Man pages for RonGuymon/ronsFunctions
Ron's favorite functions

colorsToUseColor Palettes to Use
compareDatasetsCompare columns of multiple datasets NOT WORKING YET
convColsToCharacterConvert all columns to characters and convert NAs to blanks
convertClassesConvert classes of columns from one dataset to classes of...
datasetSummarySummary of a single dataset
densityPlotCreates a density plot of a quantitative vector
faceGetAdBreakdownGet Facebook Ad Details with Breakdowns
faceGetAdIdGet Facebook Ad Ids
findItFinds combinations of numbers that add up to a target value.
helloHello, World!
kMeansCalcClustersFunction to mathematically calculate the optimal number of...
kMeansClusterizeFunction to assign K-Means cluster number to each row of data
kMeansWssPlotReturns an elbow plot of within group SS for a sequential...
medReplaceReplace missing values of a column with the median
readExcelAllSheetsRead in all Excel sheets from a single Excel file.
readFilesCombine all files from a directory into one dataframe
remove0sdRemove columns with standard deviation of zero
removeNARowsRemove rows that exceed a specified percentage of missing...
removeNAsRemove columns that exceed a specified percentage of missing...
replaceColWithModeReplace missing values of a column with the modal value
shopifyHourlyGet Shopify Data on an Hourly Basis
shortenStatesConverts full state name to two letter abbreviation
tsForecastDailyDaily Time Series Forecast
tsForecastHourlyDaily Time Series Forecast By Hour
twitterUpdateDaily Twitter Data update
viewMissView a simple histogram of missing data
RonGuymon/ronsFunctions documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:42 a.m.