Man pages for RossDwyer/VTrack
A Collection of Tools for the Analysis of Passive Acoustic Telemetry Data

AATAMS1Passive Acoustic Monitoring of one animal in the AATAMS...
abacusPlotPlot daily detections over time (or across recievers)
COAShort-term Centers of Activity
ComputeAzimuthCompute the Azimuth Between Two Coordinates
ComputeDistanceCompute the Distance Between Two Coordinates
crocsPassive Acoustic Monitoring of Saltwater Crocodiles
detectionSummaryCalculate standard metrics of detection using passive...
dispersalSummaryCalculate metrics of dispersal using passive telemetry data
ExtractDataFilter a Subset of Data from a VTrack File
ExtractRecSummaryExtended Function to Extract Summary Data for each Receiver...
ExtractStationSummaryExtended Function to Extract Summary Data for each Station...
ExtractTagSummaryFunction to Extract Summary Data for each Transmitter in the...
ExtractUniqueValuesExtract Transmitters Found, or Receivers and Stations Used
GenerateAnimationKMLFileCreate Animation of Transmitter Residences and Movements to...
GenerateAnimationKMLFile_MultitagCreate Animation of Multiple Transmitters to View in Google...
GenerateAnimationKMLFile_TrackCreate Animation of Transmitter Track to View in Google Earth
GenerateCircuitousDistanceConverts a Points File into a Distance Matrix Using the...
GenerateDirectDistanceConverts a Points File into a Distance Matrix Using Direct...
GenerateLeastCostDistanceConverts a Points File into a Distance Matrix Using an...
HRprocessPreprocess activity space function
HRSummaryCalculate metrics of activity space using passive telemetry...
IMOSdataExample detection dataset sourced from IMOS ATF
NonResidenceExtractIdExtract the Non-residence Events, the Corresponding Distance...
PointsCircuitous_crocsPoints File Containing VR2 Locations on the Wenlock River in...
PointsDirect_AATAMS1Points File Containing VR2 Locations For AATAMS1
PointsDirect_crocsPoints File Containing VR2 Locations on the Wenlock River in...
ReadInputDataRead in a Raw VEMCO or AATAMS Data File into a VTrack Archive
ReturnVR2DistanceExtract the Distances Moved Between VR2 Receiver Units Within...
RunResidenceExtractionExtract Residence and Nonresidence Events Within the Acoustic...
RunSensorEventExtractionExtract Sensor Events within an Acoustic Detection Database
RunTimeProfileExtract a Time Profile for Depth, Temperature, Residence or...
setupDataSetup data prior to use with Animal Tracking Toolbox...
statinfoExample dataset containing receiver station metadata...
taginfoExample dataset containing tag metadata associated with...
VEMCOdataExample detection dataset exported from a VEMCO VUE database
VTrack-package'VTrack': A package housing a collection of R Functions for...
RossDwyer/VTrack documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 10:40 p.m.