API for RobinL/costmodelr
Build cost models in R from lists of assumptions, with rigorous unit tests

Global functions
%<>% Man page
%>% Man page
%>%#' Man page
add_key_dates_categorisations Man page
add_oneoff_costs Man page
add_recurring_cost Man page
add_staff_utilisation Man page
add_user_variable_costs Man page
apply_absolute_increase_to_df_col Man page
apply_percentage_growth_multiplier_to_df_col Man page
check_date_compatibility Man page
constant_growth_interpolation Man page
convert_excel_dates_in_df Man page
create_cost_model Man page
create_id_column Man page
date_to_addition_absolute_increase Man page
date_to_multiplier_percentage_growth Man page
expand_staff_utilisation_to_time_horizon Man page
expand_to_time_horizon Man page
get_all_dates Man page
get_all_dates_df Man page
get_cumulative_costs Man page
get_min_max_dates Man page
get_oneoff_cost_chunk Man page
get_oneoff_cost_id Man page
get_recurring_cost_chunk Man page
get_user_variable_costs_chunk Man page
get_user_variable_costs_id Man page
get_xr Man page
interpolate_days Man page
interpolate_days_character Man page
interpolate_days_numeric Man page
kd_all_dates_days Man page
kd_max Man page
kd_min Man page
posixt_cols_to_date Man page
process_oneoff_costs Man page
process_user_variable_costs Man page
remove_named_cols_from_df Man page
run_cost_model Man page
setting_append_to_categorisation_columns Man page
setting_categorisation_columns Man page
setting_deflator_base_date Man page
shiny_bubble Man page
shiny_vis Man page
stop_duplicated_dates Man page
stop_expected_fields Man page
stop_if_nonnumeric Man page
stop_if_not_date Man page
RobinL/costmodelr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:30 a.m.