Man pages for RussellPolitzky/quake
Earthquake Data Visualizations

eq_clean_dataClean earthquake data
eq_create_labelCreate an HTML pop-up label showing location, magnitude and...
eq_location_cleanClean earthquake locations
eq_mapShow Earthquakes on a map with annotations
geom_timelineA 'ggplot2' layer function for timelines
GeomTimelineA 'ggplot2' 'Geom' prototype object for timelines
geom_timeline_labelAdd text labels to timelines produced with geom_timeline
GeomTimelineLabelA TimelineLabel geometry prototype object
theme_timelineTimeline theme with no y axis
theme_timeline_with_y_axis_textTimeline theme with minimal y-axis
RussellPolitzky/quake documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:35 p.m.