
Defines functions slides_providence

Documented in slides_providence

#' Providence HTML template
#' Loads additional style and template file
#' @references https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dr-harper/example-rmd-templates/master/R/my_html_format.R
#' @param ... additional arguments provided to \code{moon_reader}
#' @export
slides_providence <- function(...) {

  # confirm deps ----
  if (!requireNamespace("xaringan", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package xaringan must be installed to use custom slide styles")

  # create file paths to package assets ----
  css    <- pkg_resource("rmarkdown/resources/slide-styles-test.css")

  # call the base html_document function ----
    seal = FALSE,
    css = css,

RollieParrish/ProvidenceThemes documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 7:54 p.m.