Man pages for Robinlovelace/photomapr
Create Maps from Geotagged Photos

geotagged_photo_pathsReturn file paths of small geotagged photos, shipped with...
geotagged_photosStats19 schema and variables
make_iconMake a icons from original photos
make_iconsGenerate a list of icon images
photo_add_captionsAdd photo captions with preview
photobookCreate photobook index
photobook_indexCreate an index.Rmd file
photo_compress_widthCompress photos
photo_groupGroup photos by time and location
photo_iconizeSave icons of photos
photomapCreates an interactive photomap
photo_rmdCreate an RMarkdown document from a series of photos
photo_selectHelper function to select photos
photos_sfConvert photo filepaths into geographic sf object
pipePipe operator
slideshowMake a slideshow of photos
Robinlovelace/photomapr documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 7:21 a.m.