Man pages for RoyChristian/ECSASconnect
Import and export data from the Eastern Canada Seabirds at Sea (ECSAS) and the Suivi des oiseaux en mer de l'est du Canada (SOMEC) databases

buildSOMECBuild new SOMEC database
data2SOMECImport raw survey data to the SOMEC database.
ECSAS.add.sample.labelAdd sample labels to a dataframe of watches
ECSAS.create.aerial.watchesCreate watches from aerial transects
ECSAS.create.transectsCreate transect lines from ECSAS watches
ECSAS.extractExtract data from ECSAS database
ECSAS.find.suspicious.posnFind ECSAS watches with suspicious positions
ECSAS.get.cruisesGet ECSAS cruises from database
ECSAS.get.tableGet ECSAS table from database
ECSASnamesNames for exports to ECSAS an SQL query on an ECSAS database
new_missionBuild a template for a new mission
new_namesCorrespondance between old names and new names
QC.extractExtract the information for the Quebec ECSAS database
SOMEC2ECSASExport QC data to the ECSAS database.
tblmissionselect.deleteMAke sute that the table tblmissionselect doesnt exist in the...
tblspselect.deleteMAke sute that the table tblspselect doesnt exist in the...
RoyChristian/ECSASconnect documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:21 p.m.