilian_beachtype")
     surfing2 %<>% sum(jj)
(surfing2_maxp <- maxp(surfing2)),"Brazilian_beachtype",0)
p <- seq(from=0.001,to=0.01,by=0.0005)
l <- profsupp(surfing2,"Brazilian_beachtype",p,relative=FALSE)
l0 <- loglik(indep(surfing_maxp),surfing)
plot(c(0,p),c(l0,l)-max(l),type='b',xlab="Brazilian beachtype",ylab="support")
p_wide <- seq(from=0.002,to=0.04,by=0.002)
l_wide <- profsupp(surfing2,"Brazilian_beachtype",p_wide,relative=FALSE)
plot(c(0,p_wide),c(l0,l_wide)-max(l),type='b',xlab="Brazilian beachtype wide",ylab="support")
abline(h= -2,lty=2)
plot(c(0,p_wide),c(l0,l_wide)-max(l),type='b',xlab="Bradley-Terry strength of the Brazilian beachtype reified entity",ylab="Support")
abline(h= -2,lty=2)

Generalized log-odds ratios

all_Brazilian_surfers <- rownames(surfing_table)[surfing_table$nation == "BRA"]
pnames(surfing2) %in% all_Brazilian_surfers
table(pnames(surfing2) %in% all_Brazilian_surfers)
Brazilian_surfers <- pnames(surfing2)[pnames(surfing2) %in% all_Brazilian_surfers]
f <- function(B,...){
  jj <- specificp.test(surfing2, "Brazilian_beachtype", B)
  mp <- jj$null_estimate
  n <- sum(names(mp) %in% all_Brazilian_surfers)
  GLO <- log(mp["Brazilian_beachtype"]^n/prod(mp[which(names(mp) %in% all_Brazilian_surfers)]))
  out <- c(B,GLO, support=jj$null_support)
  names(out) <- c("B","GLO","support")
braz <- c(0.0003,0.0005,0.0008, 0.001,0.0015,0.002,0.003,0.004,0.005,0.007,0.01,0.015,0.02,0.03,0.05)
M <-"rbind",lapply(braz,f))
M[,3] <- M[,3]-max(M[,3])
plot(M[,2],M[,3]-max(M[,3]),type='b',xlab="Brazilian beachtype (log-odds)",ylab="support")
plot(M[,2],M[,3]-max(M[,3]),type='b',ylim=c(-0.3,0),xlab="Brazilian beachtype (log-odds)",ylab="support")

compatriot selection

scomp <- hyper2()
scomp3 <- hyper2()  # scomp3 is the likelihood function for just the races with 3 competitors, 2 of one nationality and one odd-man-out.
for(v in o){
   r <- v[-1]  # first entry is venue; "r" for "race"
   numberretained <- sum(!(r %in% remove))
   if(numberretained > 1){
     r <- r[!(r %in% remove)]
     if(numberretained ==3){
       nationalities <- c(nationality(r[1]),nationality(r[2]),nationality(r[3]))
       if(length(unique(nationalities)) == 2){
         if(sum(nationalities %in% nationality(r[1])) == 1){ # winner is the odd one out
           Hjj <- pwa(race(r),pwa=r[1])
           print("odd one out is number 1")
         } else if(sum(nationalities %in% nationality(r[2]) ) == 1){ # second best is the odd one out
           Hjj <- pwa(race(r),pwa=r[2])
           print("odd one out is number 2")
         } else if(sum(nationalities %in% nationality(r[3])) == 1){  # third best is the odd one out
       Hjj <- pwa(race(r),pwa=r[3])
           print("odd one out is number 3")
         } else {
           stop("this cannot happen")
         scomp <- scomp + Hjj      # add compatriot-monster modified likelihood 
         scomp3 <- scomp3 + Hjj
       } else {                    # 3 in race, but no compatriot monster...
         scomp <- scomp + race(r)  # ... so use regular Plackett-Luce for 3-competitor race
     } else {                    # if(numberretained==3) closes...
       scomp <- scomp + race(r)  # numberretained !=3; use regular Plackett-Luce
  } # if(numberretained>1) closes
} # for(v in o) loop closes
maxs <- maxp(scomp)

Now profile likelihood:

p <- c(0.0002,seq(from=0.001,to=0.02,len=10))
l <- profsupp(scomp,"S",p,relative=FALSE)

plot it:

plot(p,l,type='b',xlab="compatriot support",ylab="support",main="profile support for S, scomp")

Now profile likelihood:

p <- c(0.0002,seq(from=0.001,to=0.02,len=10))
l <- profsupp(scomp3,"S",p,relative=FALSE,n=100)

plot it:

plot(p,l,type='b',xlab="compatriot support",ylab="support",main="profile support for S, scomp3")

We can do a much more basic test on just the entries with three competitors comprising two of one nationality and one of a different nationality:

##     Dora Ferreira   Slater 
##   2.5741  12.5929   3.8933  (3)

##     Smith    Buchan Freestone 
##    5.2764    2.0552    1.8673  (1)

##   Slater   Andino Callinan 
##   3.8933   5.9190   1.8408  (3)

## Crisanto   Wilson   Ibelli 
##   2.1644   2.7100   2.2479  (2)

##     Moniz    Wright Freestone 
##    3.0250    3.6502    1.8673 (1)

## Carmichael  Freestone     Flores 
##     1.8855     1.8673     2.0480 (3)

##    Bourez    Wright Freestone 
##    1.9068    3.6502    1.8673 (1)

## Colapinto    Flores    Bourez 
##    2.9871    2.0480    1.9068  (1)

## Ferreira   Morais   Ibelli 
##  12.5929   1.0817   2.2479 (2)

## Freestone    Flores    Bourez 
##    1.8673    2.0480    1.9068  (1)

##     Dora Ferreira   Morais 
##   2.5741  12.5929   1.0817 (1)

M <- matrix(c(
, 5.2764, 2.0552,1.8673,1
, 3.8933, 5.9190,1.8408,3
, 2.1644, 2.7100,2.2479,2
, 3.0250, 3.6502,1.8673,1
, 1.8855, 1.8673,2.0480,3
, 1.9068, 3.6502,1.8673,1
, 2.9871, 2.0480,1.9068,1
,12.5929, 1.0817,2.2479,2
, 1.8673, 2.0480,1.9068,1
, 2.5741,12.5929,1.0817,1),byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)

for(i in seq_len(nrow(M))){ M[i,1:3] <-   M[i,1:3]/sum(M[i,1:3])}
print(M)  # rows 1-3 of M are strengths of the first, second, third
          # competitors.  Row 4 is the place of the odd-man-out.  Thus
          # on row 1, the odd-man-out came third, and on row 2, the
          # odd-man-out came first.

p <- M[cbind(1:11, M[,4])]
                                        ## element i of p is the probability of the odd-man-out
                                        ## winning, given the maximum likelihood estimate.

ww <-table(replicate(1e5,sum(rbinom(11,1,p))))
sum(ww[7:10])/sum(ww) # pvalue for observation of six wins by the odd-man-out

Package dataset {-}

Following lines create surfing.rda, residing in the data/ directory of the package.



RobinHankin/hyper2 documentation built on April 21, 2024, 11:38 a.m.