Man pages for RomeroBarata/dcme
Data Complexity Measures

corr_absMean Absolute Correlation Coefficient.
F1Fisher's Discriminant Ratio (F1).
F2Volume of Overlap Region (F2).
IRThe Imbalance Ratio (IR) of a Data Set.
N2Ratio of Average Intra/Inter Class NN Distance.
N3Error Rate of 1-NN Classifier.
N4Nonlinearity of the 1-NN Classifier.
num_classesThe Number of Classes in the Data Set.
num_examplesThe Number of Observations in the Data Set.
num_examples_majorityThe Number of Observations in the Majority Class.
num_examples_minorityThe Number of Observations in the Minority Class.
num_featuresThe Number of Features in the Data Set.
num_features_binaryThe Number of Binary Features in the Data Set.
num_features_categoricalThe Number of Categorical Feautures in the Data Set.
num_features_numericThe Number of Numeric Features in the Data Set.
proportion_examples_majorityThe Proportion of Majority Examples in the Data Set.
proportion_examples_minorityThe Proportion of Minority Examples in the Data Set.
proportion_features_binaryThe Proportion of Binary Features in the Data Set.
proportion_features_categoricalThe Proportion of Categorical Features in the Data Set.
proportion_features_numericThe Proportion of Numeric Features in the Data Set.
sd_ratioThe Geometric Mean Ratio of Standard Deviations.
split_x_and_ySplit a Data Set into Predictors and Target.
T2Average Number of Points per Dimension (T2).
RomeroBarata/dcme documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:24 p.m.