Man pages for Roche/ggtips
Interactive Tooltips for ggplots

addCustomContentsAdd custom contents to the tooltips
assignLayoutNamesToPanelsAssign layout names to panel numbers
as_transAs trans
correctMarginsCorrect margin sizes
decimalPlacesGet decimal places per each element in x
demoRun a demo app for ggtips
filterGeomsFilter geometries by class(es)
freezeFactorLevelsFreeze factor levels
getAbsoluteXGet absolute X position(s) of an element
getAbsoluteYGet absolute Y position(s) of an element
getCharWidthGet width of a proportional character
getDependenciesload Front-End dependencies (use this function in any...
getGeomCoordsForGrobGet coords of grob's geometries
getGeomsFromGrobGet geometries for grob
getGrobColGet grob column(s)
getGrobRowGet grob row(s)
getGrobSizeGet grob size
getLayerAestheticsGet layer aesthetics
getLayerGeomGet layer geometries
getNamesFromVarDictUse columns defined in variable dictionary
getPlotLayerDataGet plot layer data
getRangesGet range data
getStringWidthGet width of a proportional string
getSvgAndTooltipdataRender SVG object and return it with tooltip data
getTooltipDataGet data for tooltip contents
getTooltipsGet tooltips
getViewportNameGet viewport name
gridColWidthGrid column width
gridRowHeightGrid row height
htmlWithGivenTooltipsRender plot with given tooltips data
isGgplot2check if loaded ggplot2 major version is 2
isNullUnitTest if x is a null-unit object
nameToGrobName to grob
orderByPanelsOrder by panels
parseMappingParse plot/layer mapping
plotWithTooltipsHelper function that can be used to render GGPlot with ggtips...
readSvgAndRemoveTextLengthAuxiliary function removing 'textLength' and 'lengthAdjust'...
removeOutOfRangeDataRemove out of range data
removeRowsWithNARemove rows with NA for required aes
renderWithTooltipsRender plot with tooltips
roundColumnRound data column values
roundValuesRound values
saveAndGetTooltipsSave ggplot and get tooltips
setFocusToSet focus to viewport
splitLongWordsSplit long words
tooltipDataToTextConvert tooltip data to character strings
unmapAesUnmap aesthetics
unmapFactorsUnmap factors
untransformScalesUntransform scales
wrapProportionalStringWrap proportional-font string
Roche/ggtips documentation built on May 14, 2022, 12:44 p.m.