knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

![](`r system.file("help/figures/partitions.png", package = "partitions")`){width=10%}


A generating function for restricted partitions---originally due, as far as I can tell, to Wilf (2000)---is presented and R idiom using the spray package given. The generating function approach is shown to be not particularly efficient compared to the direct enumeration used in the partitions package.


The partitions package gives functionality for various integer partition enumeration problems including that of restricted partitions, function restrictedparts():

(jj <- restrictedparts(7,3))

Here I will consider function R(), which calculates the size of the matrix required:


Function R() is very basic; all it does is to go through all the restricted partitions, counting them one by one until the recursion bottoms out:

unsigned int numbrestrictedparts(int *x, const int m){
        unsigned int count=1;

        while(c_nextrestrictedpart(x, &m)==0){
        return count;

To implement a potentially more efficient method, we can use generating functions. Here we follow Wilf and, using his terminology, define an infinite polynomial $P(x,y)$ as follows:

\begin{equation}\label{GF} P(x,y) = \prod_{r=0}^\infty\frac{1}{1-x^ry} \end{equation}

Or, expanding:

\begin{equation}\label{GF2} P(x,y) = \left(1+y+y^2+y^3 + \cdots\right) \left(1 + xy + x^2y^2 + x^3y^3+\cdots\right) %\left(1 + x^2y + x^4y^2+x^6y^3+\cdots\right) \cdots \left(1+x^ry+x^{2r}y^{2}+x^{3r}y^{3}+\cdots\right)\cdots \end{equation}

The power of $x$ counts the total of the chosen integers (the size of the partition), and the power of $y$ counts the number of integers chosen (the length of the partition). Thus the number of partitions of $k$ into at most $n$ parts is the coefficient of $x^ky^n$ in $P(x,y)$. In numerical work it is convenient and efficient to ignore terms with a power of $x$ higher than $n$ (sum of integers chosen exceeds $n$), or with power of $y$ higher than $k$ (number of integers chosen exceeds $k$). Taking R(3,7, as an example we would truncate equation \ref{GF2} as follows:

\begin{eqnarray}\label{GF3} P(x,y) = &{}& \left(1+y+y^2+y^3\right) \left(1 + xy + x^2y^2 + x^3y^3\right) \left(1 + x^2y + x^4y^2+x^6y^3\right)\times\nonumber\ &{}&\left(1 + x^3y + x^6y^2\right) \left(1 + x^4y\right) \left(1 + x^5y\right) \left(1 + x^6y\right) \left(1 + x^7y\right) \end{eqnarray}

and the coefficients of $P(x,y)$ up to $x^7y^3$ would correctly count the restricted partitions. Note that we need consider only at most four terms in each bracket (powers of $y$ above three being irrelevant) and we may stop the continued product at the $x^7$ term as further brackets contain only one and powers of $x$ above the eighth.

The R implementation uses the spray package, in particular function ooom(x) which returns $\frac{1}{1-x}$.

R_gf <- function(k,n){   # version 1
   x <- spray(cbind(1,0))
   y <- spray(cbind(0,1))
   P <- ooom(y,k)  # term x^0; number of zeros chosen
   for(i in seq_len(k)){  # starts at 1
     P <- P*ooom(x^i*y,n)



We can do slightly better in terms of efficiency by ruthlessly cutting out powers higher than needed:

strip <- function(P,k,n){  # strips out powers higher than needed
  ind <- index(P)
  val <- elements(coeffs(P))
  wanted <- (ind[,1] <= k) & (ind[,2] <= n)

which is used here:

R_gf2 <- function(k,n,give_poly=FALSE){
   x <- spray(cbind(x=1,y=0))
   y <- spray(cbind(x=0,y=1))
   P <- ooom(y,k)  # term x^0
   for(i in seq_len(k)){  # starts at 1
     P <- strip(P*ooom(spray(cbind(i,0))*y, min(n,ceiling(k/i))),k,n)
   } else {



Computational efficiency

We can test the computational efficiency of the generating function approach using larger values of $k$ and $n$:

k <- 140
n <- 4

system.time(jj1 <- R(n,k,
system.time(jj2 <- R_gf2(k,n))

So the generating function approach is not particularly efficient, at least not in this sort of use-case with the spray package. It might be better with the mvp package; I don't know.

Of course, R_gf2() calculates the generating polynomial which gives very much more information than is returned. Perhaps this is why it is so slow compared to function R(), although it is surprising to see direct enumeration so heavily outperforming a generating function.


H. S. Wilf, 2000. "Lectures on Integer Partitions"

RobinHankin/partitions documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 6:26 p.m.